2 research outputs found

    Rotational circulant graphs

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    A Frobenius group is a transitive permutation group which is not regular but only the identity element can fix two points. Such a group can be expressed as the semi-direct product G=Kβ‹ŠHG = K \rtimes H of a nilpotent normal subgroup KK and another group HH fixing a point. A first-kind GG-Frobenius graph is a connected Cayley graph on KK with connection set an HH-orbit aHa^H on KK that generates KK, where HH has an even order or aa is an involution. It is known that the first-kind Frobenius graphs admit attractive routing and gossiping algorithms. A complete rotation in a Cayley graph on a group GG with connection set SS is an automorphism of GG fixing SS setwise and permuting the elements of SS cyclically. It is known that if the fixed-point set of such a complete rotation is an independent set and not a vertex-cut, then the gossiping time of the Cayley graph (under a certain model) attains the smallest possible value. In this paper we classify all first-kind Frobenius circulant graphs that admit complete rotations, and describe a means to construct them. This result can be stated as a necessary and sufficient condition for a first-kind Frobenius circulant to be 2-cell embeddable on a closed orientable surface as a balanced regular Cayley map. We construct a family of non-Frobenius circulants admitting complete rotations such that the corresponding fixed-point sets are independent and not vertex-cuts. We also give an infinite family of counterexamples to the conjecture that the fixed-point set of every complete rotation of a Cayley graph is not a vertex-cut.Comment: Final versio

    Frobenius circulant graphs of valency six, Eisenstein-Jacobi networks, and hexagonal meshes

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    A Frobenius group is a transitive but not regular permutation group such that only the identity element can fix two points. A finite Frobenius group can be expressed as G=Kβ‹ŠHG = K \rtimes H with KK a nilpotent normal subgroup. A first-kind GG-Frobenius graph is a Cayley graph on KK with connection set SS an HH-orbit on KK generating KK, where HH is of even order or SS consists of involutions. We classify all 6-valent first-kind Frobenius circulant graphs such that the underlying kernel KK is cyclic. We give optimal gossiping and routing algorithms for such a circulant and compute its forwarding indices, Wiener indices and minimum gossip time. We also prove that its broadcasting time is equal to its diameter plus two or three. We prove that all 6-valent first-kind Frobenius circulants with cyclic kernels are Eisenstein-Jacobi graphs, the latter being Cayley graphs on quotient rings of the ring of Eisenstein-Jacobi integers. We also prove that larger Eisenstein-Jacobi graphs can be constructed from smaller ones as topological covers, and a similar result holds for 6-valent first-kind Frobenius circulants. As a corollary any Eisenstein-Jacobi graph with order congruent to 1 modulo 6 and underlying Eisenstein-Jacobi integer not an associate of a real integer, is a cover of a 6-valent first-kind Frobenius circulant. A distributed real-time computing architecture known as HARTS or hexagonal mesh is a special 6-valent first-kind Frobenius circulant.Comment: This is the version to be published in European Journal of Combinatoric