7 research outputs found

    On the complexity of the relations of isomorphism and bi-embeddability

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    Given an L_{\omega_1 \omega}-elementary class C, that is the collection of the countable models of some L_{\omega_1 \omega}-sentence, denote by \cong_C and \equiv_C the analytic equivalence relations of, respectively, isomorphism and bi-embeddability on C. Generalizing some questions of Louveau and Rosendal [LR05], in [FMR09] it was proposed the problem of determining which pairs of analytic equivalence relations (E,F) can be realized (up to Borel bireducibility) as pairs of the form (\cong_C,\equiv_C), C some L_{\omega_1 \omega}-elementary class (together with a partial answer for some specific cases). Here we will provide an almost complete solution to such problem: under very mild conditions on E and F, it is always possible to find such an L_{\omega_1 \omega}-elementary class C.Comment: 15 page

    Classes of structures with no intermediate isomorphism problems

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    We say that a theory TT is intermediate under effective reducibility if the isomorphism problems among its computable models is neither hyperarithmetic nor on top under effective reducibility. We prove that if an infinitary sentence TT is uniformly effectively dense, a property we define in the paper, then no extension of it is intermediate, at least when relativized to every oracle on a cone. As an application we show that no infinitary sentence whose models are all linear orderings is intermediate under effective reducibility relative to every oracle on a cone

    The ω\omega-Vaught's Conjecture

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    We introduce the ω\omega-Vaught's conjecture, a strengthening of the infinitary Vaught's conjecture. We believe that if one were to prove the infinitary Vaught's conjecture in a structural way without using techniques from higher recursion theory, then the proof would probably be a proof of the ω\omega-Vaught's conjecture. We show the existence of an equivalent condition to the ω\omega-Vaught's conjecture and use this tool to show that all infinitary sentences whose models are linear orders satisfy the ω\omega-Vaught's conjecture