4 research outputs found

    An谩lisis de componentes principales utilizando python para identificar cl煤ster asociados a muestras de cacao seco sano e infectado con monilia en Norte de Santander

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    The result of the research project is associated with data from the implementation of a multisensory electronic system orcommonly called electronic smell. Through the use of a data acquisition system and LabView software, the volatile concentration data associatedwith samples of healthy cocoa and infected with monilia, applied in the drying phase or stage. Once the data is acquired, the Python softwareused for preprocessing and processing data. Allowing the user to identify the cluster associated with each class, healthy cocoa or with monilia.As a method for learning unsupervised automatic, PCA principal component analysis is implemented for the respective processing. The resultsobtained vary according to the method of data preprocessing, a robust climber and preprocessed Euclidean was implemented, which presentsbetter results of grouping samples by class.El resultado del proyecto de investigaci贸n est谩 asociado a data proveniente de la implementaci贸n de un sistema electr贸nicomultisensorial o com煤n mente denominado olfato electr贸nico. Mediante el uso de un sistema de adquisici贸n de datos y software LabView sealmacena la data de la concentraci贸n de vol谩tiles asociados a muestras de cacao sano e infectado con monilia, aplicado en la fase o etapa desecado. Una vez adquirido los datos se procede a implementar en el software Python el pre-procesamiento y procesamiento de data, permitiendoal usuario por medio de un gr谩fico identificar el cl煤ster asociados a cada clase, cacao sano o con monilia. Como m茅todo para aprendizaje deautom谩tico no supervisado, se implementa an谩lisis de componentes principales PCA para el respectivo procesamiento. Los resultados obtenidosvar铆an de acuerdo al m茅todo de preprocesado de datos. Para el desarrollo se implement贸 un escalador robusto y preprocesado euclidiano, el cualpresenta mejores resultados de agrupamiento de muestras por clas

    Smart Sensor Network Based High Quality Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Labview

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    A ZigBee based wireless sensor network is implemented in this paper which is of low-cost solar-powered air quality monitoring system. The main objective of the proposed architecture is to interfacing various sensors to measure the sensor analog data and displayed in LabVIEW on the monitor using the graphical user interface (GUI). 聽The real time ambient air quality monitoring in smart cities is of greater significance for the health of people. The wireless network sensor nodes are placed at different traffic signals in the smart cities which collect and report real-time data on different gases which are present in the environment such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), methane (CH4) and humidity. The proposed system allows smart cities to monitor air quality conditions on a desktop/laptop computer through an application designed using graphical programming based LabVIEW software and provides an alert if the air quality characteristics exceed acceptable levels. The sensor network was successfully tested on the campus of the institute of aeronautical engineering, Hyderabad. The sensor data are indicated by different indicators on the front panel of LabVIEW and also different charts are plotted with respect to time and amplitude which explains the severity of polluted areas