3,387 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Bounds and Characterizations of Splitting Authentication Codes

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    We present several generalizations of results for splitting authentication codes by studying the aspect of multi-fold security. As the two primary results, we prove a combinatorial lower bound on the number of encoding rules and a combinatorial characterization of optimal splitting authentication codes that are multi-fold secure against spoofing attacks. The characterization is based on a new type of combinatorial designs, which we introduce and for which basic necessary conditions are given regarding their existence.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in "Cryptography and Communications

    Information Theoretic Authentication and Secrecy Codes in the Splitting Model

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    In the splitting model, information theoretic authentication codes allow non-deterministic encoding, that is, several messages can be used to communicate a particular plaintext. Certain applications require that the aspect of secrecy should hold simultaneously. Ogata-Kurosawa-Stinson-Saido (2004) have constructed optimal splitting authentication codes achieving perfect secrecy for the special case when the number of keys equals the number of messages. In this paper, we establish a construction method for optimal splitting authentication codes with perfect secrecy in the more general case when the number of keys may differ from the number of messages. To the best knowledge, this is the first result of this type.Comment: 4 pages (double-column); to appear in Proc. 2012 International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZS 2012, Zurich

    Approximate Quantum Error-Correcting Codes and Secret Sharing Schemes

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    It is a standard result in the theory of quantum error-correcting codes that no code of length n can fix more than n/4 arbitrary errors, regardless of the dimension of the coding and encoded Hilbert spaces. However, this bound only applies to codes which recover the message exactly. Naively, one might expect that correcting errors to very high fidelity would only allow small violations of this bound. This intuition is incorrect: in this paper we describe quantum error-correcting codes capable of correcting up to (n-1)/2 arbitrary errors with fidelity exponentially close to 1, at the price of increasing the size of the registers (i.e., the coding alphabet). This demonstrates a sharp distinction between exact and approximate quantum error correction. The codes have the property that any tt components reveal no information about the message, and so they can also be viewed as error-tolerant secret sharing schemes. The construction has several interesting implications for cryptography and quantum information theory. First, it suggests that secret sharing is a better classical analogue to quantum error correction than is classical error correction. Second, it highlights an error in a purported proof that verifiable quantum secret sharing (VQSS) is impossible when the number of cheaters t is n/4. More generally, the construction illustrates a difference between exact and approximate requirements in quantum cryptography and (yet again) the delicacy of security proofs and impossibility results in the quantum model.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Multiply Constant-Weight Codes and the Reliability of Loop Physically Unclonable Functions

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    We introduce the class of multiply constant-weight codes to improve the reliability of certain physically unclonable function (PUF) response. We extend classical coding methods to construct multiply constant-weight codes from known qq-ary and constant-weight codes. Analogues of Johnson bounds are derived and are shown to be asymptotically tight to a constant factor under certain conditions. We also examine the rates of the multiply constant-weight codes and interestingly, demonstrate that these rates are the same as those of constant-weight codes of suitable parameters. Asymptotic analysis of our code constructions is provided

    Leakage-resilient Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes with Optimal Parameters

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    Algebraic Manipulation Detection (AMD) codes [CDF+08] are keyless message authentication codes that protect messages against additive tampering by the adversary assuming that the adversary cannot see the codeword. For certain applications, it is unreasonable to assume that the adversary computes the added offset without any knowledge of the codeword c. Recently, Ahmadi and Safavi-Naini [AS13], and then Lin, Safavi-Naini, and Wang [LSW16] gave a construction of leakage-resilient AMD codes where the adversary has some partial information about the codeword before choosing added offset, and the scheme is secure even conditioned on this partial information. In this paper we show the bounds on the leakage rate r and the code rate k for leakage-resilient AMD codes. In particular we prove that 2r + k < 1 and for the weak case (security is averaged over a uniformly random message) r + k < 1. These bounds hold even if adversary is polynomial-time bounded, as long as we allow leakage function to be arbitrary. We present the constructions of AMD codes that (asymptotically) fulfill above bounds for almost full range of parameters r and k. This shows that above bounds and constructions are in-fact optimal. In the last section we show that if a leakage function is computationally bounded (we use Ideal Cipher Model) then it is possible to break these bounds

    Constructing Optimal Authentication Codes with Perfect Multi-fold Secrecy

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    We establish a construction of optimal authentication codes achieving perfect multi-fold secrecy by means of combinatorial designs. This continues the author's work (ISIT 2009) and answers an open question posed therein. As an application, we present the first infinite class of optimal codes that provide two-fold security against spoofing attacks and at the same time perfect two- fold secrecy.Comment: 4 pages (double-column); to appear in Proc. 2010 International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZS 2010, Zurich
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