4,988 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Single-Shot Detector

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    SSD is one of the state-of-the-art object detection algorithms, and it combines high detection accuracy with real-time speed. However, it is widely recognized that SSD is less accurate in detecting small objects compared to large objects, because it ignores the context from outside the proposal boxes. In this paper, we present CSSD--a shorthand for context-aware single-shot multibox object detector. CSSD is built on top of SSD, with additional layers modeling multi-scale contexts. We describe two variants of CSSD, which differ in their context layers, using dilated convolution layers (DiCSSD) and deconvolution layers (DeCSSD) respectively. The experimental results show that the multi-scale context modeling significantly improves the detection accuracy. In addition, we study the relationship between effective receptive fields (ERFs) and the theoretical receptive fields (TRFs), particularly on a VGGNet. The empirical results further strengthen our conclusion that SSD coupled with context layers achieves better detection results especially for small objects (+3.2%AP@0.5+3.2\% {\rm AP}_{@0.5} on MS-COCO compared to the newest SSD), while maintaining comparable runtime performance

    Large-Scale Optical Neural Networks based on Photoelectric Multiplication

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    Recent success in deep neural networks has generated strong interest in hardware accelerators to improve speed and energy consumption. This paper presents a new type of photonic accelerator based on coherent detection that is scalable to large (N106N \gtrsim 10^6) networks and can be operated at high (GHz) speeds and very low (sub-aJ) energies per multiply-and-accumulate (MAC), using the massive spatial multiplexing enabled by standard free-space optical components. In contrast to previous approaches, both weights and inputs are optically encoded so that the network can be reprogrammed and trained on the fly. Simulations of the network using models for digit- and image-classification reveal a "standard quantum limit" for optical neural networks, set by photodetector shot noise. This bound, which can be as low as 50 zJ/MAC, suggests performance below the thermodynamic (Landauer) limit for digital irreversible computation is theoretically possible in this device. The proposed accelerator can implement both fully-connected and convolutional networks. We also present a scheme for back-propagation and training that can be performed in the same hardware. This architecture will enable a new class of ultra-low-energy processors for deep learning.Comment: Text: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Supplementary: 8 pages, 5, figures, 2 table

    Scalable Object Detection using Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep convolutional neural networks have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance on a number of image recognition benchmarks, including the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC-2012). The winning model on the localization sub-task was a network that predicts a single bounding box and a confidence score for each object category in the image. Such a model captures the whole-image context around the objects but cannot handle multiple instances of the same object in the image without naively replicating the number of outputs for each instance. In this work, we propose a saliency-inspired neural network model for detection, which predicts a set of class-agnostic bounding boxes along with a single score for each box, corresponding to its likelihood of containing any object of interest. The model naturally handles a variable number of instances for each class and allows for cross-class generalization at the highest levels of the network. We are able to obtain competitive recognition performance on VOC2007 and ILSVRC2012, while using only the top few predicted locations in each image and a small number of neural network evaluations

    Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities

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    Understanding language goes hand in hand with the ability to integrate complex contextual information obtained via perception. In this work, we present a novel task for grounded language understanding: disambiguating a sentence given a visual scene which depicts one of the possible interpretations of that sentence. To this end, we introduce a new multimodal corpus containing ambiguous sentences, representing a wide range of syntactic, semantic and discourse ambiguities, coupled with videos that visualize the different interpretations for each sentence. We address this task by extending a vision model which determines if a sentence is depicted by a video. We demonstrate how such a model can be adjusted to recognize different interpretations of the same underlying sentence, allowing to disambiguate sentences in a unified fashion across the different ambiguity types.Comment: EMNLP 201