3 research outputs found

    A component-based framework for certification of components in a cloud of HPC services

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    HPC Shelfis a proposal of a cloud computing platform to provide component-oriented services for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. This paper presents a Verification-as-a-Service (VaaS) framework for component certification onHPC Shelf. Certification is aimed at providing higher confidence that components of parallel computing systems ofHPC Shelfbehave as expected according to one or more requirements expressed in their contracts. To this end, new abstractions are introduced, starting with certifier components. They are designed to inspect other components and verify them for different types of functional, non-functional and behavioral requirements. The certification framework is naturally based on parallel computing techniques to speed up verification tasks.NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-000037

    Towards Practical Predicate Analysis

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    Software model checking is a successful technique for automated program verification. Several of the most widely used approaches for software model checking are based on solving first-order-logic formulas over predicates using SMT solvers, e.g., predicate abstraction, bounded model checking, k-induction, and lazy abstraction with interpolants. We define a configurable framework for predicate-based analyses that allows expressing each of these approaches. This unifying framework highlights the differences between the approaches, producing new insights, and facilitates research of further algorithms and their combinations, as witnessed by several research projects that have been conducted on top of this framework. In addition to this theoretical contribution, we provide a mature implementation of our framework in the software verifier that allows applying all of the mentioned approaches to practice. This implementation is used by other research groups, e.g., to find bugs in the Linux kernel, and has proven its competitiveness by winning gold medals in the International Competition on Software Verification. Tools and approaches for software model checking like our predicate analysis are typically evaluated using performance benchmarking on large sets of verification tasks. We have identified several pitfalls that can silently arise during benchmarking, and we have found that the benchmarking techniques and tools that are used by many researchers do not guarantee valid results in practice, but may produce arbitrarily large measurement errors. Furthermore, certain hardware characteristics can also have nondeterministic influence on the measurements. In order to being able to properly evaluate our framework for software verification, we study the effects of these hardware characteristics, and define a list of the most important requirements that need to be ensured for reliable benchmarking. We present as solution an open-source benchmarking framework BenchExec, which in contrast to other benchmarking tools fulfills all our requirements and aims at making reliable benchmarking easy. BenchExec was already adopted by several research groups and the International Competition on Software Verification. Using the power of BenchExec we conduct an experimental evaluation of our unifying framework for predicate analysis. We study the effect of varying the SMT solver and the way program semantics are encoded in formulas across several verification algorithms and find that these technical choices can significantly influence the results of experimental studies of verification approaches. This is valuable information for both researchers who study verification approaches as well as for users who apply them in practice. Our comprehensive study of 120 different configurations would not have been possible without our highly flexible and configurable unifying framework for predicate analysis and shows that the latter is a valuable base for conducting experiments. Furthermore, we show using a comparison against top-ranking verifiers from the International Competition on Software Verification that our implementation is highly competitive and can outperform the state of the art

    Software Verification in the Google App-Engine Cloud

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