8,245 research outputs found

    Understanding Regularized Spectral Clustering via Graph Conductance

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    This paper uses the relationship between graph conductance and spectral clustering to study (i) the failures of spectral clustering and (ii) the benefits of regularization. The explanation is simple. Sparse and stochastic graphs create a lot of small trees that are connected to the core of the graph by only one edge. Graph conductance is sensitive to these noisy `dangling sets'. Spectral clustering inherits this sensitivity. The second part of the paper starts from a previously proposed form of regularized spectral clustering and shows that it is related to the graph conductance on a `regularized graph'. We call the conductance on the regularized graph CoreCut. Based upon previous arguments that relate graph conductance to spectral clustering (e.g. Cheeger inequality), minimizing CoreCut relaxes to regularized spectral clustering. Simple inspection of CoreCut reveals why it is less sensitive to small cuts in the graph. Together, these results show that unbalanced partitions from spectral clustering can be understood as overfitting to noise in the periphery of a sparse and stochastic graph. Regularization fixes this overfitting. In addition to this statistical benefit, these results also demonstrate how regularization can improve the computational speed of spectral clustering. We provide simulations and data examples to illustrate these results.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    An optimization approach to locally-biased graph algorithms

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    Locally-biased graph algorithms are algorithms that attempt to find local or small-scale structure in a large data graph. In some cases, this can be accomplished by adding some sort of locality constraint and calling a traditional graph algorithm; but more interesting are locally-biased graph algorithms that compute answers by running a procedure that does not even look at most of the input graph. This corresponds more closely to what practitioners from various data science domains do, but it does not correspond well with the way that algorithmic and statistical theory is typically formulated. Recent work from several research communities has focused on developing locally-biased graph algorithms that come with strong complementary algorithmic and statistical theory and that are useful in practice in downstream data science applications. We provide a review and overview of this work, highlighting commonalities between seemingly-different approaches, and highlighting promising directions for future work.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Hierarchical Clustering with Structural Constraints

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    Hierarchical clustering is a popular unsupervised data analysis method. For many real-world applications, we would like to exploit prior information about the data that imposes constraints on the clustering hierarchy, and is not captured by the set of features available to the algorithm. This gives rise to the problem of "hierarchical clustering with structural constraints". Structural constraints pose major challenges for bottom-up approaches like average/single linkage and even though they can be naturally incorporated into top-down divisive algorithms, no formal guarantees exist on the quality of their output. In this paper, we provide provable approximation guarantees for two simple top-down algorithms, using a recently introduced optimization viewpoint of hierarchical clustering with pairwise similarity information [Dasgupta, 2016]. We show how to find good solutions even in the presence of conflicting prior information, by formulating a constraint-based regularization of the objective. We further explore a variation of this objective for dissimilarity information [Cohen-Addad et al., 2018] and improve upon current techniques. Finally, we demonstrate our approach on a real dataset for the taxonomy application.Comment: In Proc. 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2018

    Spectral Resolution Clustering for Brain Parcellation

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    We take an image science perspective on the problem of determining brain network connectivity given functional activity. But adapting the concept of image resolution to this problem, we provide a new perspective on network partitioning for individual brain parcellation. The typical goal here is to determine densely-interconnected subnetworks within a larger network by choosing the best edges to cut. We instead define these subnetworks as resolution cells, where highly-correlated activity within the cells makes edge weights difficult to determine from the data. Subdividing the resolution estimates into disjoint resolution cells via clustering yields a new variation, and new perspective, on spectral clustering. This provides insight and strategies for open questions such as the selection of model order and the optimal choice of preprocessing steps for functional imaging data. The approach is demonstrated using functional imaging data, where we find the proposed approach produces parcellations which are more predictive across multiple scans versus conventional methods, as well as versus alternative forms of spectral clustering

    An information-theoretic derivation of min-cut based clustering

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    Min-cut clustering, based on minimizing one of two heuristic cost-functions proposed by Shi and Malik, has spawned tremendous research, both analytic and algorithmic, in the graph partitioning and image segmentation communities over the last decade. It is however unclear if these heuristics can be derived from a more general principle facilitating generalization to new problem settings. Motivated by an existing graph partitioning framework, we derive relationships between optimizing relevance information, as defined in the Information Bottleneck method, and the regularized cut in a K-partitioned graph. For fast mixing graphs, we show that the cost functions introduced by Shi and Malik can be well approximated as the rate of loss of predictive information about the location of random walkers on the graph. For graphs generated from a stochastic algorithm designed to model community structure, the optimal information theoretic partition and the optimal min-cut partition are shown to be the same with high probability.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, two-column, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    A Semi-supervised Spatial Spectral Regularized Manifold Local Scaling Cut With HGF for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images

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    Hyperspectral images (HSI) contain a wealth of information over hundreds of contiguous spectral bands, making it possible to classify materials through subtle spectral discrepancies. However, the classification of this rich spectral information is accompanied by the challenges like high dimensionality, singularity, limited training samples, lack of labeled data samples, heteroscedasticity and nonlinearity. To address these challenges, we propose a semi-supervised graph based dimensionality reduction method named `semi-supervised spatial spectral regularized manifold local scaling cut' (S3RMLSC). The underlying idea of the proposed method is to exploit the limited labeled information from both the spectral and spatial domains along with the abundant unlabeled samples to facilitate the classification task by retaining the original distribution of the data. In S3RMLSC, a hierarchical guided filter (HGF) is initially used to smoothen the pixels of the HSI data to preserve the spatial pixel consistency. This step is followed by the construction of linear patches from the nonlinear manifold by using the maximal linear patch (MLP) criterion. Then the inter-patch and intra-patch dissimilarity matrices are constructed in both spectral and spatial domains by regularized manifold local scaling cut (RMLSC) and neighboring pixel manifold local scaling cut (NPMLSC) respectively. Finally, we obtain the projection matrix by optimizing the updated semi-supervised spatial-spectral between-patch and total-patch dissimilarity. The effectiveness of the proposed DR algorithm is illustrated with publicly available real-world HSI datasets

    Scalable Spectral Algorithms for Community Detection in Directed Networks

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    Community detection has been one of the central problems in network studies and directed network is particularly challenging due to asymmetry among its links. In this paper, we found that incorporating the direction of links reveals new perspectives on communities regarding to two different roles, source and terminal, that a node plays in each community. Intriguingly, such communities appear to be connected with unique spectral property of the graph Laplacian of the adjacency matrix and we exploit this connection by using regularized SVD methods. We propose harvesting algorithms, coupled with regularized SVDs, that are linearly scalable for efficient identification of communities in huge directed networks. The proposed algorithm shows great performance and scalability on benchmark networks in simulations and successfully recovers communities in real network applications.Comment: Single column, 40 pages, 6 figures and 7 table

    A Nonlinear Orthogonal Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach to Subspace Clustering

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    A recent theoretical analysis shows the equivalence between non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and spectral clustering based approach to subspace clustering. As NMF and many of its variants are essentially linear, we introduce a nonlinear NMF with explicit orthogonality and derive general kernel-based orthogonal multiplicative update rules to solve the subspace clustering problem. In nonlinear orthogonal NMF framework, we propose two subspace clustering algorithms, named kernel-based non-negative subspace clustering KNSC-Ncut and KNSC-Rcut and establish their connection with spectral normalized cut and ratio cut clustering. We further extend the nonlinear orthogonal NMF framework and introduce a graph regularization to obtain a factorization that respects a local geometric structure of the data after the nonlinear mapping. The proposed NMF-based approach to subspace clustering takes into account the nonlinear nature of the manifold, as well as its intrinsic local geometry, which considerably improves the clustering performance when compared to the several recently proposed state-of-the-art methods

    A Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization Framework for Identifying Functional Units of Tongue Behavior from MRI

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    Muscle coordination patterns of lingual behaviors are synergies generated by deforming local muscle groups in a variety of ways. Functional units are functional muscle groups of local structural elements within the tongue that compress, expand, and move in a cohesive and consistent manner. Identifying the functional units using tagged-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sheds light on the mechanisms of normal and pathological muscle coordination patterns, yielding improvement in surgical planning, treatment, or rehabilitation procedures. Here, to mine this information, we propose a matrix factorization and probabilistic graphical model framework to produce building blocks and their associated weighting map using motion quantities extracted from tagged-MRI. Our tagged-MRI imaging and accurate voxel-level tracking provide previously unavailable internal tongue motion patterns, thus revealing the inner workings of the tongue during speech or other lingual behaviors. We then employ spectral clustering on the weighting map to identify the cohesive regions defined by the tongue motion that may involve multiple or undocumented regions. To evaluate our method, we perform a series of experiments. We first use two-dimensional images and synthetic data to demonstrate the accuracy of our method. We then use three-dimensional synthetic and \textit{in vivo} tongue motion data using protrusion and simple speech tasks to identify subject-specific and data-driven functional units of the tongue in localized regions.Comment: Accepted at IEEE TMI (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8467354

    Spectral-graph Based Classifications: Linear Regression for Classification and Normalized Radial Basis Function Network

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    Spectral graph theory has been widely applied in unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. In this paper, we find for the first time, to our knowledge, that it also plays a concrete role in supervised classification. It turns out that two classifiers are inherently related to the theory: linear regression for classification (LRC) and normalized radial basis function network (nRBFN), corresponding to linear and nonlinear kernel respectively. The spectral graph theory provides us with a new insight into a fundamental aspect of classification: the tradeoff between fitting error and overfitting risk. With the theory, ideal working conditions for LRC and nRBFN are presented, which ensure not only zero fitting error but also low overfitting risk. For quantitative analysis, two concepts, the fitting error and the spectral risk (indicating overfitting), have been defined. Their bounds for nRBFN and LRC are derived. A special result shows that the spectral risk of nRBFN is lower bounded by the number of classes and upper bounded by the size of radial basis. When the conditions are not met exactly, the classifiers will pursue the minimum fitting error, running into the risk of overfitting. It turns out that â„“2\ell_2-norm regularization can be applied to control overfitting. Its effect is explored under the spectral context. It is found that the two terms in the â„“2\ell_2-regularized objective are one-one correspondent to the fitting error and the spectral risk, revealing a tradeoff between the two quantities. Concerning practical performance, we devise a basis selection strategy to address the main problem hindering the applications of (n)RBFN. With the strategy, nRBFN is easy to implement yet flexible. Experiments on 14 benchmark data sets show the performance of nRBFN is comparable to that of SVM, whereas the parameter tuning of nRBFN is much easier, leading to reduction of model selection time
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