113,781 research outputs found

    Integrated Ray-Tracing and Coverage Planning Control using Reinforcement Learning

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    In this work we propose a coverage planning control approach which allows a mobile agent, equipped with a controllable sensor (i.e., a camera) with limited sensing domain (i.e., finite sensing range and angle of view), to cover the surface area of an object of interest. The proposed approach integrates ray-tracing into the coverage planning process, thus allowing the agent to identify which parts of the scene are visible at any point in time. The problem of integrated ray-tracing and coverage planning control is first formulated as a constrained optimal control problem (OCP), which aims at determining the agent's optimal control inputs over a finite planning horizon, that minimize the coverage time. Efficiently solving the resulting OCP is however very challenging due to non-convex and non-linear visibility constraints. To overcome this limitation, the problem is converted into a Markov decision process (MDP) which is then solved using reinforcement learning. In particular, we show that a controller which follows an optimal control law can be learned using off-policy temporal-difference control (i.e., Q-learning). Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for various configurations of the agent and the object of interest.Comment: 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 06-09 December 2022, Cancun, Mexic

    On Uniformly Sampling Traces of a Transition System (Extended Version)

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    A key problem in constrained random verification (CRV) concerns generation of input stimuli that result in good coverage of the system's runs in targeted corners of its behavior space. Existing CRV solutions however provide no formal guarantees on the distribution of the system's runs. In this paper, we take a first step towards solving this problem. We present an algorithm based on Algebraic Decision Diagrams for sampling bounded traces (i.e. sequences of states) of a sequential circuit with provable uniformity (or bias) guarantees, while satisfying given constraints. We have implemented our algorithm in a tool called TraceSampler. Extensive experiments show that TraceSampler outperforms alternative approaches that provide similar uniformity guarantees.Comment: Extended version of paper that will appear in proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD '20); changed wrong text color in sec 7; added 'extended version

    Diverse Weighted Bipartite b-Matching

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    Bipartite matching, where agents on one side of a market are matched to agents or items on the other, is a classical problem in computer science and economics, with widespread application in healthcare, education, advertising, and general resource allocation. A practitioner's goal is typically to maximize a matching market's economic efficiency, possibly subject to some fairness requirements that promote equal access to resources. A natural balancing act exists between fairness and efficiency in matching markets, and has been the subject of much research. In this paper, we study a complementary goal---balancing diversity and efficiency---in a generalization of bipartite matching where agents on one side of the market can be matched to sets of agents on the other. Adapting a classical definition of the diversity of a set, we propose a quadratic programming-based approach to solving a supermodular minimization problem that balances diversity and total weight of the solution. We also provide a scalable greedy algorithm with theoretical performance bounds. We then define the price of diversity, a measure of the efficiency loss due to enforcing diversity, and give a worst-case theoretical bound. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our methods on three real-world datasets, and show that the price of diversity is not bad in practice

    A Strategy Language for Testing Register Transfer Level Logic

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    The development of modern ICs requires a huge investment in RTL verification. This is a reflection of brisk release schedules and the complexity of contemporary chip designs. A major bottleneck to reaching verification closure in such designs is the disproportionate effort expended in crafting directed tests; which is necessary to reach those behaviors that other, more automated testing methods fail to cover. This paper defines a novel language that can be used to generate targeted stimuli for RTL logic and which mitigates the complexities of writing directed tests. The main idea is to treat directed testing as a meta-reasoning problem about simulation. Our language is both formalized and prototyped as a proof-search strategy language in rewriting logic. We illustrate its novel features and practical use with several examples.published or submitted for publicatio
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