257 research outputs found

    Adaptive Integrated Circuit Design for Variation Resilience and Security

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    The past few decades witness the burgeoning development of integrated circuit in terms of process technology scaling. Along with the tremendous benefits coming from the scaling, challenges are also presented in various stages. During the design time, the complexity of developing a circuit with millions to billions of smaller size transistors is extended after the variations are taken into account. The difficulty of analyzing these nondeterministic properties makes the allocation scheme of redundant resource hardly work in a cost-efficient way. Besides fabrication variations, analog circuits are suffered from severe performance degradations owing to their physical attributes which are vulnerable to aging effects. As such, the post-silicon calibration approach gains increasing attentions to compensate the performance mismatch. For the user-end applications, additional system failures result from the pirated and counterfeited devices provided by the untrusted semiconductor supply chain. Again analog circuits show their weakness to this threat due to the shortage of piracy avoidance techniques. In this dissertation, we propose three adaptive integrated circuit designs to overcome these challenges respectively. The first one investigates the variability-aware gate implementation with the consideration of the overhead control of adaptivity assignment. This design improves the variation resilience typically for digital circuits while optimizing the power consumption and timing yield. The second design is implemented as a self-validation system for the calibration of diverse analog circuits. The system is completely integrated on chip to enhance the convenience without external assistance. In the last design, a classic analog component is further studied to establish the configurable locking mechanism for analog circuits. The use of Satisfiability Modulo Theories addresses the difficulty of searching the unique unlocking pattern of non-Boolean variables

    Circuit Design Obfuscation for Hardware Security

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    Nowadays, chip design and chip fabrication are normally conducted separately by independent companies. Most integrated circuit (IC) design companies are now adopting a fab-less model: they outsource the chip fabrication to offshore foundries while concentrating their effort and resource on the chip design. Although it is cost-effective, the outsourced design faces various security threats since the offshore foundries might not be trustworthy. Attacks on the outsourced IC design can take on many forms, such as piracy, counterfeiting, overproduction and malicious modification, which are referred to as IC supply chain attacks. In this work, we investigate several circuit design obfuscation techniques to prevent the IC supply chain attacks by untrusted foundries. Logic locking is a gate-level design obfuscation technique that's proposed to protect the outsourced IC designs from piracy and counterfeiting by untrusted foundries. A locked IC preserves the correct functionality only when a correct key is provided. Recently, the security of logic locking is threatened by a strong attack called SAT attack, which can decipher the correct key of most logic locking techniques within a few hours even for a reasonably large key-size. In this dissertation, we investigate design techniques to improve the security of logic locking in three directions. Firstly, we propose a new locking technique called Anti-SAT to thwart the SAT attack. The Anti-SAT can make the complexity of SAT attack grow exponentially in key-size, hence making the attack computationally infeasible. Secondly, we consider an approximate version of SAT attack and investigate its application on fault-tolerant hardware such as neural network chips. Countermeasure to this approximate SAT attack is proposed and validated with rigorous proof and experiments. Lastly, we explore new opportunities in obfuscating the parametric characteristics of a circuit design (e.g. timing) so that another layer of defense can be added to existing countermeasures. Split fabrication based on 3D integration technology is another approach to obfuscate the outsourced IC designs. 3D integration is a technology that integrates multiple 2D dies to create a single high-performance chip, referred to as 3D IC. With 3D integration, a designer can choose a portion of IC design at his discretion and send them to a trusted foundry for secure fabrication while outsourcing the rest to untrusted foundries for advanced fabrication technology. In this dissertation, we propose a security-aware physical design flow for interposer-based 3D IC (also known as 2.5D IC). The design flow consists of security-aware partitioning and placement phases, which aim at obfuscating the circuit while preventing potential attacks such as proximity attack. Simulation results show that our proposed design flow is effective for producing secure chip layouts against the IC supply chain attacks. The circuit design obfuscation techniques presented in this dissertation enable future chip designers to take security into consideration at an early phase while optimizing the chip's performance, power, and reliability

    Logic Locking over TFHE for Securing User Data and Algorithms

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    2024 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), January 22-25, 2024, Incheon, Republic of KoreaThis paper proposes the application of logic locking over TFHE to protect both user data and algorithms, such as input user data and models in machine learning inference applications. With the proposed secure computation protocol algorithm evaluation can be performed distributively on honest-but-curious user computers while keeping the algorithm secure. To achieve this, we combine conventional logic locking for untrusted foundries with TFHE to enable secure computation. By encrypting the logic locking key using TFHE, the key is secured with the degree of TFHE. We implemented the proposed secure protocols for combinational logic neural networks and decision trees using LUT-based obfuscation. Regarding the security analysis, we subjected them to the SAT attack and evaluated their resistance based on the execution time. We successfully configured the proposed secure protocol to be resistant to the SAT attack in all machine learning benchmarks. Also, the experimental result shows that the proposed secure computation involved almost no TFHE runtime overhead in a test case with thousands of gates