848 research outputs found

    Understanding Slow Feature Analysis: A Mathematical Framework

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    Slow feature analysis is an algorithm for unsupervised learning of invariant representations from data with temporal correlations. Here, we present a mathematical analysis of slow feature analysis for the case where the input-output functions are not restricted in complexity. We show that the optimal functions obey a partial differential eigenvalue problem of a type that is common in theoretical physics. This analogy allows the transfer of mathematical techniques and intuitions from physics to concrete applications of slow feature analysis, thereby providing the means for analytical predictions and a better understanding of simulation results. We put particular emphasis on the situation where the input data are generated from a set of statistically independent sources.\ud The dependence of the optimal functions on the sources is calculated analytically for the cases where the sources have Gaussian or uniform distribution

    An Extension of Slow Feature Analysis for Nonlinear Blind Source Separation

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    We present and test an extension of slow feature analysis as a novel approach to nonlinear blind source separation. The algorithm relies on temporal correlations and iteratively reconstructs a set of statistically independent sources from arbitrary nonlinear instantaneous mixtures. Simulations show that it is able to invert a complicated nonlinear mixture of two audio signals with a reliability of more than 9090\%. The algorithm is based on a mathematical analysis of slow feature analysis for the case of input data that are generated from statistically independent sources

    Slow feature analysis yields a rich repertoire of complex cell properties

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    In this study, we investigate temporal slowness as a learning principle for receptive fields using slow feature analysis, a new algorithm to determine functions that extract slowly varying signals from the input data. We find that the learned functions trained on image sequences develop many properties found also experimentally in complex cells of primary visual cortex, such as direction selectivity, non-orthogonal inhibition, end-inhibition and side-inhibition. Our results demonstrate that a single unsupervised learning principle can account for such a rich repertoire of receptive field properties

    Slow and steady feature analysis: higher order temporal coherence in video

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    How can unlabeled video augment visual learning? Existing methods perform "slow" feature analysis, encouraging the representations of temporally close frames to exhibit only small differences. While this standard approach captures the fact that high-level visual signals change slowly over time, it fails to capture *how* the visual content changes. We propose to generalize slow feature analysis to "steady" feature analysis. The key idea is to impose a prior that higher order derivatives in the learned feature space must be small. To this end, we train a convolutional neural network with a regularizer on tuples of sequential frames from unlabeled video. It encourages feature changes over time to be smooth, i.e., similar to the most recent changes. Using five diverse datasets, including unlabeled YouTube and KITTI videos, we demonstrate our method's impact on object, scene, and action recognition tasks. We further show that our features learned from unlabeled video can even surpass a standard heavily supervised pretraining approach.Comment: in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2016, Las Vegas, NV, June 201
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