6,867 research outputs found

    From symmetric fundamental expansions to Schur positivity

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    We consider families of quasisymmetric functions with the property that if a symmetric function ff is a positive sum of functions in one of these families, then f is necessarily a positive sum of Schur functions. Furthermore, in each of the families studied, we give a combinatorial description of the Schur coefficients of ff. We organize six such families into a poset, where functions in higher families in the poset are always positive integer sums of functions in each of the lower families. This poset includes the Schur functions, the quasisymmetric Schur functions, the fundamental quasisymmetric generating functions of shifted dual equivalence classes, as well as three new families of functions --- one of which is conjectured to be a basis of the vector space of quasisymmetric functions. Each of the six families is realized as the fundamental quasisymmetric generating functions over the classes of some refinement of dual Knuth equivalence. Thus, we also produce a poset of refinements of dual Knuth equivalence. In doing so, we define quasi-dual equivalence to provide classes that generate quasisymmetric Schur functions

    What are the Confining Field Configurations of Strong-Coupling Lattice Gauge Theory?

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    Starting from the strong-coupling SU(2) Wilson action in D=3 dimensions, we derive an effective, semi-local action on a lattice of spacing L times the spacing of the original lattice. It is shown that beyond the adjoint color-screening distance, i.e. for L≥5L \ge 5, thin center vortices are stable saddlepoints of the corresponding effective action. Since the entropy of these stable objects exceeds their energy, center vortices percolate throughout the lattice, and confine color charge in half-integer representations of the SU(2) gauge group. This result contradicts the folklore that confinement in strong-coupling lattice gauge theory, for D>2 dimensions, is simply due to plaquette disorder, as is the case in D=2 dimensions. It also demonstrates explicitly how the emergence and stability of center vortices is related to the existence of color screening by gluon fields.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, latex2

    FPGA based data acquisition system for COMPASS experiment

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    This paper discusses the present data acquisition system (DAQ) of the COMPASS experiment at CERN and presents development of a new DAQ. The new DAQ must preserve present data format and be able to communicate with FPGA cards. Parts of the new DAQ are based on state machines and they are implemented in C++ with usage of the QT framework, the DIM library, and the IPBus technology. Prototype of the system is prepared and communication through DIM between parts was tested. An implementation of the IPBus technology was prepared and tested. The new DAQ proved to be able to fulfill requirements.Comment: 8 pages, CHEP 201
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