6 research outputs found

    Neuromorphic model for sound source segregation

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    While humans can easily segregate and track a speaker's voice in a loud noisy environment, most modern speech recognition systems still perform poorly in loud background noise. The computational principles behind auditory source segregation in humans is not yet fully understood. In this dissertation, we develop a computational model for source segregation inspired by auditory processing in the brain. To support the key principles behind the computational model, we conduct a series of electro-encephalography experiments using both simple tone-based stimuli and more natural speech stimulus. Most source segregation algorithms utilize some form of prior information about the target speaker or use more than one simultaneous recording of the noisy speech mixtures. Other methods develop models on the noise characteristics. Source segregation of simultaneous speech mixtures with a single microphone recording and no knowledge of the target speaker is still a challenge. Using the principle of temporal coherence, we develop a novel computational model that exploits the difference in the temporal evolution of features that belong to different sources to perform unsupervised monaural source segregation. While using no prior information about the target speaker, this method can gracefully incorporate knowledge about the target speaker to further enhance the segregation.Through a series of EEG experiments we collect neurological evidence to support the principle behind the model. Aside from its unusual structure and computational innovations, the proposed model provides testable hypotheses of the physiological mechanisms of the remarkable perceptual ability of humans to segregate acoustic sources, and of its psychophysical manifestations in navigating complex sensory environments. Results from EEG experiments provide further insights into the assumptions behind the model and provide motivation for future single unit studies that can provide more direct evidence for the principle of temporal coherence

    Underdetermined convolutive source separation using two dimensional non-negative factorization techniques

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    PhD ThesisIn this thesis the underdetermined audio source separation has been considered, that is, estimating the original audio sources from the observed mixture when the number of audio sources is greater than the number of channels. The separation has been carried out using two approaches; the blind audio source separation and the informed audio source separation. The blind audio source separation approach depends on the mixture signal only and it assumes that the separation has been accomplished without any prior information (or as little as possible) about the sources. The informed audio source separation uses the exemplar in addition to the mixture signal to emulate the targeted speech signal to be separated. Both approaches are based on the two dimensional factorization techniques that decompose the signal into two tensors that are convolved in both the temporal and spectral directions. Both approaches are applied on the convolutive mixture and the high-reverberant convolutive mixture which are more realistic than the instantaneous mixture. In this work a novel algorithm based on the nonnegative matrix factor two dimensional deconvolution (NMF2D) with adaptive sparsity has been proposed to separate the audio sources that have been mixed in an underdetermined convolutive mixture. Additionally, a novel Gamma Exponential Process has been proposed for estimating the convolutive parameters and number of components of the NMF2D/ NTF2D, and to initialize the NMF2D parameters. In addition, the effects of different window length have been investigated to determine the best fit model that suit the characteristics of the audio signal. Furthermore, a novel algorithm, namely the fusion K models of full-rank weighted nonnegative tensor factor two dimensional deconvolution (K-wNTF2D) has been proposed. The K-wNTF2D is developed for its ability in modelling both the spectral and temporal changes, and the spatial covariance matrix that addresses the high reverberation problem. Variable sparsity that derived from the Gibbs distribution is optimized under the Itakura-Saito divergence and adapted into the K-wNTF2D model. The tensors of this algorithm have been initialized by a novel initialization method, namely the SVD two-dimensional deconvolution (SVD2D). Finally, two novel informed source separation algorithms, namely, the semi-exemplar based algorithm and the exemplar-based algorithm, have been proposed. These algorithms based on the NMF2D model and the proposed two dimensional nonnegative matrix partial co-factorization (2DNMPCF) model. The idea of incorporating the exemplar is to inform the proposed separation algorithms about the targeted signal to be separated by initializing its parameters and guide the proposed separation algorithms. The adaptive sparsity is derived for both ii of the proposed algorithms. Also, a multistage of the proposed exemplar based algorithm has been proposed in order to further enhance the separation performance. Results have shown that the proposed separation algorithms are very promising, more flexible, and offer an alternative model to the conventional methods

    New Stategies for Single-channel Speech Separation

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