103,551 research outputs found

    Complexity of Suffix-Free Regular Languages

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcss.2017.05.011 © 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/We study various complexity properties of suffix-free regular languages. A sequence (Lk,Lk+1,…) of regular languages in some class, where n is the quotient complexity of Ln, is most complex if its languages Ln meet the complexity upper bounds for all basic measures. It is known that there exist such most complex sequences in several classes of regular languages. In contrast to this, we prove that there does not exist a most complex sequence in the class of suffix-free regular languages. However, we do exhibit two such sequences that together meet upper bounds for all basic measures.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant No. OGP000087National Science Centre, Poland project number 2014/15/B/ST6/0061

    Partial (In)Completeness in Abstract Interpretation

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    In the abstract interpretation framework, completeness represents an optimal simulation by the abstract operators over the behavior of the concrete operators. This corresponds to an ideal (often rare) feature where there is no loss of information accumulated in abstract computations with respect to the properties encoded by the underlying abstract domains. In this thesis, we deal with the opposite notion of completeness in abstract interpretation, that is, incompleteness, applied to two different contexts: static program analysis and formal languages over the Chomsky's hierarchy. In static program analysis, completeness is a very rare condition to be satisfied in practice and only the straightforward abstractions are complete for all programs, thus, we usually deal with incompleteness. For this reason, we introduce the notion of partial completeness. Partial completeness is a weaker notion of completeness which requires the imprecision of the analysis to be limited. A partially complete abstract interpretation allows some false alarms to be reported, but their number is bounded by a constant. We collect in partial completeness classes all the programs whose abstract interpretations share the same upper bound of imprecision. We then focus on the investigation of the computational limits of the class of partially complete programs with respect to a given abstract domain. Moreover, we show that the class of all partially complete programs is non-recursively enumerable, and its complement is productive whenever we allow an unlimited imprecision in the abstract domain. Finally, we formalize the local partial completeness class within which we require partial completeness only on some specific inputs. We prove that this last class of programs is a recursively enumerable set under a structural hypothesis on the underlying abstract domain, by showing an algorithm capable of proving the local partial completeness of a program with respect to a given abstract domain and an upper bound of imprecision. In formal language theory, we want to study a possible reformulation, by abstract interpretation, of classes of languages in the Chomsky's hierarchy, and, by exploiting the incompleteness of languages abstractions, we want to define separation results between classes of languages. To this end, we do a first step into this direction by studying the relation between indexed languages (recognized by indexed grammars) and context-free languages. Indexed grammars are a generalization of context-free grammars which recognize a proper subset of context-sensitive languages, the so called indexed languages. %The class of languages recognized by indexed grammars is called indexed languages and they correspond to the languages recognized by nested stack automata. For example, indexed grammars can recognize the language anbncnmidngeq1{a^nb^nc^n mid ngeq 1 } which is not context-free, but they cannot recognize (abn)nmidngeq1{ (ab^n)^n mid ngeq 1} which is context-sensitive. Indexed grammars identify a set of languages that are more expressive than context-free languages, while having decidability results that lie in between the ones of context-free and context-sensitive languages. We provide a fixpoint characterization of the languages recognized by an indexed grammar and we study possible ways to abstract, in the abstract interpretation sense, these languages and their grammars into context-free and regular languages. We formalize the separation class between indexed and context-free languages, i.e., all the languages that cannot be generated by a context-free grammar, as an instance of incompleteness of stack elimination abstraction over indexed grammars

    The limits of Nečiporuk’s method and the power of programs over monoids taken from small varieties of finite monoids

