3,725 research outputs found

    Edge Potential Functions (EPF) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) for Edge-Based Matching of Visual Objects

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    Edges are known to be a semantically rich representation of the contents of a digital image. Nevertheless, their use in practical applications is sometimes limited by computation and complexity constraints. In this paper, a new approach is presented that addresses the problem of matching visual objects in digital images by combining the concept of Edge Potential Functions (EPF) with a powerful matching tool based on Genetic Algorithms (GA). EPFs can be easily calculated starting from an edge map and provide a kind of attractive pattern for a matching contour, which is conveniently exploited by GAs. Several tests were performed in the framework of different image matching applications. The results achieved clearly outline the potential of the proposed method as compared to state of the art methodologies. (c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    Asymmetric Feature Maps with Application to Sketch Based Retrieval

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    We propose a novel concept of asymmetric feature maps (AFM), which allows to evaluate multiple kernels between a query and database entries without increasing the memory requirements. To demonstrate the advantages of the AFM method, we derive a short vector image representation that, due to asymmetric feature maps, supports efficient scale and translation invariant sketch-based image retrieval. Unlike most of the short-code based retrieval systems, the proposed method provides the query localization in the retrieved image. The efficiency of the search is boosted by approximating a 2D translation search via trigonometric polynomial of scores by 1D projections. The projections are a special case of AFM. An order of magnitude speed-up is achieved compared to traditional trigonometric polynomials. The results are boosted by an image-based average query expansion, exceeding significantly the state of the art on standard benchmarks.Comment: CVPR 201

    DeepSketch2Face: A Deep Learning Based Sketching System for 3D Face and Caricature Modeling

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    Face modeling has been paid much attention in the field of visual computing. There exist many scenarios, including cartoon characters, avatars for social media, 3D face caricatures as well as face-related art and design, where low-cost interactive face modeling is a popular approach especially among amateur users. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based sketching system for 3D face and caricature modeling. This system has a labor-efficient sketching interface, that allows the user to draw freehand imprecise yet expressive 2D lines representing the contours of facial features. A novel CNN based deep regression network is designed for inferring 3D face models from 2D sketches. Our network fuses both CNN and shape based features of the input sketch, and has two independent branches of fully connected layers generating independent subsets of coefficients for a bilinear face representation. Our system also supports gesture based interactions for users to further manipulate initial face models. Both user studies and numerical results indicate that our sketching system can help users create face models quickly and effectively. A significantly expanded face database with diverse identities, expressions and levels of exaggeration is constructed to promote further research and evaluation of face modeling techniques.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, to appear in SIGGRAPH 201

    Segmentation and tracking of video objects for a content-based video indexing context

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    This paper examines the problem of segmentation and tracking of video objects for content-based information retrieval. Segmentation and tracking of video objects plays an important role in index creation and user request definition steps. The object is initially selected using a semi-automatic approach. For this purpose, a user-based selection is required to define roughly the object to be tracked. In this paper, we propose two different methods to allow an accurate contour definition from the user selection. The first one is based on an active contour model which progressively refines the selection by fitting the natural edges of the object while the second used a binary partition tree with aPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Deep Shape Matching

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    We cast shape matching as metric learning with convolutional networks. We break the end-to-end process of image representation into two parts. Firstly, well established efficient methods are chosen to turn the images into edge maps. Secondly, the network is trained with edge maps of landmark images, which are automatically obtained by a structure-from-motion pipeline. The learned representation is evaluated on a range of different tasks, providing improvements on challenging cases of domain generalization, generic sketch-based image retrieval or its fine-grained counterpart. In contrast to other methods that learn a different model per task, object category, or domain, we use the same network throughout all our experiments, achieving state-of-the-art results in multiple benchmarks.Comment: ECCV 201
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