17 research outputs found

    A general framework to construct schemes satisfying additional conservation relations. Application to entropy conservative and entropy dissipative schemes

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    We are interested in the approximation of a steady hyperbolic problem. In some cases, the solution can satisfy an additional conservation relation, at least when it is smooth. This is the case of an entropy. In this paper, we show, starting from the discretisation of the original PDE, how to construct a scheme that is consistent with the original PDE and the additional conservation relation. Since one interesting example is given by the systems endowed by an entropy, we provide one explicit solution, and show that the accuracy of the new scheme is at most degraded by one order. In the case of a discontinuous Galerkin scheme and a Residual distribution scheme, we show how not to degrade the accuracy. This improves the recent results obtained in [1, 2, 3, 4] in the sense that no particular constraints are set on quadrature formula and that a priori maximum accuracy can still be achieved. We study the behavior of the method on a non linear scalar problem. However, the method is not restricted to scalar problems

    An Arbitrarily High Order and Asymptotic Preserving Kinetic Scheme in Compressible Fluid Dynamic

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    We present a class of arbitrarily high order fully explicit kinetic numerical methods in compressible fluid dynamics, both in time and space, which include the relaxation schemes by Jin and Xin. These methods can use the CFL number larger or equal to unity on regular Cartesian meshes for the multi-dimensional case. These kinetic models depend on a small parameter that can be seen as a “Knudsen” number. The method is asymptotic preserving in this Knudsen number. Also, the computational costs of the method are of the same order of a fully explicit scheme. This work is the extension of Abgrall et al. (2022) [3] to multi-dimensional systems. We have assessed our method on several problems for two-dimensional scalar problems and Euler equations and the scheme has proven to be robust and to achieve the theoretically predicted high order of accuracy on smooth solutions