11,882 research outputs found

    Development of a software interface for optical disk archival storage for a new life sciences flight experiments computer

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    The current Life Sciences Laboratory Equipment (LSLE) microcomputer for life sciences experiment data acquisition is now obsolete. Among the weaknesses of the current microcomputer are small memory size, relatively slow analog data sampling rates, and the lack of a bulk data storage device. While life science investigators normally prefer data to be transmitted to Earth as it is taken, this is not always possible. No down-link exists for experiments performed in the Shuttle middeck region. One important aspect of a replacement microcomputer is provision for in-flight storage of experimental data. The Write Once, Read Many (WORM) optical disk was studied because of its high storage density, data integrity, and the availability of a space-qualified unit. In keeping with the goals for a replacement microcomputer based upon commercially available components and standard interfaces, the system studied includes a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) for interfacing the WORM drive. The system itself is designed around the STD bus, using readily available boards. Configurations examined were: (1) master processor board and slave processor board with the SCSI interface; (2) master processor with SCSI interface; (3) master processor with SCSI and Direct Memory Access (DMA); (4) master processor controlling a separate STD bus SCSI board; and (5) master processor controlling a separate STD bus SCSI board with DMA

    Microcomputer-controlled polarographic instrumentation and its use in the determination of stability constants of crown ether complexes

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    A computer-controlled polarographic system is described, based on a commercially available polarograph interfaced to a microcomputer. Experiments are controlled and monitored entirely from software, including automatic evaluation of the Tast polarograms and addition of solutions to the polarographic cell from a motor burette. The program was written in FORTH, a computer language especially apt for laboratory automation. The system is used in the determination of stability constants of crown ether complexes


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    Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    New technologies. Vocational Training No. 11, June 1983

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    A study of the selection of microcomputer architectures to automate planetary spacecraft power systems

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    Performance and reliability models of alternate microcomputer architectures as a methodology for optimizing system design were examined. A methodology for selecting an optimum microcomputer architecture for autonomous operation of planetary spacecraft power systems was developed. Various microcomputer system architectures are analyzed to determine their application to spacecraft power systems. It is suggested that no standardization formula or common set of guidelines exists which provides an optimum configuration for a given set of specifications

    Laser velocimetry in the low-speed wind tunnels at Ames Research Center

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    The historical development of laser velocimetry and its application to low-speed (less than 100 m/sec) aerodynamic flows in the subsonic wind tunnels at Ames Research Center is reviewed. A fully three dimensional velocimeter for the Ames 7- by 10-Foot Wind Tunnel is described, and its capabilities are presented through sample data from a recent experiment. Finally, a long-range (2.6 to 10 m) velocimeter that is designed to be installed within the test section of the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel is described and sample data are presented

    Advanced detection, isolation, and accommodation of sensor failures in turbofan engines: Real-time microcomputer implementation

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    The objective of the Advanced Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation Program is to improve the overall demonstrated reliability of digital electronic control systems for turbine engines. For this purpose, an algorithm was developed which detects, isolates, and accommodates sensor failures by using analytical redundancy. The performance of this algorithm was evaluated on a real time engine simulation and was demonstrated on a full scale F100 turbofan engine. The real time implementation of the algorithm is described. The implementation used state-of-the-art microprocessor hardware and software, including parallel processing and high order language programming

    Spectral contents readout of birefringent sensors

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    The objective of the research performed was to establish the feasibility of using spectral contents analysis to measure accurately, strains and retardation in birefringent sensors, and more generally, on transparent materials

    A microcomputer based frequency-domain processor for laser Doppler anemometry

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    A prototype multi-channel laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) processor was assembled using a wideband transient recorder and a microcomputer with an array processor for fast Fourier transform (FFT) computations. The prototype instrument was used to acquire, process, and record signals from a three-component wind tunnel LDA system subject to various conditions of noise and flow turbulence. The recorded data was used to evaluate the effectiveness of burst acceptance criteria, processing algorithms, and selection of processing parameters such as record length. The recorded signals were also used to obtain comparative estimates of signal-to-noise ratio between time-domain and frequency-domain signal detection schemes. These comparisons show that the FFT processing scheme allows accurate processing of signals for which the signal-to-noise ratio is 10 to 15 dB less than is practical using counter processors

    Microcomputer based controller for the Langley 0.3-meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel

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    Flow control of the Langley 0.3-meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel (TCT) is a multivariable nonlinear control problem. Globally stable control laws were generated to hold tunnel conditions in the presence of geometrical disturbances in the test section and precisely control the tunnel states for small and large set point changes. The control laws are mechanized as four inner control loops for tunnel pressure, temperature, fan speed, and liquid nitrogen supply pressure, and two outer loops for Mach number and Reynolds number. These integrated control laws have been mechanized on a 16-bit microcomputer working on DOS. This document details the model of the 0.3-m TCT, control laws, microcomputer realization, and its performance. The tunnel closed loop responses to small and large set point changes were presented. The controller incorporates safe thermal management of the tunnel cooldown based on thermal restrictions. The controller was shown to provide control of temperature to + or - 0.2K, pressure to + or - 0.07 psia, and Mach number to + or - 0.002 of a given set point during aerodynamic data acquisition in the presence of intrusive geometrical changes like flexwall movement, angle-of-attack changes, and drag rake traverse. The controller also provides a new feature of Reynolds number control. The controller provides a safe, reliable, and economical control of the 0.3-m TCT