11,474 research outputs found

    On some three color Ramsey numbers for paths, cycles, stripes and stars

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    For given graphs G1,G2,...,Gk,k2G_{1}, G_{2}, ... , G_{k}, k \geq 2, the multicolor Ramsey number R(G1,G2,...,Gk)R(G_{1}, G_{2}, ... , G_{k}) is the smallest integer nn such that if we arbitrarily color the edges of the complete graph of order nn with kk colors, then it always contains a monochromatic copy of GiG_{i} colored with ii, for some 1ik1 \leq i \leq k. The bipartite Ramsey number b(G1,,Gk)b(G_1, \cdots, G_k) is the least positive integer bb such that any coloring of the edges of Kb,bK_{b,b} with kk colors will result in a monochromatic copy of bipartite GiG_i in the ii-th color, for some ii, 1ik1 \le i \le k. There is very little known about R(G1,,Gk)R(G_{1},\ldots, G_{k}) even for very special graphs, there are a lot of open cases. In this paper, by using bipartite Ramsey numbers we obtain the exact values of some multicolor Ramsey numbers. We show that for sufficiently large n0n_{0} and three following cases: 1. n1=2sn_{1}=2s, n2=2mn_{2}=2m and m1<2sm-1<2s, 2. n1=n2=2sn_{1}=n_{2}=2s, 3. n1=2s+1n_{1}=2s+1, n2=2mn_{2}=2m and s<m1<2s+1s<m-1<2s+1, we have R(Cn0,Pn1,Pn2)=n0+n12+n222.R(C_{n_0}, P_{n_{1}},P_{n_{2}}) = n_0 + \Big \lfloor \frac{n_1}{2} \Big \rfloor + \Big \lfloor \frac{n_2}{2} \Big \rfloor -2. We prove that R(Pn,kK2,kK2)=n+2k2R(P_n,kK_{2},kK_{2})=n+2k-2 for large nn. In addition, we prove that for even kk, R((k1)K2,Pk,Pk)=3k4R((k-1)K_{2},P_{k},P_{k})=3k-4. For s<m1<2s+1s < m-1<2s+1 and tm+s1t\geq m+s-1, we obtain that R(tK2,P2s+1,P2m)=s+m+2t2R(tK_{2},P_{2s+1},P_{2m})=s+m+2t-2 where PkP_{k} is a path on kk vertices and tK2tK_{2} is a matching of size tt. We also provide some new exact values or generalize known results for other multicolor Ramsey numbers of paths, cycles, stripes and stars versus other graphs

    Ramsey numbers of trees versus odd cycles

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    Burr, Erd\H{o}s, Faudree, Rousseau and Schelp initiated the study of Ramsey numbers of trees versus odd cycles, proving that R(Tn,Cm)=2n1R(T_n, C_m) = 2n - 1 for all odd m3m \ge 3 and n756m10n \ge 756m^{10}, where TnT_n is a tree with nn vertices and CmC_m is an odd cycle of length mm. They proposed to study the minimum positive integer n0(m)n_0(m) such that this result holds for all nn0(m)n \ge n_0(m), as a function of mm. In this paper, we show that n0(m)n_0(m) is at most linear. In particular, we prove that R(Tn,Cm)=2n1R(T_n, C_m) = 2n - 1 for all odd m3m \ge 3 and n50mn \ge 50m. Combining this with a result of Faudree, Lawrence, Parsons and Schelp yields n0(m)n_0(m) is bounded between two linear functions, thus identifying n0(m)n_0(m) up to a constant factor.Comment: 10 pages, updated to match EJC versio

    A survey of hypergraph Ramsey problems

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    The classical hypergraph Ramsey number rk(s,n)r_k(s,n) is the minimum NN such that for every red-blue coloring of the kk-tuples of {1,,N}\{1,\ldots, N\}, there are ss integers such that every kk-tuple among them is red, or nn integers such that every kk-tuple among them is blue. We survey a variety of problems and results in hypergraph Ramsey theory that have grown out of understanding the quantitative aspects of rk(s,n)r_k(s,n). Our focus is on recent developments and open problems

    Restricted size Ramsey number for P3P_3 versus cycles

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    Let FF, GG and HH be simple graphs. We say F(G,H)F \rightarrow (G, H) if for every 22-coloring of the edges of FF there exists a monochromatic GG or HH in FF. The Ramsey number r(G,H)r(G, H) is defined as r(G,H)=min{V(F):F(G,H)}r(G, H) = min\{|V (F)|: F \rightarrow (G, H)\}, while the restricted size Ramsey number r(G,H)r^{*}(G, H) is defined as r(G,H)=min{E(F):F(G,H),V(F)=r(G,H)}r^{*}(G, H) = min\{|E (F)|: F \rightarrow (G, H) , |V (F) | = r(G, H)\}. In this paper we determine previously unknown restricted size Ramsey numbers r(P3,Cn)r^{*}(P_3, C_n) for 7n127 \leq n \leq 12. We also give new upper bound r(P3,Cn)2n2r^{*}(P_3, C_n) \leq 2n-2 for even n8n \geq 8

    Trees and nn-Good Hypergraphs

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    Trees fill many extremal roles in graph theory, being minimally connected and serving a critical role in the definition of nn-good graphs. In this article, we consider the generalization of trees to the setting of rr-uniform hypergraphs and how one may extend the notion of nn-good graphs to this setting. We prove numerous bounds for rr-uniform hypergraph Ramsey numbers involving trees and complete hypergraphs and show that in the 33-uniform case, all trees are nn-good when nn is odd or nn falls into specified even cases.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    On the size Ramsey number of all cycles versus a path

