1 research outputs found

    Social-Aware Cooperative Video Distribution via SVC Streaming Multicast

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    Scalable Video Coding (SVC) streaming multicast is considered as a promising solution to cope with video traffic overload and multicast channel differences. To solve the challenge of delivering high-definition SVC streaming over burst-loss prone channels, we propose a social-aware cooperative SVC streaming multicast scheme. The proposed scheme is the first attempt to enable D2D cooperation for SVC streaming multicast to conquer the burst-loss, and one salient feature of it is that it takes fully into account the hierarchical encoding structure of SVC in scheduling cooperation. By using our scheme, users form groups to share video packets among each other to restore incomplete enhancement layers. Specifically, a cooperative group formation method is designed to stimulate effective cooperation, based on coalitional game theory; and an optimal D2D links scheduling scheme is devised to maximize the total decoded enhancement layers, based on potential game theory. Extensive simulations using real video traces corroborate that the proposed scheme leads to a significant gain on the received video quality