3 research outputs found

    Planeamento da manutenção preventiva usando algoritmos genéticos

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    Dadas as dificuldades intrínsecas à elaboração de planos de manutenção preventiva adequados à utilização dos equipamentos, este artigo apresenta uma metodologia baseada no critério do custo mínimo para determinar os intervalos óptimos de manutenção preventiva em função da utilização do equipamento. A optimização do modelo desenvolvido foi realizada recorrendo à utilização de algoritmos genéticos, tendo a sua implementação sido efectuada utilizando a plataforma computacional Matlab. Para facilitar a interface entre o utilizador e a plataforma computacional implementada foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica utilizando a ferramenta de interface visual (GUIDE) disponível na plataforma computacional Matlab. Com o objectivo de avaliar a robustez da metodologia proposta, foi utilizado como caso de estudo um equipamento chiller condensado a ar, responsável pela climatização de uma escola secundária, sendo apresentados os correspondentes resultados obtidos e efectuada a sua análise crítica. Os resultados obtidos permitem antever o sucesso da metodologia proposta na definição de planos de manutenção preventiva de equipamentos em função da sua utilização, minimizando o seu custo. Given the inherent difficulties of develop preventive maintenance plans appropriate to the use of equipment, this paper presents a methodology based on the minimum cost criterion for determining the optimal intervals of preventive maintenance as a function of the equipment use. The optimization of the model developed was carried out through the use of genetic algorithms, and their implementation was performed using the computing platform Matlab. To facilitate the interface between the user and the computer platform implemented a graphical user interface was developed using the visual interface tool (GUIDE) available in the Matlab computing platform. In order to assess the robustness of the proposed methodology, it was used as a case study a condensed chiller equipment to air, responsible for the air conditioning of a secondary school and presented the corresponding results obtained and made its critical analysis. The results obtained allow us to predict the success of the proposed methodology in the definition of preventive maintenance plans of equipment depending on its use, minimizing its cost.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de modelo para a melhoria do planeamento da manutenção

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia MecânicaO objetivo da presente dissertação é desenvolver uma metodologia que permita a otimização dos intervalos de manutenção em sistemas reparáveis. Para cumprir o objetivo proposto, foi desenvolvido um método que permite a distribuição das intervenções de manutenção preventiva baseada no critério do custo mínimo, na teoria dos sistemas reparáveis, nos conceitos de manutenção imperfeita e no modelo de vida virtual de um sistema. Para suportar a metodologia proposta foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a função de manutenção, tipos de manutenção existentes, filosofias, indicadores e custos associados à função de manutenção. Para realizar a otimização dos intervalos de manutenção através do modelo proposto optou-se pelo método de algoritmos genéticos, ferramenta que permite o cálculo da melhor solução para o problema em análise através da analogia com a teoria de evolução das espécies. Finalmente, foi construído um algoritmo computacional utilizando o software Matlab, onde são realizados três casos de estudo para demonstrar as potencialidades do mesmo.Abstract: The objective of the current work is to develop a methodology that allows the optimization of the maintenance periods in repairable systems. In order to fulfil this purpose, a methodology wascreated that allows the distribution of the preventive maintenance actions based on the minimal cost criteria, on the theory of the repairable systems, on the concepts of imperfect maintenance and on the model of virtual life. To support the proposed model, literature review was made about the maintenance function, types of maintenance, maintenance philosophy’s, maintenance performance indicators and maintenance costs. To achieve the optimization of the maintenance periods, the genetic algorithm optimization technique was used, a tool that enables the calculation of the best solution using an analogy to the theory of the evolution of species. Finally, the algorithm was computed using the Matlab software and three studies were performed to demonstrate the capabilities of the methodology proposed in the current work

    On the Viability of Quantitative Assessment Methods in Software Engineering and Software Services

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    IT help desk operations are expensive. Costs associated with IT operations present challenges to profit goals. Help desk managers need a way to plan staffing levels so that labor costs are minimized while problems are resolved efficiently. An incident prediction method is needed for planning staffing levels. The potential value of a solution to this problem is important to an IT service provider since software failures are inevitable and their timing is difficult to predict. In this research, a cost model for help desk operations is developed. The cost model relates predicted incidents to labor costs using real help desk data. Incidents are predicted using software reliability growth models. Cluster analysis is used to group products with similar help desk incident characteristics. Principal Components Analysis is used to determine one product per cluster for the prediction of incidents for all members of the cluster. Incident prediction accuracy is demonstrated using cluster representatives, and is done so successfully for all clusters with accuracy comparable to making predictions for each product in the portfolio. Linear regression is used with cost data for the resolution of incidents to relate incident predictions to help desk labor costs. Following a series of four pilot studies, the cost model is validated by successfully demonstrating cost prediction accuracy for one month prediction intervals over a 22 month period