18 research outputs found

    Soft-Robust Actor-Critic Policy-Gradient

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    Robust Reinforcement Learning aims to derive optimal behavior that accounts for model uncertainty in dynamical systems. However, previous studies have shown that by considering the worst case scenario, robust policies can be overly conservative. Our soft-robust framework is an attempt to overcome this issue. In this paper, we present a novel Soft-Robust Actor-Critic algorithm (SR-AC). It learns an optimal policy with respect to a distribution over an uncertainty set and stays robust to model uncertainty but avoids the conservativeness of robust strategies. We show the convergence of SR-AC and test the efficiency of our approach on different domains by comparing it against regular learning methods and their robust formulations.Comment: UAI 201

    A Bayesian Approach to Robust Reinforcement Learning

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    Robust Markov Decision Processes (RMDPs) intend to ensure robustness with respect to changing or adversarial system behavior. In this framework, transitions are modeled as arbitrary elements of a known and properly structured uncertainty set and a robust optimal policy can be derived under the worst-case scenario. In this study, we address the issue of learning in RMDPs using a Bayesian approach. We introduce the Uncertainty Robust Bellman Equation (URBE) which encourages safe exploration for adapting the uncertainty set to new observations while preserving robustness. We propose a URBE-based algorithm, DQN-URBE, that scales this method to higher dimensional domains. Our experiments show that the derived URBE-based strategy leads to a better trade-off between less conservative solutions and robustness in the presence of model misspecification. In addition, we show that the DQN-URBE algorithm can adapt significantly faster to changing dynamics online compared to existing robust techniques with fixed uncertainty sets.Comment: Accepted to UAI 201

    Challenges of Real-World Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven its worth in a series of artificial domains, and is beginning to show some successes in real-world scenarios. However, much of the research advances in RL are often hard to leverage in real-world systems due to a series of assumptions that are rarely satisfied in practice. We present a set of nine unique challenges that must be addressed to productionize RL to real world problems. For each of these challenges, we specify the exact meaning of the challenge, present some approaches from the literature, and specify some metrics for evaluating that challenge. An approach that addresses all nine challenges would be applicable to a large number of real world problems. We also present an example domain that has been modified to present these challenges as a testbed for practical RL research

    Learning Robust Options by Conditional Value at Risk Optimization

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    Options are generally learned by using an inaccurate environment model (or simulator), which contains uncertain model parameters. While there are several methods to learn options that are robust against the uncertainty of model parameters, these methods only consider either the worst case or the average (ordinary) case for learning options. This limited consideration of the cases often produces options that do not work well in the unconsidered case. In this paper, we propose a conditional value at risk (CVaR)-based method to learn options that work well in both the average and worst cases. We extend the CVaR-based policy gradient method proposed by Chow and Ghavamzadeh (2014) to deal with robust Markov decision processes and then apply the extended method to learning robust options. We conduct experiments to evaluate our method in multi-joint robot control tasks (HopperIceBlock, Half-Cheetah, and Walker2D). Experimental results show that our method produces options that 1) give better worst-case performance than the options learned only to minimize the average-case loss, and 2) give better average-case performance than the options learned only to minimize the worst-case loss.Comment: NeurIPS 2019. Video demo: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xXgSeEa_nNG397ZkIayk3CwYPy_BPy8X Source codes: https://github.com/TakuyaHiraoka/Learning-Robust-Options-by-Conditional-Value-at-Risk-Optimizatio

    Challenges of Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Dispatching

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    Dynamic dispatching aims to smartly allocate the right resources to the right place at the right time. Dynamic dispatching is one of the core problems for operations optimization in the mining industry. Theoretically, deep reinforcement learning (RL) should be a natural fit to solve this problem. However, the industry relies on heuristics or even human intuitions, which are often short-sighted and sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we review the main challenges in using deep RL to address the dynamic dispatching problem in the mining industry.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2008.1071