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    Cotutelle avec l'École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Université Paris-Saclay.Cette thèse porte sur des minorants pour des mesures de complexité liées à des sous-classes de la classe P de langages pouvant être décidés en temps polynomial par des machines de Turing. Nous considérons des modèles de calcul non uniformes tels que les programmes sur monoïdes et les programmes de branchement. Notre première contribution est un traitement abstrait de la méthode de Nečiporuk pour prouver des minorants, indépendamment de toute mesure de complexité spécifique. Cette méthode donne toujours les meilleurs minorants connus pour des mesures telles que la taille des programmes de branchements déterministes et non déterministes ou des formules avec des opérateurs booléens binaires arbitraires ; nous donnons une formulation abstraite de la méthode et utilisons ce cadre pour démontrer des limites au meilleur minorant obtenable en utilisant cette méthode pour plusieurs mesures de complexité. Par là, nous confirmons, dans ce cadre légèrement plus général, des résultats de limitation précédemment connus et exhibons de nouveaux résultats de limitation pour des mesures de complexité auxquelles la méthode de Nečiporuk n’avait jamais été appliquée. Notre seconde contribution est une meilleure compréhension de la puissance calculatoire des programmes sur monoïdes issus de petites variétés de monoïdes finis. Les programmes sur monoïdes furent introduits à la fin des années 1980 par Barrington et Thérien pour généraliser la reconnaissance par morphismes et ainsi obtenir une caractérisation en termes de semi-groupes finis de NC^1 et de ses sous-classes. Étant donné une variété V de monoïdes finis, on considère la classe P(V) de langages reconnus par une suite de programmes de longueur polynomiale sur un monoïde de V : lorsque l’on fait varier V parmi toutes les variétés de monoïdes finis, on obtient différentes sous-classes de NC^1, par exemple AC^0, ACC^0 et NC^1 quand V est respectivement la variété de tous les monoïdes apériodiques finis, résolubles finis et finis. Nous introduisons une nouvelle notion de docilité pour les variétés de monoïdes finis, renforçant une notion de Péladeau. L’intérêt principal de cette notion est que quand une variété V de monoïdes finis est docile, nous avons que P(V) contient seulement des langages réguliers qui sont quasi reconnus par morphisme par des monoïdes de V. De nombreuses questions ouvertes à propos de la structure interne de NC^1 seraient réglées en montrant qu’une variété de monoïdes finis appropriée est docile, et, dans cette thèse, nous débutons modestement une étude exhaustive de quelles variétés de monoïdes finis sont dociles. Plus précisément, nous portons notre attention sur deux petites variétés de monoïdes apériodiques finis bien connues : DA et J. D’une part, nous montrons que DA est docile en utilisant des arguments de théorie des semi-groupes finis. Cela nous permet de dériver une caractérisation algébrique exacte de la classe des langages réguliers dans P(DA). D’autre part, nous montrons que J n’est pas docile. Pour faire cela, nous présentons une astuce par laquelle des programmes sur monoïdes de J peuvent reconnaître beaucoup plus de langages réguliers que seulement ceux qui sont quasi reconnus par morphisme par des monoïdes de J. Cela nous amène à conjecturer une caractérisation algébrique exacte de la classe de langages réguliers dans P(J), et nous exposons quelques résultats partiels appuyant cette conjecture. Pour chacune des variétés DA et J, nous exhibons également une hiérarchie basée sur la longueur des programmes à l’intérieur de la classe des langages reconnus par programmes sur monoïdes de la variété, améliorant par là les résultats de Tesson et Thérien sur la propriété de longueur polynomiale pour les monoïdes de ces variétés.This thesis deals with lower bounds for complexity measures related to subclasses of the class P of languages that can be decided by Turing machines in polynomial time. We consider non-uniform computational models like programs over monoids and branching programs. Our first contribution is an abstract, measure-independent treatment of Nečiporuk’s method for proving lower bounds. This method still gives the best lower bounds known on measures such as the size of deterministic and non-deterministic branching programs or formulæ with arbitrary binary Boolean operators; we give an abstract formulation of the method and use this framework to prove limits on the best lower bounds obtainable using this method for several complexity measures. We thereby confirm previously known limitation results in this slightly more general framework and showcase new limitation results for complexity measures to which Nečiporuk’s method had never been applied. Our second contribution is a better understanding of the computational power of programs over monoids taken from small varieties of finite monoids. Programs over monoids were introduced in the late 1980s by Barrington and Thérien as a way to generalise recognition by morphisms so as to obtain a finite-semigroup-theoretic characterisation of NC^1 and its subclasses. Given a variety V of finite monoids, one considers the class P(V) of languages recognised by a sequence of polynomial-length programs over a monoid from V: as V ranges over all varieties of finite monoids, one obtains different subclasses of NC^1, for instance AC^0, ACC^0 and NC^1 when V respectively is the variety of all finite aperiodic, finite solvable and finite monoids. We introduce a new notion of tameness for varieties of finite monoids, strengthening a notion of Péladeau. The main interest of this notion is that when a variety V of finite monoids is tame, we have that P(V) does only contain regular languages that are quasi morphism-recognised by monoids from V. Many open questions about the internal structure of NC^1 would be settled by showing that some appropriate variety of finite monoids is tame, and, in this thesis, we modestly start an exhaustive study of which varieties of finite monoids are tame. More precisely, we focus on two well-known small varieties of finite aperiodic monoids: DA and J. On the one hand, we show that DA is tame using finite-semigroup- theoretic arguments. This allows us to derive an exact algebraic characterisation of the class of regular languages in P(DA). On the other hand, we show that J is not tame. To do this, we present a trick by which programs over monoids from J can recognise much more regular languages than only those that are quasi morphism-recognised by monoids from J. This brings us to conjecture an exact algebraic characterisation of the class of regular languages in P(J), and we lay out some partial results that support this conjecture. For each of the varieties DA and J, we also exhibit a program-length-based hierarchy within the class of languages recognised by programs over monoids from the variety, refining Tesson and Thérien’s results on the polynomial-length property for monoids from those varieties

