1,551 research outputs found

    Frequency Reuse Optimization For OFDMA Network

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    This study investigated the frequency reuse optimization scheme for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). Forsk Atoll, Earth Explorer and Global Mapper 15 were used to deploy the simulations, local area (Ayer Keroh, 2.2667°N 102.2833°E) was selected to perform the simulation. The simulation result showed that by implementing Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) network on the area, gave a significant improvement, in term of co-channel interference and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Very low co-channel interference and a strong signal strength occurred on the selected area by modifying the related parameters such as frequency allocation for every single sectoral antenna, antenna height, power of base station and antenna tilt degree. Limited frequency allocation available in the simulation software cause the co-channel interference still exist, although, the values are considered very unsignificant. Improvement can be made by adding frequency resources and physical drive test to validate the simulation measurement result

    Cultural Heritage in a Changing World

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    Cultural Heritage; Cultural Economics; Cultural Studies; Archaeology; Information Storage and Retrieval; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet

    Visual surveillance and direct action protest in the City of London

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    Due to its workings as a global financial nexus, activists critical of capitalism have used the City of London to stage a number of large-scale direct actions since the 1983-84 Stop the City protests. By examining protest at this renowned site of intensified observation, I argue, we can learn a great deal about what surveillance processes do in practice. To develop its argument, this thesis offers a detailed examination of visual surveillance and counter surveillance practice over four protests: the J18 (1999); the G20 Meltdown (2009); Climate Camp in the City (2009); and Occupy LSX (2011). Based on empirical, qualitative research through archival work, interviews, and video documentation stored at the MayDay Rooms, this thesis demonstrates how City and Met police used visual surveillance to disrupt, re-frame and further criminalise dissent. Over the course of these four protests the police learnt new ways to suppress what they termed ‘extreme’ protest. Conversely, activists developed choreographed, embodied movements and alternative technologies to counter new public order procedures and police surveillance. Politically driven artists, performers and technologists were at the vanguard of these new protest formations, early internet livestreaming and pioneering technical innovations that challenged existing surveillant structures. Yet, as this thesis articulates, over the course of these protests many activists’ inventions were slowly subsumed into proprietary online frameworks, which embed surveillance by default. This thesis uses insights from Marx and Marxist inspired theorists to describe how this method of surveillance and subsumption took place. While police formations informed by this history are increasingly being taken up nationally and internationally, it is vital to understand how state security forces and corporate observers have dealt with ‘extreme’ protests in the City

    Afro-Caribbean stylistic elements as topics in the music of Silvestre Revueltas: Conveying a political discourse in Caminando, No sé por qué piensas tú, and Sensemayá

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    Although the music of Silvestre Revueltas has often been categorized as merely Mexicanist, this paper aims to demonstrate that not all of his music falls squarely within that classification. Among his brief but significant artistic output, three pieces for voice and small instrumental ensemble incorporate Afro-Caribbean stylistic elements drawn from popular and religious Afro-Cuban music. Composed in early 1937, Caminando, No sé que piensas tú soldado, and Sensemayá were based on poems by the Cuban Nicolás Guillén, the foremost representative of Afrocubanismo and, like Revueltas, an ardent believer in art as a tool for political protest and for social transformation. In this document, I argue that in using Afro-Caribbean stylistic elements in these works, Revueltas’ motivation was political rather than picturesque or exoticist, and that the stylistic elements incorporated in the three pieces are used as topics, thus alluding to specific social, cultural, and political contexts. In this paper I explore the political ideals of Revueltas and the role of the League of Revolutionary Writers and Artists as a platform for an international group of intellectuals and artists opposing war, fascism, and imperialism; the political and social climate in Cuba that so decisively informed the content of Guillén’s poems; the origins, development, and characteristics of the Cuban son, the genre that most influenced Guillén’s revolutionary poetry; and the role of Afro-Cuban religious rituals and music —including its direct connection with popular music— as a source of inspiration for Guillén. Additionally, I identify specific Afro-Caribbean stylistic elements in Revueltas’ three works and trace them back to the Cuban son, the rumba, and ritual/carnival Afro-Cuban music. Then, within the framework of topic theory, I demonstrate how said elements reinforce the meaning of the poems: the protest against the oppression and exploitation of blacks and mulattoes in Cuba and the Caribbean, and the pursuit of permanent freedom and justice