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    We say G(C,Pn)G\to (\mathcal{C}, P_n) if GE(F)G-E(F) contains an nn-vertex path PnP_n for any spanning forest FGF\subset G. The size Ramsey number R^(C,Pn)\hat{R}(\mathcal{C}, P_n) is the smallest integer mm such that there exists a graph GG with mm edges for which G(C,Pn)G\to (\mathcal{C}, P_n). Dudek, Khoeini and Pra{\l}at proved that for sufficiently large nn, 2.0036nR^(C,Pn)31n2.0036n \le \hat{R}(\mathcal{C}, P_n)\le 31n. In this note, we improve both the lower and upper bounds to 2.066nR^(C,Pn)5.25n+O(1).2.066n\le \hat{R}(\mathcal{C}, P_n)\le 5.25n+O(1). Our construction for the upper bound is completely different than the one considered by Dudek, Khoeini and Pra{\l}at. We also have a computer assisted proof of the upper bound R^(C,Pn)7519n+O(1)<3.947n\hat{R}(\mathcal{C}, P_n)\le \frac{75}{19}n +O(1) < 3.947n .Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    A Note on Lower Bounds for Induced Ramsey Numbers

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    We say that a graph FF strongly arrows a pair of graphs (G,H)(G,H) if any 2-colouring of its edges with red and blue leads to either a red GG or a blue HH appearing as induced subgraphs of FF. The induced Ramsey number, IR(G,H)IR(G,H) is defined as the minimum number of vertices of a graph FF which strongly arrows a pair (G,H)(G,H). We will consider two aspects of induced Ramsey numbers. Firstly there will be shown that the lower bound of the induced Ramsey number for a connected graph GG with independence number α\alpha and a graph HH with clique number ω\omega roughly ω2α2\frac{\omega^2\alpha}{2}. This bounds is sharp. Moreover we discuss also the case when GG is not connected providing also a sharp lower bound which is linear in both parameter

    Ramsey goodness of cycles

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    Given a pair of graphs GG and HH, the Ramsey number R(G,H)R(G,H) is the smallest NN such that every red-blue coloring of the edges of the complete graph KNK_N contains a red copy of GG or a blue copy of HH. If a graph GG is connected, it is well known and easy to show that R(G,H)(G1)(χ(H)1)+σ(H)R(G,H) \geq (|G|-1)(\chi(H)-1)+\sigma(H), where χ(H)\chi(H) is the chromatic number of HH and σ(H)\sigma(H) is the size of the smallest color class in a χ(H)\chi(H)-coloring of HH. A graph GG is called HH-good if R(G,H)=(G1)(χ(H)1)+σ(H)R(G,H)= (|G|-1)(\chi(H)-1)+\sigma(H). The notion of Ramsey goodness was introduced by Burr and Erd\H{o}s in 1983 and has been extensively studied since then. In this paper we show that if n1060Hn\geq 10^{60}|H| and σ(H)χ(H)22\sigma(H)\geq \chi(H)^{22} then the nn-vertex cycle CnC_n is HH-good. For graphs HH with high χ(H)\chi(H) and σ(H)\sigma(H), this proves in a strong form a conjecture of Allen, Brightwell, and Skokan

    On star-wheel Ramsey numbers

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    For two given graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2, the Ramsey number R(G1,G2)R(G_1,G_2) is the least integer rr such that for every graph GG on rr vertices, either GG contains a G1G_1 or Gˉ\bar{G} contains a G2G_2. In this note, we determined the Ramsey number R(K1,n,Wm)R(K_{1,n},W_m) for even mm with n+2m2n2n+2\leq m\leq 2n-2, where WmW_m is the wheel on m+1m+1 vertices, i.e., the graph obtained from a cycle CmC_m by adding a vertex vv adjacent to all vertices of the CmC_m.Comment: 8 page

    The Ramsey number of loose cycles versus cliques

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    Recently Kostochka, Mubayi and Verstra\"ete initiated the study of the Ramsey numbers of uniform loose cycles versus cliques. In particular they proved that R(C3r,Knr)=θ~(n3/2)R(C^r_3,K^r_n) = \tilde{\theta}(n^{3/2}) for all fixed r3r\geq 3. For the case of loose cycles of length five they proved that R(C5r,Knr)=Ω((n/logn)5/4)R(C_5^r,K_n^r)=\Omega((n/\log n)^{5/4}) and conjectured that R(C5r,Knr)=O(n5/4)R(C^r_5,K_n^r) = O(n^{5/4}) for all fixed r3r\geq 3. Our main result is that R(C53,Kn3)=O(n4/3)R(C_5^3,K_n^3) = O(n^{4/3}) and more generally for any fixed l3l\geq 3 that R(Cl3,Kn3)=O(n1+1/(l+1)/2)R(C_l^3,K_n^3) = O(n^{1 + 1/\lfloor(l+1)/2 \rfloor}). We also explain why for every fixed l5l\geq 5, r4r\geq 4, R(Clr,Knr)=O(n1+1/l/2)R(C^r_l,K^r_n) = O(n^{1+1/\lfloor l/2 \rfloor}) if ll is odd, which improves upon the result of Collier-Cartaino, Graber and Jiang who proved that for every fixed r3r\geq 3, l4l\geq 4, we have R(Clr,Knr)=O(n1+1/(l/21))R(C_l^r,K_n^r) = O(n^{1 + 1/(\lfloor l/2 \rfloor-1)}).Comment: 18 page