12 research outputs found

    Superoptimization of WebAssembly Bytecode

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    Motivated by the fast adoption of WebAssembly, we propose the first functional pipeline to support the superoptimization of WebAssembly bytecode. Our pipeline works over LLVM and Souper. We evaluate our superoptimization pipeline with 12 programs from the Rosetta code project. Our pipeline improves the code section size of 8 out of 12 programs. We discuss the challenges faced in superoptimization of WebAssembly with two case studies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of MoreVMs: Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs (2020

    An Evaluation on the Performance of Code Generated with WebAssembly Compilers

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    WebAssembly is a new technology that is revolutionizing the web. Essentially it is a low-level binary instruction set that can be run on browsers, servers or stand-alone environments. Many programming languages either currently have, or are working on, compilers that will compile the language into WebAssembly. This means that applications written in languages like C++ or Rust can now be run on the web, directly in a browser or other environment. However, as we will highlight in this research, the quality of code generated by the different WebAssembly compilers varies and causes performance issues. This research paper aims to evaluate the code generated by a number of existing WebAssembly compilers in order to determine whether or not there is a significant difference in their performances regarding execution times

    Optimizing whole programs for code size

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    Reducing code size has benefits at every scale. It can help fit embedded software into strictly limited storage space, reduce mobile app download time, and improve the cache usage of supercomputer software. There are many optimizations available that reduce code size, but research has often neglected this goal in favor of speed, and some recently developed compiler techniques have not yet been applied for size reduction. My work shows that newly practical compiler techniques can be used to develop novel code size optimizations. These optimizations complement each other, and other existing methods, in minimizing code size. I introduce two new optimizations, Guided Linking and Semantic Outlining, and also present a comparison framework for code size reduction methods that explains how and when my new optimizations work well with other, existing optimizations. Guided Linking builds on recent work that optimizes multiple programs and shared libraries together. It links an arbitrary set of programs and libraries into a single module. The module can then be optimized with arbitrary existing link-time optimizations, without changes to the optimization code, allowing them to work across program and library boundaries; for example, a library function can be inlined into a plugin module. I also demonstrate that deduplicating functions in the merged module can significantly reduce code size in some cases. Guided Linking ensures that all necessary dynamic linker behavior, such as plugin loading, still works correctly; it relies on developer-provided constraints to indicate which behavior must be preserved. Guided Linking can achieve a 13% to 57% size reduction in some scenarios, and can speed up the Python interpreter by 9%. Semantic Outlining relies on the use of automated theorem provers to check semantic equivalence of pieces of code, which has only recently become feasible to perform at scale. It extends outlining, an established technique for deduplicating structurally equivalent pieces of code, to work on code pieces that are semantically equivalent even if their structure is completely different. My comparison framework covers a large number of different code size reduction methods from the literature, in addition to my new methods. It describes several different aspects by which each method can be compared; in particular, there are multiple types of redundancy in program code that can be exploited to reduce code size, and methods that exploit different types of redundancy are likely to work well in combination with each other. This explains why Guided Linking and Semantic Outlining can be effective when used together, along with some kinds of existing optimizations

    Enhancing dynamic symbolic execution via loop summarisation, segmented memory and pending constraints

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    Software has become ubiquitous and its impact is still increasing. The more software is created, the more bugs get introduced into it. With software’s increasing omnipresence, these bugs have a high probability of negative impact on everyday life. There are many efforts aimed at improving software correctness, among which symbolic execution, a program analysis technique that aims to systematically explore all program paths. In this thesis we present three techniques for enhancing symbolic execution. We first present a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis approach to summarise a class of loops, called memoryless loops using standard library functions. Our approach can summarize two thirds of memoryless loops we gathered on a set of open-source programs. These loop summaries can be used to: 1) enhance symbolic execution, 2) optimise native code and 3) refactor code. We then propose a technique that avoids expensive forking by using a segmented memory model. In this model, we split memory into segments using pointer alias analysis, so that each symbolic pointer refers to objects in a single segment. This results in a memory model where forking due to symbolic pointer dereferences is reduced. We evaluate our segmented memory model on benchmarks such as SQLite, m4 and make and observe significant decreases in execution time and memory usage. Finally, we present pending constraints, which can enhance scalability of symbolic execution by aggressively prioritising execution paths that are already known to be feasible either via cached solver solutions or seeds. The execution of other paths is deferred until no paths are known to be feasible without using the constraint solver. We evaluate our technique on nine applications, including SQLite3, make and tcpdump, and show it can achieve higher coverage for both seeded and non-seeded exploration.Open Acces

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2022, which was held during April 2-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 46 full papers and 4 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The proceedings also contain 16 tool papers of the affiliated competition SV-Comp and 1 paper consisting of the competition report. TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers, and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and to support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, exibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building computer-controlled systems


