17 research outputs found

    Soft metrics and their Performance Analysis for Optimal Data Detection in the Presence of Strong Oscillator Phase Noise

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    In this paper, we address the classical problem of maximum-likelihood (ML) detection of data in the presence of random phase noise. We consider a system, where the random phase noise affecting the received signal is first compensated by a tracker/estimator. Then the phase error and its statistics are used for deriving the ML detector. Specifically, we derive an ML detector based on a Gaussian assumption for the phase error probability density function (PDF). Further without making any assumptions on the phase error PDF, we show that the actual ML detector can be reformulated as a weighted sum of central moments of the phase error PDF. We present a simple approximation of this new ML rule assuming that the phase error distribution is unknown. The ML detectors derived are also the aposteriori probabilities of the transmitted symbols, and are referred to as soft metrics. Then, using the detector developed based on Gaussian phase error assumption, we derive the symbol error probability (SEP) performance and error floor analytically for arbitrary constellations. Finally we compare SEP performance of the various detectors/metrics in this work and those from literature for different signal constellations, phase noise scenarios and SNR values

    Effect of Synchronizing Coordinated Base Stations on Phase Noise Estimation

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    In this paper, we study the problem of oscillator phase noise (PN) estimation in coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmission systems. Specifically, we investigate the effect of phase synchronization between coordinated base stations (BSs) on PN estimation at the user receiver (downlink channel). In this respect, the Bayesian Cram\'er-Rao bound for PN estimation is derived which is a function of the level of phase synchronization between the coordinated BSs. Results show that quality of BS synchronization has a significant effect on the PN estimation

    On the Impact of Phase Noise in Communication Systems –- Performance Analysis and Algorithms

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    The mobile industry is preparing to scale up the network capacity by a factor of 1000x in order to cope with the staggering growth in mobile traffic. As a consequence, there is a tremendous pressure on the network infrastructure, where more cost-effective, flexible, high speed connectivity solutions are being sought for. In this regard, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, and millimeter-wave communication systems are new physical layer technologies, which promise to facilitate the 1000 fold increase in network capacity. However, these technologies are extremely prone to hardware impairments like phase noise caused by noisy oscillators. Furthermore, wireless backhaul networks are an effective solution to transport data by using high-order signal constellations, which are also susceptible to phase noise impairments. Analyzing the performance of wireless communication systems impaired by oscillator phase noise, and designing systems to operate efficiently in strong phase noise conditions are critical problems in communication theory. The criticality of these problems is accentuated with the growing interest in new physical layer technologies, and the deployment of wireless backhaul networks. This forms the main motivation for this thesis where we analyze the impact of phase noise on the system performance, and we also design algorithms in order to mitigate phase noise and its effects. First, we address the problem of maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection of data in the presence of strong phase noise in single-antenna systems. This is achieved by designing a low-complexity joint phase-estimator data-detector. We show that the proposed method outperforms existing detectors, especially when high order signal constellations are used. Then, in order to further improve system performance, we consider the problem of optimizing signal constellations for transmission over channels impaired by phase noise. Specifically, we design signal constellations such that the error rate performance of the system is minimized, and the information rate of the system is maximized. We observe that these optimized constellations significantly improve the system performance, when compared to conventional constellations, and those proposed in the literature. Next, we derive the MAP symbol detector for a MIMO system where each antenna at the transceiver has its own oscillator. We propose three suboptimal, low-complexity algorithms for approximately implementing the MAP symbol detector, which involve joint phase noise estimation and data detection. We observe that the proposed techniques significantly outperform the other algorithms in prior works. Finally, we study the impact of phase noise on the performance of a massive MIMO system, where we analyze both uplink and downlink performances. Based on rigorous analyses of the achievable rates, we provide interesting insights for the following question: how should oscillators be connected to the antennas at a base station, which employs a large number of antennas

    Receiver Algorithm based on Differential Signaling for SIMO Phase Noise Channels with Common and Separate Oscillator Configurations

