21 research outputs found

    Transforming ASN.1 Specifications into CafeOBJ to assist with Property Checking

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    The adoption of algebraic specification/formal method techniques by the networks' research community is happening slowly but steadily. We work towards a software environment that can translate a protocol's specification, from Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1 - a very popular specification language with many applications), into the powerful algebraic specification language CafeOBJ. The resulting code can be used to check, validate and falsify critical properties of systems, at the pre-coding stage of development. In this paper, we introduce some key elements of ASN.1 and CafeOBJ and sketch some first steps towards the implementation of such a tool including a case study.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    CafeOBJ: Logical Foundations and Methodologies

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    CafeOBJ is an executable industrial strength multi-logic algebraic specification language which is a modern successor of OBJ and incorporates several new algebraic specification paradigms. In this paper we survey its logical foundations and present some of its methodologies

    Formalization and Verification of Behavioral Correctness of Dynamic Software Updates

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    AbstractDynamic Software Updating (DSU) is a technique of updating running software systems on-the-fly. Whereas there are some studies on the correctness of dynamic updating, they focus on how to deploy updates correctly at the code level, e.g., if procedures refer to the data of correct types. However, little attention has been paid to the correctness of the dynamic updating at the behavior level, e.g., if systems after being updated behave as expected, and if unexpected behaviors can never occur. We present an algebraic methodology of specifying dynamic updates and verifying their behavioral correctness by using off-the-shelf theorem proving and model checking tools. By theorem proving we can show that systems after being updated indeed satisfy their desired properties, and by model checking we can detect potential errors. Our methodology is general in that: (1) it can be applied to three updating models that are mainly used in current DSU systems; and (2) it is not restricted to dynamic updates for certain programming models

    Imperial College Computing Student Workshop

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    It is worth understanding state machines better because various kinds of systems can be formalized as state machines and therefore understanding state machines has something to do with comprehension of systems. Understanding state machines can be interpreted as knowing properties they enjoy and comprehension of systems is interpreted as knowing whether they satisfy requirements. We (mainly the second author) have developed a tool called SMGA that basically takes a finite sequence of states from a state machine and generates a graphical animation of the finite sequence or the state machine. Observing such a graphical animation helps us guess properties of the state machine. We should confirm whether the state machine enjoys the guessed properties because such guessed properties may not be true properties of the state machine. Model checking is one possible technique to do so. If the state machine has a fixed small number of reachable states, model checking is enough. Otherwise, however, it is not. If that is the case, we should use some other techniques to make sure that the system enjoys the guessed properties. Interactive theorem proving is one such technique. The paper reports on a case study in which a mutual exclusion protocol called Qlock is used as an example to exemplify the abovementioned idea or methodology