3 research outputs found

    The Texture Animator

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    This paper discusses three distinct techniques for animation of procedural textures and describes the assisting software tool. Animation is attained by moving the rendered point before texture evaluation, changing the definition of texture space or changing the texture colour mapping. Examples are given for textures that base on noise and turbulence functions in order to simulate natural phenomena. Some phases of texture animation process can be automated by using the code generator supported by a library of animation effects. Aspects of practical implementation are discussed and Renderman compliant code is presented

    A system for modelling deformable procedural shapes.

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    This thesis presents a new procedural paradigm for modelling. The method combines the benefit of compact object descriptions found in procedural modelling along with the advantage of the ability to interact in real-time as is found with interactive modelling techniques. The three main components to this paradigm are geometry generators (the creation of basic object shapes), selectors (the specification of a selection volume), and modifiers (the object transformation functions). The user interacts in real-time with the object, and has complete control over the object formation process. Interaction is stored within appropriate nodes in a creation-history list which can be replayed or partially replayed at any time during the creation process. The parameters associated with each interaction are stored within the node, and are available for editing at any time during the creation process. The concepts presented here remove the problems that most modelling software have, in that the arbitrary editing of object parameters is destructive, in the sense that changing the parameter of one node may cause the object to behave unpredictably. This takes place in real-time, rather than off-line. In some cases real-time interaction is made possible by trading visual quality vs. speed of rendering. This results in the object being rendered at a lower quality, and therefore decisions on whether the object parameters need adjustment may be predicated upon a poor representation of the object. The work presented herein attempts to bridge the divide between the two approaches by providing the user with a powerful and descriptive procedural modelling language that is entirely generated through real-time interaction with the geometric object via an intuitive user interface. The main contributions of this work are that it allows: Procedural objects are specified interactively. Modelling takes place independently of representation (meaning the user does not base their modelling on the (mesh) representation, but rather on the shape they see). Changes to the object are coherent and non-destructive

    Volumetric particle modeling

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    This dissertation presents a robust method of modeling objects and forces for computer animation. Within this method objects and forces are represented as particles. As in most modeling systems, the movement of objects is driven by physically based forces. The usage of particles, however, allows more artistically motivated behavior to be achieved and also allows the modeling of heterogeneous objects and objects in different state phases: solid, liquid or gas. By using invisible particles to propagate forces through the modeling environment complex behavior is achieved through the interaction of relatively simple components. In sum, 'macroscopic' behavior emerges from 'microscopic' modeling. We present a newly developed modeling framework expanding on related work. This framework allows objects and forces to be modeled using particle representations and provides the details on how objects are created, how they interact, and how they may be displayed. We present examples to demonstrate the viability and robustness of the developed method of modeling. They illustrate the breaking and fracturing of solids, the interaction of objects in different phase states, and the achievement of a reasonable balance between artistic and physically based behaviors