1,631 research outputs found

    Subset Queries in Relational Databases

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    In this paper, we motivated the need for relational database systems to support subset query processing. We defined new operators in relational algebra, and new constructs in SQL for expressing subset queries. We also illustrated the applicability of subset queries through different examples expressed using extended SQL statements and relational algebra expressions. Our aim is to show the utility of subset queries for next generation applications.Comment: 15 page

    Goal Directed Relative Skyline Queries in Time Dependent Road Networks

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    The Wireless GIS technology is progressing rapidly in the area of mobile communications. Location-based spatial queries are becoming an integral part of many new mobile applications. The Skyline queries are latest apps under Location-based services. In this paper we introduce Goal Directed Relative Skyline queries on Time dependent (GD-RST) road networks. The algorithm uses travel time as a metric in finding the data object by considering multiple query points (multi-source skyline) relative to user location and in the user direction of travelling. We design an efficient algorithm based on Filter phase, Heap phase and Refine Skyline phases. At the end, we propose a dynamic skyline caching (DSC) mechanism which helps to reduce the computation cost for future skyline queries. The experimental evaluation reflects the performance of GD-RST algorithm over the traditional branch and bound algorithm for skyline queries in real road networks

    Preference Queries

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    The handling of user preferences is becoming an increasingly important issue in present-day information systems. Among others, preferences are used for information filtering and extraction to reduce the volume of data presented to the user. They are also used to keep track of user profiles and formulate policies to improve and automate decision making. We propose here a simple, logical framework for formulating preferences as preference formulas. The framework does not impose any restrictions on the preference relations and allows arbitrary operation and predicate signatures in preference formulas. It also makes the composition of preference relations straightforward. We propose a simple, natural embedding of preference formulas into relational algebra (and SQL) through a single winnow operator parameterized by a preference formula. The embedding makes possible the formulation of complex preference queries, e.g., involving aggregation, by piggybacking on existing SQL constructs. It also leads in a natural way to the definition of further, preference-related concepts like ranking. Finally, we present general algebraic laws governing the winnow operator and its interaction with other relational algebra operators. The preconditions on the applicability of the laws are captured by logical formulas. The laws provide a formal foundation for the algebraic optimization of preference queries. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach through numerous examples.Comment: 34 page

    Semantic Optimization Techniques for Preference Queries

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    Preference queries are relational algebra or SQL queries that contain occurrences of the winnow operator ("find the most preferred tuples in a given relation"). Such queries are parameterized by specific preference relations. Semantic optimization techniques make use of integrity constraints holding in the database. In the context of semantic optimization of preference queries, we identify two fundamental properties: containment of preference relations relative to integrity constraints and satisfaction of order axioms relative to integrity constraints. We show numerous applications of those notions to preference query evaluation and optimization. As integrity constraints, we consider constraint-generating dependencies, a class generalizing functional dependencies. We demonstrate that the problems of containment and satisfaction of order axioms can be captured as specific instances of constraint-generating dependency entailment. This makes it possible to formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for the applicability of our techniques as constraint validity problems. We characterize the computational complexity of such problems

    Preference Elicitation in Prioritized Skyline Queries

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    Preference queries incorporate the notion of binary preference relation into relational database querying. Instead of returning all the answers, such queries return only the best answers, according to a given preference relation. Preference queries are a fast growing area of database research. Skyline queries constitute one of the most thoroughly studied classes of preference queries. A well known limitation of skyline queries is that skyline preference relations assign the same importance to all attributes. In this work, we study p-skyline queries that generalize skyline queries by allowing varying attribute importance in preference relations. We perform an in-depth study of the properties of p-skyline preference relations. In particular,we study the problems of containment and minimal extension. We apply the obtained results to the central problem of the paper: eliciting relative importance of attributes. Relative importance is implicit in the constructed p-skyline preference relation. The elicitation is based on user-selected sets of superior (positive) and inferior (negative) examples. We show that the computational complexity of elicitation depends on whether inferior examples are involved. If they are not, elicitation can be achieved in polynomial time. Otherwise, it is NP-complete. Our experiments show that the proposed elicitation algorithm has high accuracy and good scalabilit

