30 research outputs found

    On least-cost path for realistic simulation of human motion

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    We are interested in "human-like" automatic motion simulation with applications in ergonomics. The apparent redundancy of the humanoid wrt its explicit tasks leads to the problem of choosing a plausible movement in the framework of redundant kinematics. Some results have been obtained in the human motion literature for reach motion that involves the position of the hands. We discuss these results and a motion generation scheme associated. When orientation is also explicitly required, very few works are available and even the methods for analysis are not defined. We discuss the choice for metrics adapted to the orientation, and also the problems encountered in defining a proper metric in both position and orientation. Motion capture and simulations are provided in both cases. The main goals of this paper are: to provide a survey on human motion features at task level for both position and orientation, to propose a kinematic control scheme based on these features, to define properly the error between motion capture and automatic motion simulation

    On geodesic paths and least-cost motions for human-like tasks

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    We are interested in ”human-like” automatic mo- tion generation. The apparent redundancy of the humanoid wrt its explicit tasks lead to the problem of choosing a plausible movement in the framework of redundant kinematics. Some results have been obtained in the human motion literature for reach motion that involves the position of the hands. We discuss these results and a motion generation scheme associated. When orientation is also explicitly required, very few works are available and even the methods for analysis are not defined. We discuss the choice for metrics adapted to the orientation, and also the problems encountered in defining a proper metric in both position and orientation. Motion capture and simulations are provided in both cases. The main goals of this paper are : - to provide a survey on human motion features at task level for both position and orientation, - to propose a kinematic control scheme based on these features - to define properly the error between motion capture and automatic motion simulation

    On singular values decomposition and patterns for human motion analysis and simulation

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    We are interested in human motion characterization and automatic motion simulation. The apparent redun- dancy of the humanoid w.r.t its explicit tasks lead to the problem of choosing a plausible movement in the framework of redun- dant kinematics. This work explores the intrinsic relationships between singular value decomposition at kinematic level and optimization principles at task level and joint level. Two task- based schemes devoted to simulation of human motion are then proposed and analyzed. These results are illustrated by motion captures, analyses and task-based simulations. Pattern of singular values serve as a basis for a discussion concerning the similarity of simulated and real motions

    A Single-Query Manipulation Planner

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    In manipulation tasks, a robot interacts with movable object(s). The configuration space in manipulation planning is thus the Cartesian product of the configuration space of the robot with those of the movable objects. It is the complex structure of such a "Composite Configuration Space" that makes manipulation planning particularly challenging. Previous works approximate the connectivity of the Composite Configuration Space by means of discretization or by creating random roadmaps. Such approaches involve an extensive pre-processing phase, which furthermore has to be re-done each time the environment changes. In this paper, we propose a high-level Grasp-Placement Table similar to that proposed by Tournassoud et al. (1987), but which does not require any discretization or heavy pre-processing. The table captures the potential connectivity of the Composite Configuration Space while being specific only to the movable object: in particular, it does not require to be re-computed when the environment changes. During the query phase, the table is used to guide a tree-based planner that explores the space systematically. Our simulations and experiments show that the proposed method enables improvements in both running time and trajectory quality as compared to existing approaches.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Protein Docking by the Underestimation of Free Energy Funnels in the Space of Encounter Complexes

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    Similarly to protein folding, the association of two proteins is driven by a free energy funnel, determined by favorable interactions in some neighborhood of the native state. We describe a docking method based on stochastic global minimization of funnel-shaped energy functions in the space of rigid body motions (SE(3)) while accounting for flexibility of the interface side chains. The method, called semi-definite programming-based underestimation (SDU), employs a general quadratic function to underestimate a set of local energy minima and uses the resulting underestimator to bias further sampling. While SDU effectively minimizes functions with funnel-shaped basins, its application to docking in the rotational and translational space SE(3) is not straightforward due to the geometry of that space. We introduce a strategy that uses separate independent variables for side-chain optimization, center-to-center distance of the two proteins, and five angular descriptors of the relative orientations of the molecules. The removal of the center-to-center distance turns out to vastly improve the efficiency of the search, because the five-dimensional space now exhibits a well-behaved energy surface suitable for underestimation. This algorithm explores the free energy surface spanned by encounter complexes that correspond to local free energy minima and shows similarity to the model of macromolecular association that proceeds through a series of collisions. Results for standard protein docking benchmarks establish that in this space the free energy landscape is a funnel in a reasonably broad neighborhood of the native state and that the SDU strategy can generate docking predictions with less than 5 ďż˝ ligand interface Ca root-mean-square deviation while achieving an approximately 20-fold efficiency gain compared to Monte Carlo methods

    A Certified-Complete Bimanual Manipulation Planner

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    Planning motions for two robot arms to move an object collaboratively is a difficult problem, mainly because of the closed-chain constraint, which arises whenever two robot hands simultaneously grasp a single rigid object. In this paper, we propose a manipulation planning algorithm to bring an object from an initial stable placement (position and orientation of the object on the support surface) towards a goal stable placement. The key specificity of our algorithm is that it is certified-complete: for a given object and a given environment, we provide a certificate that the algorithm will find a solution to any bimanual manipulation query in that environment whenever one exists. Moreover, the certificate is constructive: at run-time, it can be used to quickly find a solution to a given query. The algorithm is tested in software and hardware on a number of large pieces of furniture.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Encounter complexes and dimensionality reduction in protein-protein association

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    An outstanding challenge has been to understand the mechanism whereby proteins associate. We report here the results of exhaustively sampling the conformational space in protein–protein association using a physics-based energy function. The agreement between experimental intermolecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) data and the PRE profiles calculated from the docked structures shows that the method captures both specific and non-specific encounter complexes. To explore the energy landscape in the vicinity of the native structure, the nonlinear manifold describing the relative orientation of two solid bodies is projected onto a Euclidean space in which the shape of low energy regions is studied by principal component analysis. Results show that the energy surface is canyon-like, with a smooth funnel within a two dimensional subspace capturing over 75% of the total motion. Thus, proteins tend to associate along preferred pathways, similar to sliding of a protein along DNA in the process of protein-DNA recognition