    Misdirect movies

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    Misdirect Movies is a curated touring exhibition exploring new possibilities of collage, employing material gleaned from cinema. With access to digital formats, artists are now able to appropriate films to create different and innovative approaches to collage. This builds upon research disseminated in artworks such as The Jump and Frames and the curated exhibition, Unspooling: Artists & Cinema The selected artists explore these ideas in diverse ways to work with narrative through different media. The exhibition will be supplemented by a catalogue, new artwork commissions, a series of artist/curator talks, film screenings, workshops and a website. The idea of the exhibition is to make us look anew at the familiarity of artist's use of collage, moving image and the cinema space. The exhibition includes work by the curators, alongside five artists from the UK, Germany and USA- Elizabeth McAlpine, Dave Griffiths, Cathy Lomax, Rosa Barba and David Reed. The selected artists work across different mediums and have a sustained engagement with the subject of the exhibition. There will be three new commissions launching at touring venues from the selected artists. The exhibition tours from Royal Standard, Liverpool (16-31 March 2013) and tours to Standpoint Gallery, London (5 July- 17 August 2013), Greyfriars, Lincoln (4-26 October 2013) and Meter Room, Coventry (8 November - 1 December 2013). The catalogue is published by Cornerhouse Publications and feature essays by Andrew Bracey, Dr. John Rimmer, Dr. Jaimie Baron, Dr. Maria Walsh and an interview between Dr. Sam George and Sir Christopher Frayling. The catalogue essays reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the exhibition's curatorial focus and feature contributions from visual arts, English literature and film studies backgrounds. The research is further disseminated by talks, critical essays on the website and introduced screenings of artist's films

    Copyright Act [Revisions] Welcome[]:The Lax Copyright in Live Performance’s Last Writ

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    The Case of the Autonomous Region of Madeira

