2 research outputs found

    On line covers of finite projective and polar spaces

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    An mm-covercover of lines of a finite projective space PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) (of a finite polar space P\cal P) is a set of lines L\cal L of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) (of P\cal P) such that every point of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) (of P\cal P) contains mm lines of L\cal L, for some mm. Embed PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) in PG(r,q2){\rm PG}(r,q^2). Let Lˉ\bar{\cal L} denote the set of points of PG(r,q2){\rm PG}(r,q^2) lying on the extended lines of L\cal L. An mm-cover L\cal L of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) is an (r−2)(r-2)-dual mm-cover if there are two possibilities for the number of lines of L\cal L contained in an (r−2)(r-2)-space of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q). Basing on this notion, we characterize mm-covers L\cal L of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) such that Lˉ\bar{\cal L} is a two-character set of PG(r,q2){\rm PG}(r,q^2). In particular, we show that if L\cal L is invariant under a Singer cyclic group of PG(r,q){\rm PG}(r,q) then it is an (r−2)(r-2)-dual mm-cover. Assuming that the lines of L\cal L are lines of a symplectic polar space W(r,q){\cal W}(r,q) (of an orthogonal polar space Q(r,q){\cal Q}(r,q) of parabolic type), similarly to the projective case we introduce the notion of an (r−2)(r-2)-dual mm-cover of symplectic type (of parabolic type). We prove that an mm-cover L\cal L of W(r,q){\cal W}(r,q) (of Q(r,q){\cal Q}(r,q)) has this dual property if and only if Lˉ\bar{\cal L} is a tight set of an Hermitian variety H(r,q2){\cal H}(r,q^2) or of W(r,q2){\cal W}(r,q^2) (of H(r,q2){\cal H}(r,q^2) or of Q(r,q2){\cal Q}(r,q^2)). We also provide some interesting examples of (4n−3)(4n-3)-dual mm-covers of symplectic type of W(4n−1,q){\cal W}(4n-1,q).Comment: 20 page