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    Symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique, but it is very challenging to apply to programs built using event-driven frameworks, such as Android. The main reason is that the framework code itself is too complex to symbolically execute. The standard solution is to manually create a framework model that is simpler and more amenable to symbolic execution. However, developing and maintaining such a model by hand is difficult and error-prone. We claim that we can leverage program synthesis to introduce a high-degree of automation to the process of framework modeling. To support this thesis, we present three pieces of work. First, we introduced SymDroid, a symbolic executor for Android. While Android apps are written in Java, they are compiled to Dalvik bytecode format. Instead of analyzing an app’s Java source, which may not be available, or decompiling from Dalvik back to Java, which requires significant engineering effort and introduces yet another source of potential bugs in an analysis, SymDroid works directly on Dalvik bytecode. Second, we introduced Pasket, a new system that takes a first step toward automatically generating Java framework models to support symbolic execution. Pasket takes as input the framework API and tutorial programs that exercise the framework. From these artifacts and Pasket's internal knowledge of design patterns, Pasket synthesizes an executable framework model by instantiating design patterns, such that the behavior of a synthesized model on the tutorial programs matches that of the original framework. Lastly, in order to scale program synthesis to framework models, we devised adaptive concretization, a novel program synthesis algorithm that combines the best of the two major synthesis strategies: symbolic search, i.e., using SAT or SMT solvers, and explicit search, e.g., stochastic enumeration of possible solutions. Adaptive concretization parallelizes multiple sub-synthesis problems by partially concretizing highly influential unknowns in the original synthesis problem. Thanks to adaptive concretization, Pasket can generate a large-scale model, e.g., thousands lines of code. In addition, we have used an Android model synthesized by Pasket and found that the model is sufficient to allow SymDroid to execute a range of apps

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2022, which was held during April 2-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 46 full papers and 4 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The proceedings also contain 16 tool papers of the affiliated competition SV-Comp and 1 paper consisting of the competition report. TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers, and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and to support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, exibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building computer-controlled systems

    Automated Software Transplantation

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    Automated program repair has excited researchers for more than a decade, yet it has yet to find full scale deployment in industry. We report our experience with SAPFIX: the first deployment of automated end-to-end fault fixing, from test case design through to deployed repairs in production code. We have used SAPFIX at Facebook to repair 6 production systems, each consisting of tens of millions of lines of code, and which are collectively used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. In its first three months of operation, SAPFIX produced 55 repair candidates for 57 crashes reported to SAPFIX, of which 27 have been deem as correct by developers and 14 have been landed into production automatically by SAPFIX. SAPFIX has thus demonstrated the potential of the search-based repair research agenda by deploying, to hundreds of millions of users worldwide, software systems that have been automatically tested and repaired. Automated software transplantation (autotransplantation) is a form of automated software engineering, where we use search based software engineering to be able to automatically move a functionality of interest from a ‘donor‘ program that implements it into a ‘host‘ program that lacks it. Autotransplantation is a kind of automated program repair where we repair the ‘host‘ program by augmenting it with the missing functionality. Automated software transplantation would open many exciting avenues for software development: suppose we could autotransplant code from one system into another, entirely unrelated, system, potentially written in a different programming language. Being able to do so might greatly enhance the software engineering practice, while reducing the costs. Automated software transplantation manifests in two different flavors: monolingual, when the languages of the host and donor programs is the same, or multilingual when the languages differ. This thesis introduces a theory of automated software transplantation, and two algorithms implemented in two tools that achieve this: µSCALPEL for monolingual software transplantation and τSCALPEL for multilingual software transplantation. Leveraging lightweight annotation, program analysis identifies an organ (interesting behavior to transplant); testing validates that the organ exhibits the desired behavior during its extraction and after its implantation into a host. We report encouraging results: in 14 of 17 monolingual transplantation experiments involving 6 donors and 4 hosts, popular real-world systems, we successfully autotransplanted 6 new functionalities; and in 10 out of 10 multlingual transplantation experiments involving 10 donors and 10 hosts, popular real-world systems written in 4 different programming languages, we successfully autotransplanted 10 new functionalities. That is, we have passed all the test suites that validates the new functionalities behaviour and the fact that the initial program behaviour is preserved. Additionally, we have manually checked the behaviour exercised by the organ. Autotransplantation is also very useful: in just 26 hours computation time we successfully autotransplanted the H.264 video encoding functionality from the x264 system to the VLC media player, a task that is currently done manually by the developers of VLC, since 12 years ago. We autotransplanted call graph generation and indentation for C programs into Kate, (a popular KDE based test editor used as an IDE by a lot of C developers) two features currently missing from Kate, but requested by the users of Kate. Autotransplantation is also efficient: the total runtime across 15 monolingual transplants is 5 hours and a half; the total runtime across 10 multilingual transplants is 33 hours