5 research outputs found

    Relation between the skew-rank of an oriented graph and the independence number of its underlying graph

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    An oriented graph GσG^\sigma is a digraph without loops or multiple arcs whose underlying graph is GG. Let S(Gσ)S\left(G^\sigma\right) be the skew-adjacency matrix of GσG^\sigma and α(G)\alpha(G) be the independence number of GG. The rank of S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma) is called the skew-rank of GσG^\sigma, denoted by sr(Gσ)sr(G^\sigma). Wong et al. [European J. Combin. 54 (2016) 76-86] studied the relationship between the skew-rank of an oriented graph and the rank of its underlying graph. In this paper, the correlation involving the skew-rank, the independence number, and some other parameters are considered. First we show that sr(Gσ)+2α(G)⩾2∣VG∣−2d(G)sr(G^\sigma)+2\alpha(G)\geqslant 2|V_G|-2d(G), where ∣VG∣|V_G| is the order of GG and d(G)d(G) is the dimension of cycle space of GG. We also obtain sharp lower bounds for sr(Gσ)+α(G), sr(Gσ)−α(G)sr(G^\sigma)+\alpha(G),\, sr(G^\sigma)-\alpha(G), sr(Gσ)/α(G)sr(G^\sigma)/\alpha(G) and characterize all corresponding extremal graphs.Comment: 16 Page; 1 figur

    The skew-rank of oriented graphs

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    An oriented graph GσG^\sigma is a digraph without loops and multiple arcs, where GG is called the underlying graph of GσG^\sigma. Let S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma) denote the skew-adjacency matrix of GσG^\sigma. The rank of the skew-adjacency matrix of GσG^\sigma is called the {\it skew-rank} of GσG^\sigma, denoted by sr(Gσ)sr(G^\sigma). The skew-adjacency matrix of an oriented graph is skew symmetric and the skew-rank is even. In this paper we consider the skew-rank of simple oriented graphs. Firstly we give some preliminary results about the skew-rank. Secondly we characterize the oriented graphs with skew-rank 2 and characterize the oriented graphs with pendant vertices which attain the skew-rank 4. As a consequence, we list the oriented unicyclic graphs, the oriented bicyclic graphs with pendant vertices which attain the skew-rank 4. Moreover, we determine the skew-rank of oriented unicyclic graphs of order nn with girth kk in terms of matching number. We investigate the minimum value of the skew-rank among oriented unicyclic graphs of order nn with girth kk and characterize oriented unicyclic graphs attaining the minimum value. In addition, we consider oriented unicyclic graphs whose skew-adjacency matrices are nonsingular.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    About the spectra of a real nonnegative matrix and its signings

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    For a real matrix MM, we denote by sp(M)sp(M) the spectrum of MM and by ∣M∣\left \vert M\right \vert its absolute value, that is the matrix obtained from MM by replacing each entry of MM by its absolute value. Let AA be a nonnegative real matrix, we call a \emph{signing} of AA every real matrix BB such that ∣B∣=A\left \vert B\right \vert =A. In this paper, we study the set of all signings of AA such that sp(B)=αsp(A)sp(B)=\alpha sp(A) where α\alpha is a complex unit number. Our work generalizes some results obtained in [1, 5, 8]

    On the spectral reconstruction problem for digraphs

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    The idiosyncratic polynomial of a graph GG with adjacency matrix AA is the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A+y(J−A−I) A + y(J-A-I), where II is the identity matrix and JJ is the all-ones matrix. It follows from a theorem of Hagos (2000) combined with an earlier result of Johnson and Newman (1980) that the idiosyncratic polynomial of a graph is reconstructible from the multiset of the idiosyncratic polynomial of its vertex-deleted subgraphs. For a digraph GG with adjacency matrix AA, we define its idiosyncratic polynomial as the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A+y(J−A−I)+zAT A + y(J-A-I)+zA^{T}. By forbidding two fixed digraphs on three vertices as induced subdigraphs, we prove that the idiosyncratic polynomial of a digraph is reconstructible from the multiset of the idiosyncratic polynomial of its induced subdigraphs on three vertices. As an immediate consequence, the idiosyncratic polynomial of a tournament is reconstructible from the collection of its 33-cycles. Another consequence is that all the transitive orientations of a comparability graph have the same idiosyncratic polynomial

    A survey on the skew energy of oriented graphs

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    Let GG be a simple undirected graph with adjacency matrix A(G)A(G). The energy of GG is defined as the sum of absolute values of all eigenvalues of A(G)A(G), which was introduced by Gutman in 1970s. Since graph energy has important chemical applications, it causes great concern and has many generalizations. The skew energy and skew energy-like are the generalizations in oriented graphs. Let GσG^\sigma be an oriented graph of GG with skew adjacency matrix S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma). The skew energy of GσG^\sigma, denoted by ES(Gσ)\mathcal{E}_S(G^\sigma), is defined as the sum of the norms of all eigenvalues of S(Gσ)S(G^\sigma), which was introduced by Adiga, Balakrishnan and So in 2010. In this paper, we summarize main results on the skew energy of oriented graphs. Some open problems are proposed for further study. Besides, results on the skew energy-like: the skew Laplacian energy and skew Randi\'{c} energy are also surveyed at the end.Comment: This will appear as a chapter in Mathematical Chemistry Monograph No.17: Energies of Graphs -- Theory and Applications, edited by I. Gutman and X. L