    Bayesian Robust Optimization for Imitation Learning

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    One of the main challenges in imitation learning is determining what action an agent should take when outside the state distribution of the demonstrations. Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) can enable generalization to new states by learning a parameterized reward function, but these approaches still face uncertainty over the true reward function and corresponding optimal policy. Existing safe imitation learning approaches based on IRL deal with this uncertainty using a maxmin framework that optimizes a policy under the assumption of an adversarial reward function, whereas risk-neutral IRL approaches either optimize a policy for the mean or MAP reward function. While completely ignoring risk can lead to overly aggressive and unsafe policies, optimizing in a fully adversarial sense is also problematic as it can lead to overly conservative policies that perform poorly in practice. To provide a bridge between these two extremes, we propose Bayesian Robust Optimization for Imitation Learning (BROIL). BROIL leverages Bayesian reward function inference and a user specific risk tolerance to efficiently optimize a robust policy that balances expected return and conditional value at risk. Our empirical results show that BROIL provides a natural way to interpolate between return-maximizing and risk-minimizing behaviors and outperforms existing risk-sensitive and risk-neutral inverse reinforcement learning algorithms. Code is available at https://github.com/dsbrown1331/broil.Comment: In proceedings NeurIPS 202

    Distributional Robustness and Regularization in Reinforcement Learning

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    Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) has enabled to prove the equivalence between robustness and regularization in classification and regression, thus providing an analytical reason why regularization generalizes well in statistical learning. Although DRO's extension to sequential decision-making overcomes external uncertainty\textit{external uncertainty} through the robust Markov Decision Process (MDP) setting, the resulting formulation is hard to solve, especially on large domains. On the other hand, existing regularization methods in reinforcement learning only address internal uncertainty\textit{internal uncertainty} due to stochasticity. Our study aims to facilitate robust reinforcement learning by establishing a dual relation between robust MDPs and regularization. We introduce Wasserstein distributionally robust MDPs and prove that they hold out-of-sample performance guarantees. Then, we introduce a new regularizer for empirical value functions and show that it lower bounds the Wasserstein distributionally robust value function. We extend the result to linear value function approximation for large state spaces. Our approach provides an alternative formulation of robustness with guaranteed finite-sample performance. Moreover, it suggests using regularization as a practical tool for dealing with external uncertainty\textit{external uncertainty} in reinforcement learning methods.Comment: Accepted at the "Theoretical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning" Workshop - ICML 202

    Robust Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control with Model Misspecification

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    Many real-world physical control systems are required to satisfy constraints upon deployment. Furthermore, real-world systems are often subject to effects such as non-stationarity, wear-and-tear, uncalibrated sensors and so on. Such effects effectively perturb the system dynamics and can cause a policy trained successfully in one domain to perform poorly when deployed to a perturbed version of the same domain. This can affect a policy's ability to maximize future rewards as well as the extent to which it satisfies constraints. We refer to this as constrained model misspecification. We present an algorithm that mitigates this form of misspecification, and showcase its performance in multiple simulated Mujoco tasks from the Real World Reinforcement Learning (RWRL) suite

    Robust Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control with Model Misspecification

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    We provide a framework for incorporating robustness -- to perturbations in the transition dynamics which we refer to as model misspecification -- into continuous control Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. We specifically focus on incorporating robustness into a state-of-the-art continuous control RL algorithm called Maximum a-posteriori Policy Optimization (MPO). We achieve this by learning a policy that optimizes for a worst case expected return objective and derive a corresponding robust entropy-regularized Bellman contraction operator. In addition, we introduce a less conservative, soft-robust, entropy-regularized objective with a corresponding Bellman operator. We show that both, robust and soft-robust policies, outperform their non-robust counterparts in nine Mujoco domains with environment perturbations. In addition, we show improved robust performance on a high-dimensional, simulated, dexterous robotic hand. Finally, we present multiple investigative experiments that provide a deeper insight into the robustness framework. This includes an adaptation to another continuous control RL algorithm as well as learning the uncertainty set from offline data. Performance videos can be found online at https://sites.google.com/view/robust-rl

    Evaluating the progress of Deep Reinforcement Learning in the real world: aligning domain-agnostic and domain-specific research

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is considered a potential framework to improve many real-world autonomous systems; it has attracted the attention of multiple and diverse fields. Nevertheless, the successful deployment in the real world is a test most of DRL models still need to pass. In this work we focus on this issue by reviewing and evaluating the research efforts from both domain-agnostic and domain-specific communities. On one hand, we offer a comprehensive summary of DRL challenges and summarize the different proposals to mitigate them; this helps identifying five gaps of domain-agnostic research. On the other hand, from the domain-specific perspective, we discuss different success stories and argue why other models might fail to be deployed. Finally, we take up on ways to move forward accounting for both perspectives