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    Tourism has been highlighted as one of the sectors with the greatest potential for expansion on a global scale, so it is important to try to understand the factors of innovation and regional competitiveness in this sector. Competitiveness, particularly in the tourism sector, has experienced in recent decades an unprecedented development of experiences and now plays a very important role in markets and industries. However, the success of the tourist destinations in the world and regional markets is in a way influenced by their relative competitiveness. In this sense, innovation is a very important catalyst for the survival and growth of tourism and it is recognized the positive impacts, revealing that the innovative behaviors and products improve financial and economic performance positively. In this PhD thesis, several topics are analyzed, although some still need future investigation, related to the importance of the regional competitiveness and innovation for the tourism sector. This investigation is made up of four empirical studies with geographic focus in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. The first study of this PhD thesis (chapter 2), entitled “Regional Competitiveness and Innovation in the Tourism Sector: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis", aims to carry out a mapping of scientific publications, intellectual knowledge, trends research and potential future lines of investigation in the areas of the regional competitiveness and tourism innovation. It is used a systematic literature review using a bibliometric approach, based on the VOSviewer Software, focusing on the creation of the intellectual structure visualization maps. The analysis type is based on the number of published articles and number of annual citations, for the period from 1900 to 2016, through the Web of Science database. The results show that the intellectual structure of the regions' competitiveness is divided into three main categories: regional competitiveness, tourism innovation and tourism cluster. The main contribution of this study is the identification of the main research trends in this area and its gaps and specific needs of future scientific research within this field of research. The second empirical study (chapter 3), entitled "Impact of Satisfaction of Tourist Events as a Regional Tourist Competitiveness Product", aims to analyze the impact and contribution of satisfaction with tourist events as a product of regional tourist competitiveness, as well as evaluate factors of competitiveness. For that, a questionnaire was carried out on the four major tourist events in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (Carnival, Flower Festival, Atlantic Festival, and Wine Festival). The sample is composed of 2262 tourists surveyed during the year 2017 and structural equation models were used as statistical method. The results show that satisfaction is reflected in the client's loyalty to the choice of a tourist destination and it also contributes, directly and indirectly to the regional tourist competitiveness. This study contributes to the valorization of local and regional events, perceived by the level of satisfaction and loyalty of tourists, as products of regional competitiveness of a tourist destination. The third empirical study (chapter 4) entitled "Entrepreneurial Craft Products as Regional Tourist Competitiveness", aims to explore and analyze the role of handcrafted products in entrepreneurship and regional tourist competitiveness. This study is based on secondary data from different sources (Regional Statistics Office of Madeira, Institute of Wine, Embroidery and Handicraft of Madeira) and it covers the last 15 years (2001 - 2015). It was made a quantitative analysis of the data through an econometric approach using Pearson's regression and correlation models. The study contributes with empirical evidence which helps us to identify the role of handcrafted products for the entrepreneurial capacity and tourist competitiveness of a region. In addition, it also contributes to the knowledge of the scientific community with particular interest in artisan entrepreneurship, cultural and regional competitiveness in the tourism sector. Finally, the fourth and final empirical study of this PhD thesis (chapter 5) entitled "Innovation as a driver of the competitiveness of business tourism", aims to analyze factors and barriers to innovation and their impact (direct and indirect) on the competitiveness of the destination and business competitiveness. Based on primary data collected by a questionnaire from a sample of 119 companies operating in the tourism sector in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (Portugal), a quantitative methodology was applied using econometric and multiple linear regression models. The study empirically identifies and tests existing relationships underlying innovation (factors and barriers) as a level for the competitiveness of destination and business. The results show important theoretical and practical implications in the contribution of innovation to destination and business competitiveness, thus contributing to filling the gaps identified in the literature.O turismo tem sido destacado como um dos setores com maior potencial de expansão à escala mundial, deste modo torna-se importante tentar compreender os fatores de inovação e competitividade regional nesse setor. A competitividade, em particular no setor do turismo, tem enfrentado nas últimas décadas um desenvolvimento de experiências sem precedentes e desempenha agora um papel muito importante nos mercados e indústrias, no entanto o sucesso dos destinos turísticos, nos mercados mundiais e regionais é de certo modo influenciado pela sua competitividade relativa. Neste sentido, a inovação é um catalisador muito importante para a sobrevivência e crescimento de turismo e são-lhe reconhecidos os impactos positivos, revelando que os comportamentos e produtos inovadores melhoram positivamente desempenhos financeiros e económicos. Nesta tese de doutoramento são analisados vários tópicos, embora alguns ainda carecem de futura investigação, relacionados com a importância da competitividade regional e da inovação para o setor do turismo. Esta investigação é constituída por quatro estudos empíricos com foco geográfico na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). O primeiro estudo desta tese de doutoramento (capítulo 2), intitulado “Competitividade Regional e Inovação no Setor do Turismo: Uma Revisão Sistemática e Análise Bibliométrica”, tem como objetivo a realização de um mapeamento, das publicações científicas, do conhecimento intelectual, das tendências de investigação realizadas e potenciais linhas futuras de investigação nas áreas da competitividade regional, cluster do turismo e inovação turística. Utiliza-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura mediante uma abordagem bibliometrica, com base no Software VOSviewer, com foco na criação dos mapas de visualização de estrutura intelectual. O tipo de análise é baseado no número de artigos publicados e número de citações anuais, para o período de 1900 a 2016, através da base de dados Web of Science. Os resultados evidenciam que a estrutura intelectual sobre a competitividade das regiões divide-se essencialmente em três grandes categorias: competitividade regional, inovação turística e cluster do turismo. O principal contributo deste estudo prende-se com a identificação das principais tendências de investigação nesta área e respetivas lacunas e necessidades específicas de investigação científica futura dentro deste campo de investigação. O segundo estudo empírico (capítulo 3), intitulado “Impacto da Satisfação dos Eventos Turísticos como Produto de Competitividade Turística Regional”, tem como objetivo analisar o impacto e contributo da satisfação com eventos turísticos enquanto produto de competitividade turística regional, bem como avaliar fatores de competitividade. Para tal foi realizado, um estudo por questionário aos quatro maiores eventos turísticos da Ilha da Madeira (carnaval, festa da flor, festival do atlântico, e festa do vinho), região insular localizada em Portugal. A amostra é composta por 2262 turistas inquiridos durante o ano de 2017 e foram utilizados modelos de equações estruturais, como método estatístico. Os resultados evidenciam que a satisfação se reflete na fidelidade do cliente quanto à escolha de um destino turístico e contribui ainda, direta e indiretamente para a competitividade turística regional. Este estudo contribui para a valorização dos eventos locais e regionais, percecionada pelo nível de satisfação e fidelização dos turistas, como produtos de competitividade regional de um destino turístico. O terceiro estudo empírico (capítulo 4) intitulado “Produtos Artesanais Empreendedores como Competitividade Turística Regional”, tem como objetivo, explorar e analisar o papel dos produtos artesanais no empreendedorismo e competitividade turística regional. Este estudo tem por base dados secundários de diferentes fontes (Direção Regional de Estatística da Madeira, Instituto do Vinho do Bordado e do Artesanato da Madeira) cobrido o período temporal dos últimos 15 anos (2001 – 2015). Foi feita uma análise quantitativa dos dados através de uma abordagem econométrica com recurso a modelos de regressão e correlação de Pearson. O estudo contribui com evidências empíricas que nos ajudam a identificar o papel dos produtos artesanais para a capacidade empreendedora e competitividade turística de uma região. Para além disso, contribui ainda para o conhecimento da comunidade científica com particular interesse no empreendedorismo artesanal, cultural e competitividade regional no setor do turismo. Finalmente, o quarto e último estudo empírico desta tese de doutoramento (capítulo 5) intitulado “Inovação como motor da competitividade do turismo empresarial”, tem como objetivo analisar fatores e barreiras de inovação e o seu impacto (direto e indireto) na competitividade do destino e competitividade empresarial. A partir de dados primários recolhidos por questionário a uma amostra de 119 empresas a operar no setor do turismo, na região autónoma da Madeira (Portugal), foi aplicado uma metodologia quantitativa com recurso a modelos econométricos e de regressão linear múltipla. O estudo identifica e testa empiricamente relações existentes e subjacentes à inovação (fatores e barreiras) enquanto alavanca para a competitividade do destino e empresarial. Os resultados evidenciam importantes implicações teóricas e práticas na contribuição da inovação para a competitividade de destino e empresarial, contribuindo assim para ao preenchimento das lacunas identificadas na literatura

