3 research outputs found

    Single-Letter Characterization of Epsilon-Capacity for Mixed Memoryless Channels

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    For the class of mixed channels decomposed into stationary memoryless channels, single-letter characterizations of the ε\varepsilon-capacity have not been known except for restricted classes of channels such as the regular decomposable channel introduced by Winkelbauer. This paper gives single-letter characterizations of ε\varepsilon-capacity for mixed channels decomposed into at most countably many memoryless channels with a finite input alphabet and a general output alphabet with/without cost constraints. It is shown that a given characterization reduces to the one for the channel capacity given by Ahlswede when ε\varepsilon is zero. In the proof of the coding theorem, the meta converse bound, originally given by Polyanskiy, Poor and Verd\'u, is particularized for the mixed channel decomposed into general component channels.Comment: This is an extended version of the paper submitted to the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2014

    Universal channel coding for general output alphabet

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    We propose two types of universal codes that are suited to two asymptotic regimes when the output alphabet is possibly continuous. The first class has the property that the error probability decays exponentially fast and we identify an explicit lower bound on the error exponent. The other class attains the epsilon-capacity the channel and we also identify the second-order term in the asymptotic expansion. The proposed encoder is essentially based on the packing lemma of the method of types. For the decoder, we first derive a R\'enyi-relative-entropy version of Clarke and Barron's formula the distance between the true distribution and the Bayesian mixture, which is of independent interest. The universal decoder is stated in terms of this formula and quantities used in the information spectrum method. The methods contained herein allow us to analyze universal codes for channels with continuous and discrete output alphabets in a unified manner, and to analyze their performances in terms of the exponential decay of the error probability and the second-order coding rate.Comment: Several typos are fixe

    Shannon meets von Neumann: A Minimax Theorem for Channel Coding in the Presence of a Jammer

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    We study the setting of channel coding over a family of channels whose state is controlled by an adversarial jammer by viewing it as a zero-sum game between a finite blocklength encoder-decoder team, and the jammer. The encoder-decoder team choose stochastic encoding and decoding strategies to minimize the average probability of error in transmission, while the jammer chooses a distribution on the state-space to maximize this probability. The min-max value of this game is equivalent to channel coding for a compound channel -- we call this the Shannon solution of the problem. The max-min value corresponds to finding a mixed channel with the largest value of the minimum achievable probability of error. When the min-max and max-min values are equal, the problem is said to admit a saddle-point or von Neumann solution. While a Shannon solution always exists, a von Neumann solution need not, owing to inherent nonconvexity in the communicating team's problem. Despite this, we show that the min-max and max-min values become equal asymptotically in the large blocklength limit, for all but finitely many rates. We explicitly characterize this limiting value as a function of the rate and obtain tight finite blocklength bounds on the min-max and max-min value. As a corollary we get an explicit expression for the ϵ\epsilon-capacity of a compound channel under stochastic codes -- the first such result, to the best of our knowledge. Our results demonstrate a deeper relation between the compound channel and mixed channel than was previously known. They also show that the conventional information-theoretic viewpoint, articulated via the Shannon solution, coincides asymptotically with the game-theoretic one articulated via the von Neumann solution.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor