223 research outputs found

    Stabilizing data-link over non-FIFO channels with optimal fault-resilience

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    Self-stabilizing systems have the ability to converge to a correct behavior when started in any configuration. Most of the work done so far in the self-stabilization area assumed either communication via shared memory or via FIFO channels. This paper is the first to lay the bases for the design of self-stabilizing message passing algorithms over unreliable non-FIFO channels. We propose a fault-send-deliver optimal stabilizing data-link layer that emulates a reliable FIFO communication channel over unreliable capacity bounded non-FIFO channels

    Avatar: A Time- and Space-Efficient Self-Stabilizing Overlay Network

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    Overlay networks present an interesting challenge for fault-tolerant computing. Many overlay networks operate in dynamic environments (e.g. the Internet), where faults are frequent and widespread, and the number of processes in a system may be quite large. Recently, self-stabilizing overlay networks have been presented as a method for managing this complexity. \emph{Self-stabilizing overlay networks} promise that, starting from any weakly-connected configuration, a correct overlay network will eventually be built. To date, this guarantee has come at a cost: nodes may either have high degree during the algorithm's execution, or the algorithm may take a long time to reach a legal configuration. In this paper, we present the first self-stabilizing overlay network algorithm that does not incur this penalty. Specifically, we (i) present a new locally-checkable overlay network based upon a binary search tree, and (ii) provide a randomized algorithm for self-stabilization that terminates in an expected polylogarithmic number of rounds \emph{and} increases a node's degree by only a polylogarithmic factor in expectation

    Acheminement de messages instantanément stabilisant pour arbres couvrants

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    International audienceNous présentons un protocole instantanément stabilisant d'acheminement de messages au sein de structures couvrantes arborescentes de réseaux. Notre protocole utilise l'information fournie par un algorithme de calcul de tables de routage auto-stabilisant s'appuyant sur cette structure. Le fait que le protocole soit instantanément stabilisant signifie que tout message émis après les fautes est acheminé à son destinataire, y compris lorsque les tables de routage ne sont pas stabilisées. Notre algorithme présente l'avantage que le nombre de tampons est indépendant de tout paramètre global du réseau comme le nombre de noeuds ou le diamètre. En effet, nous montrons que le problème peut être résolu en utilisant un nombre constant de tampons par lien de communication de la structure couvrante. Cette propriété lui confère l'avantage de tolérer le passage à l'échelle

    Self-stabilizing binary search tree maintenance algorithm

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    Binary search tree is one of the most studied data structures. The main application of the binary search tree is in implementing efficient search operations. A binary search tree is a special binary tree which satisfies the property that for every processor p in the binary tree, the values of all the keys in the left subtree of p are smaller than that of p, and the values of all the keys in the right subtree of p are larger than that of p; We present a self-stabilizing [Dij74] algorithm to maintain a binary search tree given a binary tree structure and a sequence of integers as input. This protocol uses neither the processors identifiers nor the size of the tree but assumes the existence of a distinguished processor (the root). The algorithm is self-stabilizing, meaning that starting from an arbitrary state, it is guaranteed to reach a legitimate state in a finite number of steps. The proposed algorithm assures that the set of integers eventually sent to the output environment is a permutation of the integers received from the input environment. The algorithm stabilizes in 0(hn) time units, where h and n represent the height and size, respectively, of the tree. The proposed algorithm is aimed at the hardwired binary tree structures where the topology of the trees cannot be adaptive to the change of the input values, but the input values are organized within a predefined environment

    Control Plane in Software Defined Networks and Stateful Data Planes

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    A Radio Link Quality Model and Simulation Framework for Improving the Design of Embedded Wireless Systems

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    Despite the increasing application of embedded wireless systems, developers face numerous challenges during the design phase of the application life cycle. One of the critical challenges is ensuring performance reliability with respect to radio link quality. Specifically, embedded links experience exaggerated link quality variation, which results in undesirable wireless performance characteristics. Unfortunately, the resulting post-deployment behaviors often necessitate network redeployment. Another challenge is recovering from faults that commonly occur in embedded wireless systems, including node failure and state corruption. Self-stabilizing algorithms can provide recovery in the presence of such faults. These algorithms guarantee the eventual satisfaction of a given state legitimacy predicate regardless of the initial state of the network. Their practical behavior is often different from theoretical analyses. Unfortunately, there is little tool support for facilitating the experimental analysis of self-stabilizing systems. We present two contributions to support the design phase of embedded wireless system development. First, we provide two empirical models that predict radio-link quality within specific deployment environments. These models predict link performance as a function of inter-node distance and radio power level. The models are culled from extensive experimentation in open grass field and dense forest environments using all radio power levels and covering up to the maximum distances reachable by the radio. Second, we provide a simulation framework for simulating self-stabilizing algorithms. The framework provides three feature extensions: (i) fault injection to study algorithm behavior under various fault scenarios, (ii) automated detection of non-stabilizing behavior; and (iii) integration of the link quality models described above. Our contributions aim at avoiding problems that could result in the need for network redeployment

    Dtn and non-dtn routing protocols for inter-cubesat communications: A comprehensive survey

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    CubeSats, which are limited by size and mass, have limited functionality. These miniaturised satellites suffer from a low power budget, short radio range, low transmission speeds, and limited data storage capacity. Regardless of these limitations, CubeSats have been deployed to carry out many research missions, such as gravity mapping and the tracking of forest fires. One method of increasing their functionality and reducing their limitations is to form CubeSat networks, or swarms, where many CubeSats work together to carry out a mission. Nevertheless, the network might have intermittent connectivity and, accordingly, data communication becomes challenging in such a disjointed network where there is no contemporaneous path between source and destination due to satellites’ mobility pattern and given the limitations of range. In this survey, various inter-satellite routing protocols that are Delay Tolerant (DTN) and Non Delay Tolerant (Non-DTN) are considered. DTN routing protocols are considered for the scenarios where the network is disjointed with no contemporaneous path between a source and a destination. We qualitatively compare all of the above routing protocols to highlight the positive and negative points under different network constraints. We conclude that the performance of routing protocols used in aerospace communications is highly dependent on the evolving topology of the network over time. Additionally, the Non-DTN routing protocols will work efficiently if the network is dense enough to establish reliable links between CubeSats. Emphasis is also given to network capacity in terms of how buffer, energy, bandwidth, and contact duration influence the performance of DTN routing protocols, where, for example, flooding-based DTN protocols can provide superior performance in terms of maximizing delivery ratio and minimizing a delivery delay. However, such protocols are not suitable for CubeSat networks, as they harvest the limited resources of these tiny satellites and they are contrasted with forwarding-based DTN routing protocols, which are resource-friendly and produce minimum overheads on the cost of degraded delivery probability. From the literature, we found that quota-based DTN routing protocols can provide the necessary balance between delivery delay and overhead costs in many CubeSat missions
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