    Dialogic Dissensus: The Postmodern Sideshow

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    In the United States, the sideshow occupies a marginal and often controversial space in popular culture. Despite a decline of the sideshow during the early twentieth century, its postmodern reinvention in 1980 has inspired a proliferation of the aesthetics of the sideshow within mass media and culture as a highly profitable commodity. The current existence of the sideshow as a thriving genre can sometimes be met with surprise, disbelief, or disgust because of the history of sideshow and existing codes of “normality.” Although there is pre-existing scholarship on Bakhtin and the sideshow, what is missing is an exploration of Bakhtin’s dialogism in relation to the art of the postmodern sideshow. This dissertation argues that the postmodern sideshow as an art form is an example of a reinvention of intersubjectivity through Bakhtin’s dialogic and still relevant for understanding contemporary aesthetics. Furthermore, I propose that the carnivalesque is an aspect of the dialogic because the carnivalesque renews hope for a better future which reverberates through unfinalizable time. Instead, I will propose an intertextual genealogy between philosophical thought and the first-hand voices of sideshow performers and related show people in the spirit of dialogism. However, I assert that the dialogic is nearly impossible without a dissensus because of precarization and our permanent cellular connection as a result of our technological progress, which did not exist at the height of postmodernism. This new tyranny of normality has depersonalized our time, dissolved our friendships and communities, our ability to communicate, and our social consciousness to empathize with others in a fundamental shift to our notions of exploitation. A revolution of the aesthetic regime through the maternal will create a new paradigm that reorganizes our senses, our social consciousness, and the conditions for possibility in the dialogic.https://digitalmaine.com/academic/1022/thumbnail.jp