2 research outputs found

    Smart environments and context-awareness for lifestyle management in a healthy active ageing framework

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    Health trends of elderly in Europe motivate the need for technological solutions aimed at preventing the main causes of morbidity and premature mortality. In this framework, the DOREMI project addresses three important causes of morbidity and mortality in the elderly by devising an ICT-based home care services for aging people to contrast cognitive decline, sedentariness and unhealthy dietary habits. In this paper, we present the general architecture of DOREMI, focusing on its aspects of human activity recognition and reasoning

    Wild animals' biologging through machine learning models

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    In recent decades the biodiversity crisis has been characterised by a decline and extinction of many animal species worldwide. To aid in understanding the threats and causes of this demise, conservation scientists rely on remote assessments. Innovation in technology in the form of microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) has brought about great leaps forward in understanding of animal life. The MEMs are now readily available to ecologists for remotely monitoring the activities of wild animals. Since the advent of electronic tags, methods such as biologging are being increasingly applied to the study of animal ecology, providing information unattainable through other techniques. In this paper, we discuss a few relevant instances of biologging studies. We present an overview on biologging research area, describing the evolution of acquisition of behavioural information and the improvement provided by tags. In second part we will review some common data analysis techniques used to identify daily activity of animals