6 research outputs found

    Determinants of adoption of clud computing services by small, medium and large companies

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    Manufacturing sector organizations have seen an improvement in their competitiveness due to the digital economy. However, there must be a steady migration from an organization with a restricted use of Information Technology, to one in which Information Technology is commonly used for all of the different activities of the company. Based on this migration, organizations of all types can generate increases in productivity and competitiveness. This in turn contributes to advances in progress and welfare by creating more opportunities. This study proposes to advance knowledge about the implementation of cloud technology so that an organization can become more competitive. The current technology available for improving competitiveness in all areas of a company by exploiting data, providing services and for the use of resources, is cloud computing. This novel technology will be investigated and the findings will be used to describe the state of this technology in our country at the moment. It will also show how the complexity of these systems and the attitudes of the organizations and people involved, depending on the size of the organization and its management style, influence the adoption of cloud computing systems

    La tecnolog铆a cloud: un nuevo modelo de negocio en la 煤ltima frontera de internet.

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    Paper aceptado en el XXX AEDEM Anual Meeting 2016sector productivo de las organizaciones, pero este hecho implica migrar de una econom铆a con un escaso grado de adopci贸n de las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n, a otra donde es com煤n y normal aprovecharlas en todas las actividades econ贸micas, culturales y sociales. Esta adopci贸n tecnol贸gica genera incrementos en la productividad y en la competitividad de las empresas, organizaciones y administraciones, contribuyendo as铆 a la generaci贸n de bienestar y de mayores oportunidades de progreso. Contribuir y profundizar en estudios relacionados con la adopci贸n de la tecnolog铆a cloud en la contribuci贸n a la mejora de competitividad de una organizaci贸n es el objetivo de este trabajo de investigaci贸n. Actualmente, los sistemas cloud computing o la computaci贸n en la nube son una de las alternativas m谩s reales para conseguir mejorar esa competitividad, pero no s贸lo como tecnolog铆a de la informaci贸n, sino como un nuevo modelo econ贸mico de aprovechamiento de los recursos, de explotaci贸n de las aplicaciones y de los datos o de prestar servicios empresariales. Esta investigaci贸n trata de estudiar y ahondar en la evoluci贸n de esta todav铆a reciente tecnolog铆a, su aplicabilidad a medio y largo plazo, as铆 como relacionar sus conclusiones con otros estudios sobre la situaci贸n de esta tecnolog铆a en nuestro Pa铆s. As铆 mismo, ponen de manifiesto la influencia de la complejidad tecnol贸gica y la actitud hacia el sistema en funci贸n del tama帽o de la organizaci贸n un modelo de gesti贸n de adopci贸n de la computaci贸n en la nube.The digital economy is contributing decisively to boost the competitiveness of the productive sector organizations, but this involves migrating from an economy with a low degree of adoption of Information Technology, to another where it is common and normal seize in all economic, cultural and social activities. This technology adoption generates increases in productivity and competitiveness of enterprises, organizations and administrations, thus contributing to the generation of welfare and greater opportunities for progress. Contribute and deepen related to the adoption of cloud technology in contributing to the improvement of competitiveness of an organization studies is the aim of this research. Today, cloud computing systems or cloud computing are one of the most real in order to improve the competitiveness alternatives, but not only as information technology, but as a new economic model of resource utilization, exploitation of applications and data or providing business services. This research tries to study and delve into the evolution of this still young technology, its applicability to medium and long term, and relate their findings with other studies on the situation of this technology in our country. Also, they show the influence of technological complexity and attitude towards the system depending on the size of the organization a management model of adoption of cloud computing.peerReviewe

    Modelo de aceptaci贸n y uso del cloud computing: un an谩lisis realizado en el 谩mbito empresarial

