12 research outputs found

    Higher chordality: From graphs to complexes

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    We generalize the fundamental graph-theoretic notion of chordality for higher dimensional simplicial complexes by putting it into a proper context within homology theory. We generalize some of the classical results of graph chordality to this generality, including the fundamental relation to the Leray property and chordality theorems of Dirac.Comment: 13 pages, revised; to appear in Proc. AM

    Rigidity and volume preserving deformation on degenerate simplices

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    Given a degenerate (n+1)(n+1)-simplex in a dd-dimensional space MdM^d (Euclidean, spherical or hyperbolic space, and d≥nd\geq n), for each kk, 1≤k≤n1\leq k\leq n, Radon's theorem induces a partition of the set of kk-faces into two subsets. We prove that if the vertices of the simplex vary smoothly in MdM^d for d=nd=n, and the volumes of kk-faces in one subset are constrained only to decrease while in the other subset only to increase, then any sufficiently small motion must preserve the volumes of all kk-faces; and this property still holds in MdM^d for d≥n+1d\geq n+1 if an invariant ck−1(αk−1)c_{k-1}(\alpha^{k-1}) of the degenerate simplex has the desired sign. This answers a question posed by the author, and the proof relies on an invariant ck(ω)c_k(\omega) we discovered for any kk-stress ω\omega on a cell complex in MdM^d. We introduce a characteristic polynomial of the degenerate simplex by defining f(x)=∑i=0n+1(−1)ici(αi)xn+1−if(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n+1}(-1)^{i}c_i(\alpha^i)x^{n+1-i}, and prove that the roots of f(x)f(x) are real for the Euclidean case. Some evidence suggests the same conjecture for the hyperbolic case.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Discrete & Computational Geometr

    Remarks on the combinatorial intersection cohomology of fans

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    We review the theory of combinatorial intersection cohomology of fans developed by Barthel-Brasselet-Fieseler-Kaup, Bressler-Lunts, and Karu. This theory gives a substitute for the intersection cohomology of toric varieties which has all the expected formal properties but makes sense even for non-rational fans, which do not define a toric variety. As a result, a number of interesting results on the toric gg and hh polynomials have been extended from rational polytopes to general polytopes. We present explicit complexes computing the combinatorial IH in degrees one and two; the degree two complex gives the rigidity complex previously used by Kalai to study g2g_2. We present several new results which follow from these methods, as well as previously unpublished proofs of Kalai that gk(P)=0g_k(P) = 0 implies gk(P∗)=0g_k(P^*) = 0 and gk+1(P)=0g_{k+1}(P) = 0.Comment: 34 pages. Typos fixed; final version, to appear in Pure and Applied Math Quarterl

    Affine stresses, inverse systems, and reconstruction problems

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    A conjecture of Kalai asserts that for d≥4d\geq 4, the affine type of a prime simplicial dd-polytope PP can be reconstructed from the space of affine 22-stresses of PP. We prove this conjecture for all d≥5d\geq 5. We also prove the following generalization: for all pairs (i,d)(i,d) with 2≤i≤⌈d2⌉−12\leq i\leq \lceil \frac d 2\rceil-1, the affine type of a simplicial dd-polytope PP that has no missing faces of dimension ≥d−i+1\geq d-i+1 can be reconstructed from the space of affine ii-stresses of PP. A consequence of our proofs is a strengthening of the Generalized Lower Bound Theorem: it was proved by Nagel that for any simplicial (d−1)(d-1)-sphere Δ\Delta and 1≤k≤⌈d2⌉−11\leq k\leq \lceil\frac{d}{2}\rceil-1, gk(Δ)g_k(\Delta) is at least as large as the number of missing (d−k)(d-k)-faces of Δ\Delta; here we show that, for 1≤k≤⌊d2⌋−11\leq k\leq \lfloor\frac{d}{2}\rfloor-1, equality holds if and only if Δ\Delta is kk-stacked. Finally, we show that for d≥4d\geq 4, any simplicial dd-polytope PP that has no missing faces of dimension ≥d−1\geq d-1 is redundantly rigid, that is, for each edge ee of PP, there exists an affine 22-stress on PP with a non-zero value on ee.Comment: 21 pages. Added a few remarks and examples (see Remark 3.6, Examples 2.5 and 3.3-3.5). To appear in IMR

    gg-vectors of manifolds with boundary

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    We extend several gg-type theorems for connected, orientable homology manifolds without boundary to manifolds with boundary. As applications of these results we obtain K\"uhnel-type bounds on the Betti numbers as well as on certain weighted sums of Betti numbers of manifolds with boundary. Our main tool is the completion Δ^\hat\Delta of a manifold with boundary Δ\Delta; it is obtained from Δ\Delta by coning off the boundary of Δ\Delta with a single new vertex. We show that despite the fact that Δ^\hat{\Delta} has a singular vertex, its Stanley--Reisner ring shares a few properties with the Stanley--Reisner rings of homology spheres. We close with a discussion of a connection between three lower bound theorems for manifolds, PL-handle decompositions, and surgery