5 research outputs found

    Social Capital in Knowledge Based Business Process Outsourcing

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    The Influence of Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Performance (A Study of Banking Branches Company in Southern Kalimantan Province)

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    This research aims to test and analyze the impact of Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Performance, as well as to provide academic horizon for  academics and practicing, and applicable references for  banking offices in Southern Kalimantan Province. Knowledge- based recourses supported by Information Technological Capacity will enhance Organizational Performance and efficiently. 72 samples of Banking Branch Offices in Southern Kalimantan Province used saturated sample. Respondents consist of Heads of bank branch office for 3 years, from 2009 to 2011. Data collection used questionnaires regarding to perception of head of bank branch office. There were 69 questionnaires collected and quantitative data analysis approach with Partial Least Square.  4 variables were used in this research consist of Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management Capability and Organizational Performance with 6 Hypotheses. 5 significant hypotheses are the impact of the Information Technology Capability on Organizational Learning, the impact of the Information Technology Capability on Knowledge Management Capability, the impact of the Information Technology Capability on Organizational Performance, the impact of the Organizational Learning on Organizational Performance, and the impact of the Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Performance, and 1 non significant hypothesis  is the impact of the Organizational Learning on  Knowledge Management Capability. Keywords: Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management Capability and Organizational Performance

    Using a Community of Practice to Enhance Data Quality in a Distributed Healthcare Information System

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    Healthcare provider networks typically have severe budget constraints, which necessitate effective allocation of scarce resources and judicious adoption of expensive advances in medical procedures and treatment regimens. Elective surgery is particularly risky and resource intensive and require information systems that allow judicious decision making at multiple levels –healthcare policy makers, hospital administrators and clinicians. Given the large number of variables and the diversity in the facilities, underlying systems, procedures and personnel, quality of the input data can be threatened. Ensuring data quality for such an information system requires effective organizational practices coupled with technology. This paper studies the role of building a community of practice (CoP) among recording nurses for increasing knowledge sharing to enhance the quality of data collection from surgeries. The study finds support for a CoP in building social capital and increased knowledge sharing, leading to improvement in data quality and downstream impacts on patient care


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    Çalışmanın amacı, elektronik perakendecilerin bilgi yönetimi ve tüketici çevrimiçi güven unsurlarına ilişkin uygulamalarını tespit etmektir. Toplam perakende sektörü içerisinde elektronik perakendecilik en hızlı gelişen perakende türüdür. Özellikle COVİD-19 pandemisi sonrasında elektronik perakendecilere olan talep büyük ölçüde artış göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada nitel araştırma kullanılmış ve Türkiye’de en fazla alışveriş yapılan e-perakendecilerin web siteleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada önceden belirlenmiş kodlar üzerinden data toplanmış ve toplanan data içerik analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda en çok alışveriş yapılan e-perakendecilerin- çoğunluğu Türk menşeili ve fiziksel mağazası yok- firma, kargo, güvenli alışveriş, yardım, iade ve değişimlerle ilgili şeffaf bir şekilde bilgi paylaştığı görülmüştür. Ancak tüketicilerin negatif yorumlarına ve şikayetlerine fazla yer verilmediği tespit edilmiştir

    Information Systems Offshoring—A Literature Review and Analysis

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    IS offshoring has become one of the most discussed phenomena in IS research and practice. Particularly due to its rapid evolvement, current research on IS offshoring lacks a consolidated view on existing results. The article at hand seeks to meet this need by systematically reviewing and analyzing prior academic literature on IS offshoring. Based on a review of top-ranked IS and management journals as well as IS conference proceedings, we compile an exhaustive bibliography of ninety-six publications solely focusing on IS offshoring from a (project) management perspective. To adequately address the immense diversity of these publications, a multi-perspective research framework consisting of three perspectives, namely, research focus, research approach, and reference theory, is introduced and forms the basis for our literature analysis. The analysis results confirm the appropriateness of our framework and reveal directions for future research along the framework perspectives: Most importantly, in an effort to increase the significance and the trustworthiness of their results, researchers should apply a more theory-driven approach and provide a better description of their research context. Moreover, future research needs to pay particular attention to the pre-implementation stages of an IS offshoring initiative as well as the special nature of nearshoring and captive offshoring. Across all project stages, researchers should not only concentrate on the client point of view but incorporate multiple points of view