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    La econom铆a digital est谩 contribuyendo de forma decisiva al impulso de la competitividad del sector productivo de una organizaci贸n, pero este hecho implica migrar de una econom铆a con un escaso grado de adopci贸n de las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n, a otra donde es com煤n y normal aprovecharlas en todas las actividades econ贸micas, culturales y sociales. Esa adopci贸n tecnol贸gica genera incrementos en la productividad y en la competitividad de las empresas, organizaciones y administraciones, contribuyendo as铆 a la generaci贸n de bienestar y de mayores oportunidades de progreso. Contribuir y profundizar en estudios relacionados con estos modelos de adopci贸n y su contribuci贸n a la mejora de competitividad de una organizaci贸n es el objetivo de este trabajo de investigaci贸n. Actualmente, los sistemas cloud computing o la computaci贸n en la nube son una de las alternativas m谩s reales para conseguir mejorar esa competitividad, pero no s贸lo como tecnolog铆a de la informaci贸n, sino como un nuevo modelo econ贸mico de aprovechamiento de los recursos, de explotaci贸n de las aplicaciones y de los datos o de prestar servicios empresariales. Esta investigaci贸n trata de estudiar y ahondar en la evoluci贸n de esta todav铆a reciente tecnolog铆a, su aplicabilidad a medio y largo plazo, as铆 como en encontrar la f贸rmula que permita encontrar su mejor modelo de adopci贸n tecnol贸gico en una organizaci贸n. Normalmente estos trabajos est谩n centrados en aspectos puramente tecnol贸gicos, sin intentar estudiar su repercusi贸n en las organizaciones. Este trabajo de investigaci贸n trata otro enfoque que permita optimizar y adaptar estas tecnolog铆as a la realidad de nuestro tejido productivo. Los resultados de esta investigaci贸n reflejan cuales son los factores cr铆ticos a tener en cuenta y como se relacionan entre ellos. As铆 mismo, ponen de manifiesto las necesidades organizacionales que deben afrontar aquellas empresas que deseen implantar un verdadero modelo de gesti贸n adoptado a la econom铆a digital, especialmente a los relacionados con la computaci贸n en la nube.The digital economy is contributing decisively to boosting the competitiveness of the productive sector of organizations, but this involves migrating from an economy with only a small amount of Information Technology use, to one where it is common, and normal, to use these technologies in all economic, cultural and social activities. This adoption of technology generates increases in productivity and competitivity of enterprises, organizations and administrations, thus contributing to the creation of wealth, and greater opportunities for progress. Contributing to and furthering studies related to these models of adoption and their contribution to improving competitiveness of an organization is the goal of this research project. Today, cloud computing systems or cloud computing are one of the most realistic ways to improve the competitivity, but not only for Information Technology, also as a new economic model of resource use, exploitation of applications and data, or for providing business services. This study seeks to explore and research the evolution of this still new technology, its application in the medium and long term as well as trying to find the formula for the optimal model of technology adoption in an organization. Normally these studies are focused on purely technological aspects without trying to study the impact on the organizations. This research project presents another approach, to optimize and adapt these technologies to the reality of our production sector. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. It also shows the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Bioinspired metaheuristic algorithms for global optimization

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    This paper presents concise comparison study of newly developed bioinspired algorithms for global optimization problems. Three different metaheuristic techniques, namely Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) are investigated and implemented in Matlab environment. These methods are compared on four unimodal and multimodal nonlinear functions in order to find global optimum values. Computational results indicate that GWO outperforms other intelligent techniques, and that all aforementioned algorithms can be successfully used for optimization of continuous functions

    Experimental Evaluation of Growing and Pruning Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks Trained with Extended Information Filter

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    In this paper we test Extended Information Filter (EIF) for sequential training of Hyper Basis Function Neural Networks with growing and pruning ability (HBF-GP). The HBF neuron allows different scaling of input dimensions to provide better generalization property when dealing with complex nonlinear problems in engineering practice. The main intuition behind HBF is in generalization of Gaussian type of neuron that applies Mahalanobis-like distance as a distance metrics between input training sample and prototype vector. We exploit concept of neuron鈥檚 significance and allow growing and pruning of HBF neurons during sequential learning process. From engineer鈥檚 perspective, EIF is attractive for training of neural networks because it allows a designer to have scarce initial knowledge of the system/problem. Extensive experimental study shows that HBF neural network trained with EIF achieves same prediction error and compactness of network topology when compared to EKF, but without the need to know initial state uncertainty, which is its main advantage over EKF