    Efficient Skyline Querying with Variable User Preferences on Nominal Attributes

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    Current skyline evaluation techniques assume a fixed ordering on the attributes. However, dynamic preferences on nominal attributes are more realistic in known applications. In order to generate online response for any such preference issued by a user, we propose two methods of different characteristics. The first one is a semi-materialization method and the second is an adaptive SFS method. Finally, we conduct experiments to show the efficiency of our proposed algorithms.Comment: 10 page

    Database Querying under Changing Preferences

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    We present here a formal foundation for an iterative and incremental approach to constructing and evaluating preference queries. Our main focus is on query modification: a query transformation approach which works by revising the preference relation in the query. We provide a detailed analysis of the cases where the order-theoretic properties of the preference relation are preserved by the revision. We consider a number of different revision operators: union, prioritized and Pareto composition. We also formulate algebraic laws that enable incremental evaluation of preference queries. Finally, we consider two variations of the basic framework: finite restrictions of preference relations and weak-order extensions of strict partial order preference relations.Comment: Submitted to a journa

    Crowdsourcing Pareto-Optimal Object Finding by Pairwise Comparisons

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    This is the first study on crowdsourcing Pareto-optimal object finding, which has applications in public opinion collection, group decision making, and information exploration. Departing from prior studies on crowdsourcing skyline and ranking queries, it considers the case where objects do not have explicit attributes and preference relations on objects are strict partial orders. The partial orders are derived by aggregating crowdsourcers' responses to pairwise comparison questions. The goal is to find all Pareto-optimal objects by the fewest possible questions. It employs an iterative question-selection framework. Guided by the principle of eagerly identifying non-Pareto optimal objects, the framework only chooses candidate questions which must satisfy three conditions. This design is both sufficient and efficient, as it is proven to find a short terminal question sequence. The framework is further steered by two ideas---macro-ordering and micro-ordering. By different micro-ordering heuristics, the framework is instantiated into several algorithms with varying power in pruning questions. Experiment results using both real crowdsourcing marketplace and simulations exhibited not only orders of magnitude reductions in questions when compared with a brute-force approach, but also close-to-optimal performance from the most efficient instantiation

    Continuous Monitoring of Pareto Frontiers on Partially Ordered Attributes for Many Users

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    We study the problem of continuous object dissemination---given a large number of users and continuously arriving new objects, deliver an object to all users who prefer the object. Many real world applications analyze users' preferences for effective object dissemination. For continuously arriving objects, timely finding users who prefer a new object is challenging. In this paper, we consider an append-only table of objects with multiple attributes and users' preferences on individual attributes are modeled as strict partial orders. An object is preferred by a user if it belongs to the Pareto frontier with respect to the user's partial orders. Users' preferences can be similar. Exploiting shared computation across similar preferences of different users, we design algorithms to find target users of a new object. In order to find users of similar preferences, we study the novel problem of clustering users' preferences that are represented as partial orders. We also present an approximate solution of the problem of finding target users which is more efficient than the exact one while ensuring sufficient accuracy. Furthermore, we extend the algorithms to operate under the semantics of sliding window. We present the results from comprehensive experiments for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    User Profile-Driven Data Warehouse Summary for Adaptive OLAP Queries

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    Data warehousing is an essential element of decision support systems. It aims at enabling the user knowledge to make better and faster daily business decisions. To improve this decision support system and to give more and more relevant information to the user, the need to integrate user's profiles into the data warehouse process becomes crucial. In this paper, we propose to exploit users' preferences as a basis for adapting OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) queries to the user. For this, we present a user profile-driven data warehouse approach that allows dening user's profile composed by his/her identifier and a set of his/her preferences. Our approach is based on a general data warehouse architecture and an adaptive OLAP analysis system. Our main idea consists in creating a data warehouse materialized view for each user with respect to his/her profile. This task is performed off-line when the user defines his/her profile for the first time. Then, when a user query is submitted to the data warehouse, the system deals with his/her data warehouse materialized view instead of the whole data warehouse. In other words, the data warehouse view summaries the data warehouse content for the user by taking into account his/her preferences. Moreover, we are implementing our data warehouse personalization approach under the SQL Server 2005 DBMS (DataBase Management System)
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