11 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Optimality for Decentralised Bandits

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    Dynamic social learning under graph constraints

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    We introduce a model of graph-constrained dynamic choice with reinforcement modeled by positively α\alpha-homogeneous rewards. We show that its empirical process, which can be written as a stochastic approximation recursion with Markov noise, has the same probability law as a certain vertex reinforced random walk. We use this equivalence to show that for α>0\alpha > 0, the asymptotic outcome concentrates around the optimum in a certain limiting sense when `annealed' by letting α\alpha\uparrow\infty slowly

    Multi-Agent Low-Dimensional Linear Bandits

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    We study a multi-agent stochastic linear bandit with side information, parameterized by an unknown vector θRd\theta^* \in \mathbb{R}^d. The side information consists of a finite collection of low-dimensional subspaces, one of which contains θ\theta^*. In our setting, agents can collaborate to reduce regret by sending recommendations across a communication graph connecting them. We present a novel decentralized algorithm, where agents communicate subspace indices with each other, and each agent plays a projected variant of LinUCB on the corresponding (low-dimensional) subspace. Through a combination of collaborative best subspace identification, and per-agent learning of an unknown vector in the corresponding low-dimensional subspace, we show that the per-agent regret is much smaller than the case when agents do not communicate. By collaborating to identify the subspace containing θ\theta^*, we show that each agent effectively solves an easier instance of the linear bandit (compared to the case of no collaboration), thus leading to the reduced per-agent regret. We finally complement these results through simulations

    On-Demand Communication for Asynchronous Multi-Agent Bandits

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    This paper studies a cooperative multi-agent multi-armed stochastic bandit problem where agents operate asynchronously -- agent pull times and rates are unknown, irregular, and heterogeneous -- and face the same instance of a K-armed bandit problem. Agents can share reward information to speed up the learning process at additional communication costs. We propose ODC, an on-demand communication protocol that tailors the communication of each pair of agents based on their empirical pull times. ODC is efficient when the pull times of agents are highly heterogeneous, and its communication complexity depends on the empirical pull times of agents. ODC is a generic protocol that can be integrated into most cooperative bandit algorithms without degrading their performance. We then incorporate ODC into the natural extensions of UCB and AAE algorithms and propose two communication-efficient cooperative algorithms. Our analysis shows that both algorithms are near-optimal in regret.Comment: Accepted by AISTATS 202

    The Gossiping Insert-Eliminate Algorithm for Multi-Agent Bandits

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    We consider a decentralized multi-agent Multi Armed Bandit (MAB) setup consisting of NN agents, solving the same MAB instance to minimize individual cumulative regret. In our model, agents collaborate by exchanging messages through pairwise gossip style communications on an arbitrary connected graph. We develop two novel algorithms, where each agent only plays from a subset of all the arms. Agents use the communication medium to recommend only arm-IDs (not samples), and thus update the set of arms from which they play. We establish that, if agents communicate Ω(log(T))\Omega(\log(T)) times through any connected pairwise gossip mechanism, then every agent's regret is a factor of order NN smaller compared to the case of no collaborations. Furthermore, we show that the communication constraints only have a second order effect on the regret of our algorithm. We then analyze this second order term of the regret to derive bounds on the regret-communication tradeoffs. Finally, we empirically evaluate our algorithm and conclude that the insights are fundamental and not artifacts of our bounds. We also show a lower bound which gives that the regret scaling obtained by our algorithm cannot be improved even in the absence of any communication constraints. Our results thus demonstrate that even a minimal level of collaboration among agents greatly reduces regret for all agents.Comment: To Appear in AISTATS 2020. The first two authors contributed equall