14 research outputs found

    Small Complete Minors Above the Extremal Edge Density

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    A fundamental result of Mader from 1972 asserts that a graph of high average degree contains a highly connected subgraph with roughly the same average degree. We prove a lemma showing that one can strengthen Mader's result by replacing the notion of high connectivity by the notion of vertex expansion. Another well known result in graph theory states that for every integer t there is a smallest real c(t) so that every n-vertex graph with c(t)n edges contains a K_t-minor. Fiorini, Joret, Theis and Wood conjectured that if an n-vertex graph G has (c(t)+\epsilon)n edges then G contains a K_t-minor of order at most C(\epsilon)log n. We use our extension of Mader's theorem to prove that such a graph G must contain a K_t-minor of order at most C(\epsilon)log n loglog n. Known constructions of graphs with high girth show that this result is tight up to the loglog n factor

    Polynomial expansion and sublinear separators

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    Let C\mathcal{C} be a class of graphs that is closed under taking subgraphs. We prove that if for some fixed 0<δ10<\delta\le 1, every nn-vertex graph of C\mathcal{C} has a balanced separator of order O(n1δ)O(n^{1-\delta}), then any depth-kk minor (i.e. minor obtained by contracting disjoint subgraphs of radius at most kk) of a graph in C\mathcal{C} has average degree O((k polylog k)1/δ)O\big((k \text{ polylog }k)^{1/\delta}\big). This confirms a conjecture of Dvo\v{r}\'ak and Norin.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    A tight Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa function for wheel minors

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    Let WtW_t denote the wheel on t+1t+1 vertices. We prove that for every integer t3t \geq 3 there is a constant c=c(t)c=c(t) such that for every integer k1k\geq 1 and every graph GG, either GG has kk vertex-disjoint subgraphs each containing WtW_t as minor, or there is a subset XX of at most cklogkc k \log k vertices such that GXG-X has no WtW_t minor. This is best possible, up to the value of cc. We conjecture that the result remains true more generally if we replace WtW_t with any fixed planar graph HH.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Hypergraphs with no tight cycles

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    We show that every r-uniform hypergraph on n vertices which does not contain a tight cycle has has at most O(n^{r-1}(log n)^{5}) edges. This is an improvement on the previously best-known bound, of n^{r-1}e^{O(\sqrt{log n})} due to Sudakov and Tomon, and our proof builds on their work. A recent construction of B. Janzer implies that our bound is tight up to an O((log n)^{4} log log n) factor

    Logarithmically-small Minors and Topological Minors

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    Mader proved that for every integer tt there is a smallest real number c(t)c(t) such that any graph with average degree at least c(t)c(t) must contain a KtK_t-minor. Fiorini, Joret, Theis and Wood conjectured that any graph with nn vertices and average degree at least c(t)+ϵc(t)+\epsilon must contain a KtK_t-minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognC(\epsilon,t)\log n vertices. Shapira and Sudakov subsequently proved that such a graph contains a KtK_t-minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognloglognC(\epsilon,t)\log n \log\log n vertices. Here we build on their method using graph expansion to remove the loglogn\log\log n factor and prove the conjecture. Mader also proved that for every integer tt there is a smallest real number s(t)s(t) such that any graph with average degree larger than s(t)s(t) must contain a KtK_t-topological minor. We prove that, for sufficiently large tt, graphs with average degree at least (1+ϵ)s(t)(1+\epsilon)s(t) contain a KtK_t-topological minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognC(\epsilon,t)\log n vertices. Finally, we show that, for sufficiently large tt, graphs with average degree at least (1+ϵ)c(t)(1+\epsilon)c(t) contain either a KtK_t-minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)C(\epsilon,t) vertices or a KtK_t-topological minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognC(\epsilon,t)\log n vertices.Comment: 19 page

    Rainbow Tur\'an number of clique subdivisions

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    We show that for any integer t2t\geq 2, every properly edge-coloured graph on nn vertices with more than n1+o(1)n^{1+o(1)} edges contains a rainbow subdivision of KtK_t. Note that this bound on the number of edges is sharp up to the o(1)o(1) error term. This is a rainbow analogue of some classical results on clique subdivisions and extends some results on rainbow Tur\'an numbers. Our method relies on the framework introduced by Sudakov and Tomon[2020] which we adapt to find robust expanders in the coloured setting.Comment:

    Towards the Erd\H{o}s-Gallai Cycle Decomposition Conjecture

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    In the 1960's, Erd\H{o}s and Gallai conjectured that the edges of any nn-vertex graph can be decomposed into O(n)O(n) cycles and edges. We improve upon the previous best bound of O(nloglogn)O(n\log\log n) cycles and edges due to Conlon, Fox and Sudakov, by showing an nn-vertex graph can always be decomposed into O(nlogn)O(n\log^{*}n) cycles and edges, where logn\log^{*}n is the iterated logarithm function.Comment: Final version, accepted for publicatio