    Making Queries Tractable on Big Data with Preprocessing

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    A query class is traditionally considered tractable if there exists a polynomial-time (PTIME) algorithm to answer its queries. When it comes to big data, however, PTIME al-gorithms often become infeasible in practice. A traditional and effective approach to coping with this is to preprocess data off-line, so that queries in the class can be subsequently evaluated on the data efficiently. This paper aims to pro-vide a formal foundation for this approach in terms of com-putational complexity. (1) We propose a set of Π-tractable queries, denoted by ΠT0Q, to characterize classes of queries that can be answered in parallel poly-logarithmic time (NC) after PTIME preprocessing. (2) We show that several natu-ral query classes are Π-tractable and are feasible on big data. (3) We also study a set ΠTQ of query classes that can be ef-fectively converted to Π-tractable queries by re-factorizing its data and queries for preprocessing. We introduce a form of NC reductions to characterize such conversions. (4) We show that a natural query class is complete for ΠTQ. (5) We also show that ΠT0Q ⊂ P unless P = NC, i.e., the set ΠT0Q of all Π-tractable queries is properly contained in the set P of all PTIME queries. Nonetheless, ΠTQ = P, i.e., all PTIME query classes can be made Π-tractable via proper re-factorizations. This work is a step towards understanding the tractability of queries in the context of big data. 1

    Set the controls for the heart of the alternation: Dahl’s Law in Kitharaka

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    This paper looks at Dahl’s Law, a voicing dissimilation process found in a number of Bantu languages, in Kitharaka, and argues that it is best analysed within a framework of minimal (contrastive) feature spe- cifications. We show that the standard account of [±voice] dissimilation runs into a number of problems in Kitharaka and propose a new analysis, couched within the framework of the Parallel Structures Model of Feature Geometry (Morén 2003; 2006) and Optimality Theory, thereby also addressing the question of the division of labour between constraints and representations. The analysis shows that it is crucial to look at the whole system of phonological oppositions and natural classes in Kitharaka to understand how the process works, ultimately also using loanwords to glean crucial insight into how the phoneme system of Kitharaka is organised

    JVM-hosted languages: They talk the talk, but do they walk the walk?

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    The rapid adoption of non-Java JVM languages is impressive: major international corporations are staking critical parts of their software infrastructure on components built from languages such as Scala and Clojure. However with the possible exception of Scala, there has been little academic consideration and characterization of these languages to date. In this paper, we examine four nonJava JVM languages and use exploratory data analysis techniques to investigate differences in their dynamic behavior compared to Java. We analyse a variety of programs and levels of behavior to draw distinctions between the different programming languages. We briefly discuss the implications of our findings for improving the performance of JIT compilation and garbage collection on the JVM platform

    Progression and assessment in foreign languages at Key Stage 2

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    The teaching of primary languages has been increasing steadily, in response to the future entitlement for all Key Stage 2 (KS2) pupils aged 7-11 to learn a foreign language by 2010. However, there remain concerns about progression both within KS2 and through to secondary school and about how learners' progress is assessed. This paper presents findings on the issues of progression and assessment taken from case studies which formed part of a project funded by the then Department for Education and Skills (DfES), now the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). This project set out to evaluate 19 local authority (LA) Pathfinders in England that were piloting the introduction of foreign language learning at KS2 between 2003 and 2005. Findings revealed that there was inconsistency between schools, even within each LA Pathfinder, in the use of schemes of work and that assessment was generally underdeveloped in the majority of the Pathfinders. In order to set these findings in context, this paper examines the issues of progression and assessment in foreign language learning in England. Finally, it investigates the challenges English primary schools face in terms of progression and assessment in the light of the new entitlement and discusses implications for the future. Managing progression, both within KS2 and through to secondary school at KS3 (ages 11-14), is one of the key factors in determining the overall success of starting languages in primary school