93,247 research outputs found

    Quantum algorithm for non-homogeneous linear partial differential equations

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    We describe a quantum algorithm for preparing states that encode solutions of non-homogeneous linear partial differential equations. The algorithm is a continuous-variable version of matrix inversion: it efficiently inverts differential operators that are polynomials in the variables and their partial derivatives. The output is a quantum state whose wavefunction is proportional to a specific solution of the non-homogeneous differential equation, which can be measured to reveal features of the solution. The algorithm consists of three stages: preparing fixed resource states in ancillary systems, performing Hamiltonian simulation, and measuring the ancilla systems. The algorithm can be carried out using standard methods for gate decompositions, but we improve this in two ways. First, we show that for a wide class of differential operators, it is possible to derive exact decompositions for the gates employed in Hamiltonian simulation. This avoids the need for costly commutator approximations, reducing gate counts by orders of magnitude. Additionally, we employ methods from machine learning to find explicit circuits that prepare the required resource states. We conclude by studying an example application of the algorithm: solving Poisson's equation in electrostatics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Strongly Universal Quantum Turing Machines and Invariance of Kolmogorov Complexity

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    We show that there exists a universal quantum Turing machine (UQTM) that can simulate every other QTM until the other QTM has halted and then halt itself with probability one. This extends work by Bernstein and Vazirani who have shown that there is a UQTM that can simulate every other QTM for an arbitrary, but preassigned number of time steps. As a corollary to this result, we give a rigorous proof that quantum Kolmogorov complexity as defined by Berthiaume et al. is invariant, i.e. depends on the choice of the UQTM only up to an additive constant. Our proof is based on a new mathematical framework for QTMs, including a thorough analysis of their halting behaviour. We introduce the notion of mutually orthogonal halting spaces and show that the information encoded in an input qubit string can always be effectively decomposed into a classical and a quantum part.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure. The operation R is now really a quantum operation (it was not before); corrected some typos, III.B more readable, Conjecture 3.15 is now a theore

    Universal Quantum Computation with ideal Clifford gates and noisy ancillas

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    We consider a model of quantum computation in which the set of elementary operations is limited to Clifford unitaries, the creation of the state 0>|0>, and qubit measurement in the computational basis. In addition, we allow the creation of a one-qubit ancilla in a mixed state ρ\rho, which should be regarded as a parameter of the model. Our goal is to determine for which ρ\rho universal quantum computation (UQC) can be efficiently simulated. To answer this question, we construct purification protocols that consume several copies of ρ\rho and produce a single output qubit with higher polarization. The protocols allow one to increase the polarization only along certain ``magic'' directions. If the polarization of ρ\rho along a magic direction exceeds a threshold value (about 65%), the purification asymptotically yields a pure state, which we call a magic state. We show that the Clifford group operations combined with magic states preparation are sufficient for UQC. The connection of our results with the Gottesman-Knill theorem is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Anomalies in the Entanglement Properties of the Square Lattice Heisenberg Model

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    We compute the bipartite entanglement properties of the spin-half square-lattice Heisenberg model by a variety of numerical techniques that include valence bond quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), stochastic series expansion QMC, high temperature series expansions and zero temperature coupling constant expansions around the Ising limit. We find that the area law is always satisfied, but in addition to the entanglement entropy per unit boundary length, there are other terms that depend logarithmically on the subregion size, arising from broken symmetry in the bulk and from the existence of corners at the boundary. We find that the numerical results are anomalous in several ways. First, the bulk term arising from broken symmetry deviates from an exact calculation that can be done for a mean-field Neel state. Second, the corner logs do not agree with the known results for non-interacting Boson modes. And, third, even the finite temperature mutual information shows an anomalous behavior as T goes to zero, suggesting that T->0 and L->infinity limits do not commute. These calculations show that entanglement entropy demonstrates a very rich behavior in d>1, which deserves further attention.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Numerical values in Table I correcte

    Quantum computing and the entanglement frontier - Rapporteur talk at the 25th Solvay Conference

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    Quantum information science explores the frontier of highly complex quantum states, the "entanglement frontier". This study is motivated by the observation (widely believed but unproven) that classical systems cannot simulate highly entangled quantum systems efficiently, and we hope to hasten the day when well controlled quantum systems can perform tasks surpassing what can be done in the classical world. One way to achieve such "quantum supremacy" would be to run an algorithm on a quantum computer which solves a problem with a super-polynomial speedup relative to classical computers, but there may be other ways that can be achieved sooner, such as simulating exotic quantum states of strongly correlated matter. To operate a large scale quantum computer reliably we will need to overcome the debilitating effects of decoherence, which might be done using "standard" quantum hardware protected by quantum error-correcting codes, or by exploiting the nonabelian quantum statistics of anyons realized in solid state systems, or by combining both methods. Only by challenging the entanglement frontier will we learn whether Nature provides extravagant resources far beyond what the classical world would allow

    Programmable coherent linear quantum operations with high-dimensional optical spatial modes

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    A simple and flexible scheme for high-dimensional linear quantum operations on optical transverse spatial modes is demonstrated. The quantum Fourier transformation (QFT) and quantum state tomography (QST) via symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measures (SIC POVMs) are implemented with dimensionality of 15. The matrix fidelity of QFT is 0.85, while the statistical fidelity of SIC POVMs and fidelity of QST are ~0.97 and up to 0.853, respectively. We believe that our device has the potential for further exploration of high-dimensional spatial entanglement provided by spontaneous parametric down conversion in nonlinear crystals