2,451 research outputs found

    Poly-Logarithmic Adaptive Algorithms Require Unconditional Primitives

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    This paper studies the step complexity of adaptive algorithms using primitives stronger than reads and writes. We first consider unconditional primitives, like fetch&inc, which modify the value of the register to which they are applied, regardless of its current value. Unconditional primitives admit snapshot algorithms with O(log(k)) step complexity, where k is the total or the point contention. These algorithms combine a renaming algorithm with a mechanism for propagating values so they can be quickly collected. When only conditional primitives, e.g., compare&swap or LL/SC, are used (in addition to reads and writes), we show that any collect algorithm must perform Omega(k) steps, in an execution with total contention k in O(log(log(n))). The lower bound applies for snapshot and renaming, both one-shot and long-lived. Note that there are snapshot algorithms whose step complexity is polylogarithmic in n using only reads and writes, but there are no adaptive algorithms whose step complexity is polylogarithmic in the contention, even when compare&swap and LL/SC are used

    How to Elect a Leader Faster than a Tournament

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    The problem of electing a leader from among nn contenders is one of the fundamental questions in distributed computing. In its simplest formulation, the task is as follows: given nn processors, all participants must eventually return a win or lose indication, such that a single contender may win. Despite a considerable amount of work on leader election, the following question is still open: can we elect a leader in an asynchronous fault-prone system faster than just running a Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n)-time tournament, against a strong adaptive adversary? In this paper, we answer this question in the affirmative, improving on a decades-old upper bound. We introduce two new algorithmic ideas to reduce the time complexity of electing a leader to O(logn)O(\log^* n), using O(n2)O(n^2) point-to-point messages. A non-trivial application of our algorithm is a new upper bound for the tight renaming problem, assigning nn items to the nn participants in expected O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time and O(n2)O(n^2) messages. We complement our results with lower bound of Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) messages for solving these two problems, closing the question of their message complexity