22 research outputs found

    Max-stable sketches: estimation of Lp-norms, dominance norms and point queries for non-negative signals

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    Max-stable random sketches can be computed efficiently on fast streaming positive data sets by using only sequential access to the data. They can be used to answer point and Lp-norm queries for the signal. There is an intriguing connection between the so-called p-stable (or sum-stable) and the max-stable sketches. Rigorous performance guarantees through error-probability estimates are derived and the algorithmic implementation is discussed

    On Practical Algorithms for Entropy Estimation and the Improved Sample Complexity of Compressed Counting

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    Estimating the p-th frequency moment of data stream is a very heavily studied problem. The problem is actually trivial when p = 1, assuming the strict Turnstile model. The sample complexity of our proposed algorithm is essentially O(1) near p=1. This is a very large improvement over the previously believed O(1/eps^2) bound. The proposed algorithm makes the long-standing problem of entropy estimation an easy task, as verified by the experiments included in the appendix

    Recognizing well-parenthesized expressions in the streaming model

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    Motivated by a concrete problem and with the goal of understanding the sense in which the complexity of streaming algorithms is related to the complexity of formal languages, we investigate the problem Dyck(s) of checking matching parentheses, with ss different types of parenthesis. We present a one-pass randomized streaming algorithm for Dyck(2) with space \Order(\sqrt{n}\log n), time per letter \polylog (n), and one-sided error. We prove that this one-pass algorithm is optimal, up to a \polylog n factor, even when two-sided error is allowed. For the lower bound, we prove a direct sum result on hard instances by following the "information cost" approach, but with a few twists. Indeed, we play a subtle game between public and private coins. This mixture between public and private coins results from a balancing act between the direct sum result and a combinatorial lower bound for the base case. Surprisingly, the space requirement shrinks drastically if we have access to the input stream in reverse. We present a two-pass randomized streaming algorithm for Dyck(2) with space \Order((\log n)^2), time \polylog (n) and one-sided error, where the second pass is in the reverse direction. Both algorithms can be extended to Dyck(s) since this problem is reducible to Dyck(2) for a suitable notion of reduction in the streaming model.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure