2,988 research outputs found

    A PDE Approach to Data-driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)

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    We present a new flexible wavefront propagation algorithm for the boundary value problem for sub-Riemannian (SR) geodesics in the roto-translation group SE(2)=R2S1SE(2) = \mathbb{R}^2 \rtimes S^1 with a metric tensor depending on a smooth external cost C:SE(2)[δ,1]\mathcal{C}:SE(2) \to [\delta,1], δ>0\delta>0, computed from image data. The method consists of a first step where a SR-distance map is computed as a viscosity solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) system derived via Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (PMP). Subsequent backward integration, again relying on PMP, gives the SR-geodesics. For C=1\mathcal{C}=1 we show that our method produces the global minimizers. Comparison with exact solutions shows a remarkable accuracy of the SR-spheres and the SR-geodesics. We present numerical computations of Maxwell points and cusp points, which we again verify for the uniform cost case C=1\mathcal{C}=1. Regarding image analysis applications, tracking of elongated structures in retinal and synthetic images show that our line tracking generically deals with crossings. We show the benefits of including the sub-Riemannian geometry.Comment: Extended version of SSVM 2015 conference article "Data-driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)

    Fitting tree model with CNN and geodesics to track vesselsand application to Ultrasound Localization Microscopy data

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    Segmentation of tubular structures in vascular imaging is a well studied task, although it is rare that we try to infuse knowledge of the tree-like structure of the regions to be detected. Our work focuses on detecting the important landmarks in the vascular network (via CNN performing both localization and classification of the points of interest) and representing vessels as the edges in some minimal distance tree graph. We leverage geodesic methods relevant to the detection of vessels and their geometry, making use of the space of positions and orientations so that 2D vessels can be accurately represented as trees. We build our model to carry tracking on Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM) data, proposing to build a good cost function for tracking on this type of data. We also test our framework on synthetic and eye fundus data. Results show that scarcity of well annotated ULM data is an obstacle to localization of vascular landmarks but the Orientation Score built from ULM data yields good geodesics for tracking blood vessels.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    The complex-symplectic geometry of SL(2,C)-characters over surfaces

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    The SL(2)-character variety X of a closed surface M enjoys a natural complex-symplectic structure invariant under the mapping class group G of M. Using the ergodicity of G on the SU(2)-character variety, we deduce that every G-invariant meromorphic function on X is constant. The trace functions of closed curves on M determine regular functions which generate complex Hamiltonian flows. For simple closed curves, these complex Hamiltonian flows arise from holomorphic flows on the representation variety generalizing the Fenchel-Nielsen twist flows on Teichmueller space and the complex quakebend flows on quasi-Fuchsian space. Closed curves in the complex trajectories of these flows lift to paths in the deformation space of complex-projective structures between different projective structures with the same holonomy (grafting). A pants decomposition determines a holomorphic completely integrable system on X. This integrable system is related to the complex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates on quasi-Fuchsian space developed by Tan and Kourouniotis, and relate to recent formulas of Platis and Series on complex-length functions and complex twist flows

    Anomalies and Graded Coisotropic Branes

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    We compute the anomaly of the axial U(1) current in the A-model on a Calabi-Yau manifold, in the presence of coisotropic branes discovered by Kapustin and Orlov. Our results relate the anomaly-free condition to a recently proposed definition of graded coisotropic branes in Calabi-Yau manifolds. More specifically, we find that a coisotropic brane is anomaly-free if and only if it is gradable. We also comment on a different grading for coisotropic submanifolds introduced recently by Oh.Comment: AMS Tex, 11 page