38,707 research outputs found

    Recurrent Poisson Factorization for Temporal Recommendation

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    Poisson factorization is a probabilistic model of users and items for recommendation systems, where the so-called implicit consumer data is modeled by a factorized Poisson distribution. There are many variants of Poisson factorization methods who show state-of-the-art performance on real-world recommendation tasks. However, most of them do not explicitly take into account the temporal behavior and the recurrent activities of users which is essential to recommend the right item to the right user at the right time. In this paper, we introduce Recurrent Poisson Factorization (RPF) framework that generalizes the classical PF methods by utilizing a Poisson process for modeling the implicit feedback. RPF treats time as a natural constituent of the model and brings to the table a rich family of time-sensitive factorization models. To elaborate, we instantiate several variants of RPF who are capable of handling dynamic user preferences and item specification (DRPF), modeling the social-aspect of product adoption (SRPF), and capturing the consumption heterogeneity among users and items (HRPF). We also develop a variational algorithm for approximate posterior inference that scales up to massive data sets. Furthermore, we demonstrate RPF's superior performance over many state-of-the-art methods on synthetic dataset, and large scale real-world datasets on music streaming logs, and user-item interactions in M-Commerce platforms.Comment: Submitted to KDD 2017 | Halifax, Nova Scotia - Canada - sigkdd, Codes are available at https://github.com/AHosseini/RP

    Understanding and Predicting Delay in Reciprocal Relations

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    Reciprocity in directed networks points to user's willingness to return favors in building mutual interactions. High reciprocity has been widely observed in many directed social media networks such as following relations in Twitter and Tumblr. Therefore, reciprocal relations between users are often regarded as a basic mechanism to create stable social ties and play a crucial role in the formation and evolution of networks. Each reciprocity relation is formed by two parasocial links in a back-and-forth manner with a time delay. Hence, understanding the delay can help us gain better insights into the underlying mechanisms of network dynamics. Meanwhile, the accurate prediction of delay has practical implications in advancing a variety of real-world applications such as friend recommendation and marketing campaign. For example, by knowing when will users follow back, service providers can focus on the users with a potential long reciprocal delay for effective targeted marketing. This paper presents the initial investigation of the time delay in reciprocal relations. Our study is based on a large-scale directed network from Tumblr that consists of 62.8 million users and 3.1 billion user following relations with a timespan of multiple years (from 31 Oct 2007 to 24 Jul 2013). We reveal a number of interesting patterns about the delay that motivate the development of a principled learning model to predict the delay in reciprocal relations. Experimental results on the above mentioned dynamic networks corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed delay prediction model.Comment: 10 page
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