4,096 research outputs found

    Error analysis and model adaptivity for flows in gas networks

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    In the simulation and optimization of natural gas flow in a pipeline network, a hierarchy of models is used that employs different formulations of the Euler equations. While the optimization is performed on piecewise linear models, the flow simulation is based on the one to three dimensional Euler equations including the temperature distributions. To decide which model class in the hierarchy is adequate to achieve a desired accuracy, this paper presents an error and perturbation analysis for a two level model hierarchy including the isothermal Euler equations in semilinear form and the stationary Euler equations in purely algebraic form. The focus of the work is on the effect of data uncertainty, discretization, and rounding errors in the numerical simulation of these models and their interaction. Two simple discretization schemes for the semilinear model are compared with respect to their conditioning and temporal stepsizes are determined for which a well-conditioned problem is obtained. The results are based on new componentwise relative condition numbers for the solution of nonlinear systems of equations. More- over, the model error between the semilinear and the algebraic model is computed, the maximum pipeline length is determined for which the algebraic model can be used safely, and a condition is derived for which the isothermal model is adequate.DFG, TRR 154, Mathematische Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung am Beispiel von Gasnetzwerke

    A Two-Phase Approach for Conditional Floating-Point Verification

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    Invariant Generation through Strategy Iteration in Succinctly Represented Control Flow Graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing numerical invariants of programs, for instance bounds on the values of numerical program variables. More specifically, we study the problem of performing static analysis by abstract interpretation using template linear constraint domains. Such invariants can be obtained by Kleene iterations that are, in order to guarantee termination, accelerated by widening operators. In many cases, however, applying this form of extrapolation leads to invariants that are weaker than the strongest inductive invariant that can be expressed within the abstract domain in use. Another well-known source of imprecision of traditional abstract interpretation techniques stems from their use of join operators at merge nodes in the control flow graph. The mentioned weaknesses may prevent these methods from proving safety properties. The technique we develop in this article addresses both of these issues: contrary to Kleene iterations accelerated by widening operators, it is guaranteed to yield the strongest inductive invariant that can be expressed within the template linear constraint domain in use. It also eschews join operators by distinguishing all paths of loop-free code segments. Formally speaking, our technique computes the least fixpoint within a given template linear constraint domain of a transition relation that is succinctly expressed as an existentially quantified linear real arithmetic formula. In contrast to previously published techniques that rely on quantifier elimination, our algorithm is proved to have optimal complexity: we prove that the decision problem associated with our fixpoint problem is in the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy.Comment: 35 pages, conference version published at ESOP 2011, this version is a CoRR version of our submission to Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Deciding Quantifier-Free Presburger Formulas Using Parameterized Solution Bounds

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    Given a formula in quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic, if it has a satisfying solution, there is one whose size, measured in bits, is polynomially bounded in the size of the formula. In this paper, we consider a special class of quantifier-free Presburger formulas in which most linear constraints are difference (separation) constraints, and the non-difference constraints are sparse. This class has been observed to commonly occur in software verification. We derive a new solution bound in terms of parameters characterizing the sparseness of linear constraints and the number of non-difference constraints, in addition to traditional measures of formula size. In particular, we show that the number of bits needed per integer variable is linear in the number of non-difference constraints and logarithmic in the number and size of non-zero coefficients in them, but is otherwise independent of the total number of linear constraints in the formula. The derived bound can be used in a decision procedure based on instantiating integer variables over a finite domain and translating the input quantifier-free Presburger formula to an equi-satisfiable Boolean formula, which is then checked using a Boolean satisfiability solver. In addition to our main theoretical result, we discuss several optimizations for deriving tighter bounds in practice. Empirical evidence indicates that our decision procedure can greatly outperform other decision procedures.Comment: 26 page

    Verified compilation and optimization of floating-point kernels

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    When verifying safety-critical code on the level of source code, we trust the compiler to produce machine code that preserves the behavior of the source code. Trusting a verified compiler is easy. A rigorous machine-checked proof shows that the compiler correctly translates source code into machine code. Modern verified compilers (e.g. CompCert and CakeML) have rich input languages, but only rudimentary support for floating-point arithmetic. In fact, state-of-the-art verified compilers only implement and verify an inflexible one-to-one translation from floating-point source code to machine code. This translation completely ignores that floating-point arithmetic is actually a discrete representation of the continuous real numbers. This thesis presents two extensions improving floating-point arithmetic in CakeML. First, the thesis demonstrates verified compilation of elementary functions to floating-point code in: Dandelion, an automatic verifier for polynomial approximations of elementary functions; and libmGen, a proof-producing compiler relating floating-point machine code to the implemented real-numbered elementary function. Second, the thesis demonstrates verified optimization of floating-point code in: Icing, a floating-point language extending standard floating-point arithmetic with optimizations similar to those used by unverified compilers, like GCC and LLVM; and RealCake, an extension of CakeML with Icing into the first fully verified optimizing compiler for floating-point arithmetic.Bei der Verifizierung von sicherheitsrelevantem Quellcode vertrauen wir dem Compiler, dass er Maschinencode ausgibt, der sich wie der Quellcode verhĂ€lt. Man kann ohne weiteres einem verifizierten Compiler vertrauen. Ein rigoroser maschinen-ĂŒ}berprĂŒfter Beweis zeigt, dass der Compiler Quellcode in korrekten Maschinencode ĂŒbersetzt. Moderne verifizierte Compiler (z.B. CompCert und CakeML) haben komplizierte Eingabesprachen, aber unterstĂŒtzen Gleitkommaarithmetik nur rudimentĂ€r. De facto implementieren und verifizieren hochmoderne verifizierte Compiler fĂŒr Gleitkommaarithmetik nur eine starre eins-zu-eins Übersetzung von Quell- zu Maschinencode. Diese Übersetzung ignoriert vollstĂ€ndig, dass Gleitkommaarithmetik eigentlich eine diskrete ReprĂ€sentation der kontinuierlichen reellen Zahlen ist. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert zwei Erweiterungen die Gleitkommaarithmetik in CakeML verbessern. Zuerst demonstriert die Dissertation verifizierte Übersetzung von elementaren Funktionen in Gleitkommacode mit: Dandelion, einem automatischen Verifizierer fĂŒr Polynomapproximierungen von elementaren Funktionen; und libmGen, einen Beweis-erzeugenden Compiler der Gleitkommacode in Relation mit der implementierten elementaren Funktion setzt. Dann demonstriert die Dissertation verifizierte Optimierung von Gleitkommacode mit: Icing, einer Gleitkommasprache die Gleitkommaarithmetik mit Optimierungen erweitert die Ă€hnlich zu denen in unverifizierten Compilern, wie GCC und LLVM, sind; und RealCake, eine Erweiterung von CakeML mit Icing als der erste vollverifizierte Compiler fĂŒr Gleitkommaarithmetik
