3 research outputs found

    A Complete Characterization of all Magic Constants Arising from Distance Magic Graphs

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    A positive integer kk is called a magic constant if there is a graph GG along with a bijective function ff from V(G)V(G) to first ∣V(G)∣|V(G)| natural numbers such that the weight of the vertex w(v)=∑uv∈Ef(v)=kw(v) = \sum_{uv \in E}f(v) =k for all v∈Vv \in V. It is known that all odd positive integers greater equal 33 and the integer powers of 22, 2t2^{t}, t≥6t \ge 6 are magic constants. In this paper we characterise all positive integers which are magic constants

    Tetravalent distance magic graphs of small order and an infinite family of examples

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    A graph of order nn is distance magic if it admits a bijective labeling of its vertices with integers from 11 to nn such that each vertex has the same sum of the labels of its neighbors. This paper contributes to the long term project of characterizing all tetravalent distance magic graphs. With the help of a computer we find that out of almost nine million connected tetravalent graphs up to order 1616 only nine are distance magic. In fact, besides the six well known wreath graphs there are only three other examples, one of each of the orders 1212, 1414 and 1616. We introduce a generalization of wreath graphs, the so-called quasi wreath graphs, and classify all distance magic graphs among them. This way we obtain infinitely many new tetravalent distance magic graphs. Moreover, the two non-wreath graphs of orders 1212 and 1414 are quasi wreath graphs while the one of order 1616 can be obtained from a quasi wreath graph of order 1414 using a simple construction due to Kov\'a\v{r}, Fron\v{c}ek and Kov\'a\v{r}ov\'a.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Some distance magic graphs

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    A graph G = ( V , E ) , where | V | = n and | E | = m is said to be a distance magic graph if there exists a bijection from the vertex set V to the set { 1 , 2 , … , n } such that, ∑ v ∈ N ( u ) f ( v ) = k , for all u ∈ V , which is a constant and independent of u , where N ( u ) is the open neighborhood of the vertex u . The constant k is called the distance magic constant of the graph G and such a labeling f is called distance magic labeling of G . In this paper, we present new results on distance magic labeling of C n r and neighborhood expansion D n ( G ) of a graph G . Keywords: Distance magic labeling, Sigma labeling, Circulant graph