412 research outputs found

    Challenges in Short Text Classification: The Case of Online Auction Disclosure

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    Text classification is an important research problem in many fields. We examine a special case of textual content namely, short text. Examples of short text appear in a number of contexts such as online reviews, chat messages, twitter feeds, etc. In this research, we examine short text for the purpose of classification in internet auctions. The “ask seller a question” forum of a large horizontal intermediary auction platform is used to conduct this research. We describe our approach to classification by examining various solution methods to the problem. The unsupervised K-Medoids clustering algorithm provides useful but limited insights into keywords extraction while the supervised Naïve Bayes algorithm successfully achieves on average, around 65% classification accuracy. We then present a score assigning approach to this issue which outperforms the other two methods. Finally, we discuss how our approach to short text classification can be used to analyse the effectiveness of internet auctions

    Facilitating Classroom Economics Experiments with an Emerging Technology: The Case of Clickers

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    The authors discuss how they used the audience response system (ARS) to facilitate pit market trading in an applied microeconomics class and report the efficacy of the approach. Using the ARS to facilitate active learning by engaging students in economics experiments has pedagogical advantages over both the labor-intensive approach of pencil-and-paper and the capital-intensive route of relying on networked or on-line computer labs which oftentimes preclude or restrict face-to-face student interactions. Thus, the new method of conducting experiments represents an added advantage on top of such conventional functions as taking attendance and administering quizzes of this increasingly popular classroom technology.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    A Survey on Classification Techniques for Feature-Sentiment Analysis

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    As use of internet and its application are growing exponentially; the e-commerce business i.e. online purchase is proportionately swelling in the world. The e-commerce websites and similar service providing websites are providing a rich variety of product and service to be sold. As the quality of service and product/goods has much effect on its sell, the websites nowadays tends to have public opinion on the product in the form of feedback; we can name it as reviews. These reviews provide much information about the service/product as the customers are encouraged to write their reviews cum assessments about the product, more precisely saying, customer writes their view about product’s specifications or product’s features. These unrestricted or restricted opinions from public can then be considered by the customers and vendor to make the required design/engineering/production changes to the product to upsurge its quality. The Feature Mining along with Sentiment Analysis techniques can be applied to achieve product’s feature and public opinion on these features. Here in this paper we are interestingly motivated by the scenario as discussed above. We had a survey on the different methods cum techniques that can be usually used to extract products/service features and categorizing those feature along with the sentiment classification on the determined features which is part of Machine learning. The public opinions can be classified as positive, negative and neutral sentimentalities. Research area ‘Data Mining’ has proven its importance with its rich set of Machine Learning Algorithms which in turn can be used as Sentiment or Opinion Classifier. After evaluating feature-sentiment techniques, we then studied the feature classification/categorizing by using its overall sentiment and influence on the product/service sell. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15079

    Facilitating Classroom Economics Experiments with an Emerging Technology: The Case of Clickers

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    The audience response system (ARS) has increasingly been used to engage students by eliciting and analyzing responses to questions posed by instructors. The authors discuss how they used the system to facilitate pit market trading in a microeconomics class, report the efficacy of the approach and provide suggestions extending the use of ARS to other experiments. Using the ARS to facilitate active learning by engaging students in economics experiments has pedagogical advantages over both the labor-intensive approach of pencil-and-paper and the capital-intensive route of relying on networked or on-line computer labs which oftentimes preclude or restrict face-to-face student interactions. Thus, the new method represents an added advantage on top of such conventional functions as taking attendance and administering quizzes of this increasingly popular classroom technology.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    A Survey on Feature-Sentiment Classification Techniques

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    As internet growing exponentially, the online purchase is proportionally increasing its all around the world. The e-commerce and product selling websites are providing a rich variety of product to be sold. As the quality of product has much impact on its sell, the e-commerce websites tends to take public opinion on the product in terms of consumers feedback, we call it as reviews. These reviews provide much knowledge about the product as the consumers are motivated to write their reviews about the product, more precisely saying, consumer writes their opinion about product’s specifications or product’s features. These public opinions can then be analyzed by the consumers and vendor to make the required manufacturing changes to the product to increase its quality. The Feature Mining along with Sentiment Analysis techniques can be applied to achieve product’s feature and public opinion on these features. Here in this paper we are motivated by the scenario as mentioned above. We had a survey on the different techniques that can be used to mine products feature and classifying those feature along with the sentiment classification on the determined features. The public sentiments can be classified as negative, positive and neutral sentiments. Data Mining provides a rich set of Machine Learning Algorithms which in turn can be used as Sentiment Classifier. After analyzing feature-sentiment techniques, we then studied the feature classification by using its overall sentiment and influence on the product sell

    Assessment, Implication, and Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews: A Literature Review

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    The onset of e-marketplace, virtual communities and social networking has appreciated the influential capability of online consumer reviews (OCR) and therefore necessitate conglomeration of the body of knowledge. This article attempts to conceptually cluster academic literature in both management and technical domain. The study follows a framework which broadly clusters management research under two heads: OCR Assessment and OCR Implication (business implication). Parallel technical literature has been reviewed to reconcile methodologies adopted in the analysis of text content on the web, majorly reviews. Text mining through automated tools, algorithmic contribution (dominant majorly in technical stream literature) and manual assessment (derived from the stream of content analysis) has been studied in this review article. Literature survey of both the domains is analyzed to propose possible area for further research. Usage of text analysis methods along with statistical and data mining techniques to analyze review text and utilize the knowledge creation for solving managerial issues can possibly constitute further work. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol9/iss2/4

    Reputation systems: Evaluating reputation among all good sellers

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    A reputation system assists people selecting whom to trust, encourages trustworthy action, and discourages participation of unskilled or dishonest. The “all good reputation” problem is common in current reputation systems, especially in e-commerce domain, making it difficult for buyers to choose credible sellers. Observing high growth of online data in Hindi language, in this paper, we propose a reputation system in this language. The functions of this system include (1) review mining for different criteria of online transactions, (2) calculation of reputation rating using Bayesian method, (3) calculation of reputation weight using typed dependency relation representation and Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modeling technique for each criteria from user reviews, and (4) ranking sellers based on computed reputation score. Extensive simulations conducted on eBay dataset and TripAdvisor dataset show its

    Computational Abstraction of Films for Quantitave Analysis of Cinematography

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    Currently, film viewers’ options for getting objective information about films before watching them, are limited. Comparisons are even harder to find and often require extensive film knowledge both by the author and the reader. Such comparisons are inherently subjective, therefore they limit the possibilities for scalable and effective statistical analyses. Apart from trailers, information about films cannot reach viewers audibly or visibly, which seems absurd considering the very nature of film. The thesis examines repeatable quantification methods for computationally abstracting films in order to extract informative data for visualizations and further statistical analy- ses. Theoretical background empowered by multidisciplinary approach and design processes are described. Visualizations of analyses are provided and evaluated for their accuracy and efficiency. Throughout the thesis foundations for the future automated quantification player/plugin, are described aiming to facilitate further developments. Theoretical structures of the website which may act as a gateway that collects and provides data for statistical cinematic research are also discussed