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    In this paper, a receiver algorithm consisting of differential transmission and a two-stage detection for a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) phase-noise channels is studied. Specifically, the phases of the QAM modulated data symbols are manipulated before transmission in order to make them more immune to the random rotational effects of phase noise. At the receiver, a two-stage detector is implemented, which first detects the amplitude of the transmitted symbols from a nonlinear combination of the received signal amplitudes. Then in the second stage, the detector performs phase detection. The studied signaling method does not require transmission of any known symbols that act as pilots. Furthermore, no phase noise estimator (or a tracker) is needed at the receiver to compensate the effect of phase noise. This considerably reduces the complexity of the receiver structure. Moreover, it is observed that the studied algorithm can be used for the setups where a common local oscillator or separate independent oscillators drive the radio-frequency circuitries connected to each antenna. Due to the differential encoding/decoding of the phase, weighted averaging can be employed at a multi-antenna receiver, allowing for phase noise suppression to leverage the large number of antennas. Hence, we observe that the performance improves by increasing the number of antennas, especially in the separate oscillator case. Further increasing the number of receive antennas results in a performance error floor, which is a function of the quality of the oscillator at the transmitter.Comment: IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Oscillator Phase Noise and Small-Scale Channel Fading in Higher Frequency Bands

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    This paper investigates the effect of oscillator phase noise and channel variations due to fading on the performance of communication systems at frequency bands higher than 10GHz. Phase noise and channel models are reviewed and technology-dependent bounds on the phase noise quality of radio oscillators are presented. Our study shows that, in general, both channel variations and phase noise can have severe effects on the system performance at high frequencies. Importantly, their relative severity depends on the application scenario and system parameters such as center frequency and bandwidth. Channel variations are seen to be more severe than phase noise when the relative velocity between the transmitter and receiver is high. On the other hand, performance degradation due to phase noise can be more severe when the center frequency is increased and the bandwidth is kept a constant, or when oscillators based on low power CMOS technology are used, as opposed to high power GaN HEMT based oscillators.Comment: IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Austin, TX, Dec. 201

    On the Capacity of the Wiener Phase-Noise Channel: Bounds and Capacity Achieving Distributions

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    In this paper, the capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, affected by time-varying Wiener phase noise is investigated. Tight upper and lower bounds on the capacity of this channel are developed. The upper bound is obtained by using the duality approach, and considering a specific distribution over the output of the channel. In order to lower-bound the capacity, first a family of capacity-achieving input distributions is found by solving a functional optimization of the channel mutual information. Then, lower bounds on the capacity are obtained by drawing samples from the proposed distributions through Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed capacity-achieving input distributions are circularly symmetric, non-Gaussian, and the input amplitudes are correlated over time. The evaluated capacity bounds are tight for a wide range of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) values, and thus they can be used to quantify the capacity. Specifically, the bounds follow the well-known AWGN capacity curve at low SNR, while at high SNR, they coincide with the high-SNR capacity result available in the literature for the phase-noise channel.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 201

    Constellation Optimization in the Presence of Strong Phase Noise

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    In this paper, we address the problem of optimizing signal constellations for strong phase noise. The problem is investigated by considering three optimization formulations, which provide an analytical framework for constellation design. In the first formulation, we seek to design constellations that minimize the symbol error probability (SEP) for an approximate ML detector in the presence of phase noise. In the second formulation, we optimize constellations in terms of mutual information (MI) for the effective discrete channel consisting of phase noise, additive white Gaussian noise, and the approximate ML detector. To this end, we derive the MI of this discrete channel. Finally, we optimize constellations in terms of the MI for the phase noise channel. We give two analytical characterizations of the MI of this channel, which are shown to be accurate for a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios and phase noise variances. For each formulation, we present a detailed analysis of the optimal constellations and their performance in the presence of strong phase noise. We show that the optimal constellations significantly outperform conventional constellations and those proposed in the literature in terms of SEP, error floors, and MI.Comment: 10 page, 10 figures, Accepted to IEEE Trans. Commu

    Calculation of the Performance of Communication Systems from Measured Oscillator Phase Noise

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    Oscillator phase noise (PN) is one of the major problems that affect the performance of communication systems. In this paper, a direct connection between oscillator measurements, in terms of measured single-side band PN spectrum, and the optimal communication system performance, in terms of the resulting error vector magnitude (EVM) due to PN, is mathematically derived and analyzed. First, a statistical model of the PN, considering the effect of white and colored noise sources, is derived. Then, we utilize this model to derive the modified Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound on PN estimation, and use it to find an EVM bound for the system performance. Based on our analysis, it is found that the influence from different noise regions strongly depends on the communication bandwidth, i.e., the symbol rate. For high symbol rate communication systems, cumulative PN that appears near carrier is of relatively low importance compared to the white PN far from carrier. Our results also show that 1/f^3 noise is more predictable compared to 1/f^2 noise and in a fair comparison it affects the performance less.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper