12,012 research outputs found

    Assessing collaborative learning: big data, analytics and university futures

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    Traditionally, assessment in higher education has focused on the performance of individual students. This focus has been a practical as well as an epistemic one: methods of assessment are constrained by the technology of the day, and in the past they required the completion by individuals under controlled conditions, of set-piece academic exercises. Recent advances in learning analytics, drawing upon vast sets of digitally-stored student activity data, open new practical and epistemic possibilities for assessment and carry the potential to transform higher education. It is becoming practicable to assess the individual and collective performance of team members working on complex projects that closely simulate the professional contexts that graduates will encounter. In addition to academic knowledge this authentic assessment can include a diverse range of personal qualities and dispositions that are key to the computer-supported cooperative working of professionals in the knowledge economy. This paper explores the implications of such opportunities for the purpose and practices of assessment in higher education, as universities adapt their institutional missions to address 21st Century needs. The paper concludes with a strong recommendation for university leaders to deploy analytics to support and evaluate the collaborative learning of students working in realistic contexts

    Big Data Ethics in Research

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    The main problems faced by scientists in working with Big Data sets, highlighting the main ethical issues, taking into account the legislation of the European Union. After a brief Introduction to Big Data, the Technology section presents specific research applications. There is an approach to the main philosophical issues in Philosophical Aspects, and Legal Aspects with specific ethical issues in the EU Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive - General Data Protection Regulation, "GDPR"). The Ethics Issues section details the specific aspects of Big Data. After a brief section of Big Data Research, I finalize my work with the presentation of Conclusions on research ethics in working with Big Data. CONTENTS: Abstract 1. Introduction - 1.1 Definitions - 1.2 Big Data dimensions 2. Technology - 2.1 Applications - - 2.1.1 In research 3. Philosophical aspects 4. Legal aspects - 4.1 GDPR - - Stages of processing of personal data - - Principles of data processing - - Privacy policy and transparency - - Purposes of data processing - - Design and implicit confidentiality - - The (legal) paradox of Big Data 5. Ethical issues - Ethics in research - Awareness - Consent - Control - Transparency - Trust - Ownership - Surveillance and security - Digital identity - Tailored reality - De-identification - Digital inequality - Privacy 6. Big Data research Conclusions Bibliography DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11054.4640

    Using big data for customer centric marketing

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    This chapter deliberates on “big data” and provides a short overview of business intelligence and emerging analytics. It underlines the importance of data for customer-centricity in marketing. This contribution contends that businesses ought to engage in marketing automation tools and apply them to create relevant, targeted customer experiences. Today’s business increasingly rely on digital media and mobile technologies as on-demand, real-time marketing has become more personalised than ever. Therefore, companies and brands are striving to nurture fruitful and long lasting relationships with customers. In a nutshell, this chapter explains why companies should recognise the value of data analysis and mobile applications as tools that drive consumer insights and engagement. It suggests that a strategic approach to big data could drive consumer preferences and may also help to improve the organisational performance.peer-reviewe

    Responsible Data Governance of Neuroscience Big Data

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    Open access article.Current discussions of the ethical aspects of big data are shaped by concerns regarding the social consequences of both the widespread adoption of machine learning and the ways in which biases in data can be replicated and perpetuated. We instead focus here on the ethical issues arising from the use of big data in international neuroscience collaborations. Neuroscience innovation relies upon neuroinformatics, large-scale data collection and analysis enabled by novel and emergent technologies. Each step of this work involves aspects of ethics, ranging from concerns for adherence to informed consent or animal protection principles and issues of data re-use at the stage of data collection, to data protection and privacy during data processing and analysis, and issues of attribution and intellectual property at the data-sharing and publication stages. Significant dilemmas and challenges with far-reaching implications are also inherent, including reconciling the ethical imperative for openness and validation with data protection compliance and considering future innovation trajectories or the potential for misuse of research results. Furthermore, these issues are subject to local interpretations within different ethical cultures applying diverse legal systems emphasising different aspects. Neuroscience big data require a concerted approach to research across boundaries, wherein ethical aspects are integrated within a transparent, dialogical data governance process. We address this by developing the concept of “responsible data governance,” applying the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to the challenges presented by the governance of neuroscience big data in the Human Brain Project (HBP)

    Monitoring and detection of agitation in dementia: towards real-time and big-data solutions

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    The changing demographic profile of the population has potentially challenging social, geopolitical, and financial consequences for individuals, families, the wider society, and governments globally. The demographic change will result in a rapidly growing elderly population with healthcare implications which importantly include Alzheimer type conditions (a leading cause of dementia). Dementia requires long term care to manage the negative behavioral symptoms which are primarily exhibited in terms of agitation and aggression as the condition develops. This paper considers the nature of dementia along with the issues and challenges implicit in its management. The Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) are introduced with factors (precursors) to the onset of agitation and aggression. Independent living is considered, health monitoring and implementation in context-aware decision-support systems is discussed with consideration of data analytics. Implicit in health monitoring are technical and ethical constraints, we briefly consider these constraints with the ability to generalize to a range of medical conditions. We postulate that health monitoring offers exciting potential opportunities however the challenges lie in the effective realization of independent assisted living while meeting the ethical challenges, achieving this remains an open research question remains.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Alignment of Big Data Perceptions Across Levels in Healthcare: The case of New Zealand

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    Big data and related technologies have the potential to transform healthcare sectors by facilitating improvements to healthcare planning and delivery. Big data research highlights the importance of aligning big data implementations with business needs to achieve success. In one of the first studies to examine the influence of big data on business-IT alignment in the healthcare sector, this paper addresses the question: how do stakeholders’ perceptions of big data influence alignment between big data technologies and healthcare sector needs across macro, meso, and micro levels in the New Zealand (NZ) healthcare sector? A qualitative inquiry was conducted using semi-structured interviews to understand perceptions of big data across the NZ healthcare sector. An application of a novel theory, Theory of Sociotechnical Representations (TSR), is used to examine people’s perceptions of big data technologies and their applicability in their day-to-day work. These representations are analysed at each level and then across levels to evaluate the degree of alignment. A social dimension lens to alignment was used to explore mutual understanding of big data across the sector. The findings show alignment across the sector through the shared understanding of the importance of data quality, the increasing challenges of privacy and security, and the importance of utilising modern and new data in measuring health outcomes. Areas of misalignment include the differing definitions of big data, as well as perceptions around data ownership, data sharing, use of patient-generated data and interoperability. Both practical and theoretical contributions of the study are discussed

    Prospect patents, data markets, and the commons in data-driven medicine : openness and the political economy of intellectual property rights

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    Scholars who point to political influences and the regulatory function of patent courts in the USA have long questioned the courts’ subjective interpretation of what ‘things’ can be claimed as inventions. The present article sheds light on a different but related facet: the role of the courts in regulating knowledge production. I argue that the recent cases decided by the US Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, which made diagnostics and software very difficult to patent and which attracted criticism for a wealth of different reasons, are fine case studies of the current debate over the proper role of the state in regulating the marketplace and knowledge production in the emerging information economy. The article explains that these patents are prospect patents that may be used by a monopolist to collect data that everybody else needs in order to compete effectively. As such, they raise familiar concerns about failure of coordination emerging as a result of a monopolist controlling a resource such as datasets that others need and cannot replicate. In effect, the courts regulated the market, primarily focusing on ensuring the free flow of data in the emerging marketplace very much in the spirit of the ‘free the data’ language in various policy initiatives, yet at the same time with an eye to boost downstream innovation. In doing so, these decisions essentially endorse practices of personal information processing which constitute a new type of public domain: a source of raw materials which are there for the taking and which have become most important inputs to commercial activity. From this vantage point of view, the legal interpretation of the private and the shared legitimizes a model of data extraction from individuals, the raw material of information capitalism, that will fuel the next generation of data-intensive therapeutics in the field of data-driven medicine

    Making Data Work: A Systematic Mapping of Collaborative Data Curation Practices

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    A growing body of literature in Information Systems focuses on the collaborative data curation practices that support the use of novel technologies in the ongoing datafication of work and organizing. In this study, we map the practices and processes that help make data useful and meaningful so that organizations can take advantage of these technologies. We examine 54 empirical studies and focus on the individuals and groups that collaborate to make data useful and meaningful. We identify the following collaborative data curation practices: (i) engaging multiple users in cooperation, (ii) involving higher-level stakeholders, and (iii) using shared resources. We contribute to the IS literature by broadening the view of data curation as an organizational practice that requires the collective, situated, and ongoing engagement of multiple actors making flexible and interpretive decisions to identify and resolve challenges related to working with data

    Navigating Healthcare Challenges Text Analytics, Data Integration, and Decision-Making in the COVID-19 Era

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    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Integrated Healthcare Systems have emerged as crucial components in effectively managing healthcare challenges. This study delves into the multifaceted role of integrated systems, with a particular focus on the pivotal aspects of text analytics. An exploration of various applications of text analytics unfolds, shedding light on its diverse utility within the healthcare landscape. Extensive reviews of problems encountered by different organizations and insights gleaned from research contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by Health and Human Services (HHS). These challenges, intricately linked to issues such as hospital strains and consumers' personal experiences, are thoroughly examined to provide actionable solutions. A key emphasis is placed on the indispensability of data integration, and the abstract discusses how various analytic approaches can be strategically employed within a well-integrated database system. The nuances of implementing an integrated model are scrutinized, highlighting the primary challenges that organizations, particularly HHS, may encounter. Subsequently, potential solutions are presented, leveraging the power of OLAP to construct a dashboard tailored to address the identified problems. Beyond the technical intricacies, the abstract explores the ramifications of an integrated approach on decision-making processes within HHS. The discussion extends to the acceleration of decision-making possibilities, underlining the imperative need for timely and informed actions in the face of healthcare challenges. In essence, this study provides a nuanced exploration of the role of Integrated Healthcare Systems during the COVID-19 pandemic, incorporating insights from text analytics, data integration, and analytic methodologies. The findings aim to contribute valuable perspectives to healthcare organizations, particularly HHS, as they navigate and mitigate the complexities posed by the ongoing global health crisis