1 research outputs found

    IEEE Transactions on Communications: Vol. 63, No. 9, September 2015

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    1. Wideband Millimeter-Wave Propagation Measurements and Channel Models for Future Wireless Communication System Design / T. S. Rappaport, G. R. MacCartney, Jr., M.K. Samimi, S. Sun Coding 2. Fountain Code Design for Broadcasting Systems With Intermediate-State Users / Y. Suh, J. Baik, N. Rahnavard, J. Heo 3. Adaptive Read Thresholds for NAND Flash / B. Peleato, R. Agarwal, J.M. Cioffi, M. Qin, P.H. Siegel 4. Quickest Wideband Spectrum Sensing Over Correlated Channels / A Tajer, J. Heydari 5. Energy - Efficient Resource Management in OFDM / Based Cognitive Radio Networks Under Channel Uncertainty - S. wang, W. Shi, C. Wang 6. On the Route Priority for Cognitive Radio Networks / A. S. Cacciapuoti, M. Caleffi, F. Marino, L. Paura 7. A Sparsity - Aware Cooperative Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy-Harvesting Primary User / A. El Shafie, N. Al-Dhahir, R. Hamila 8. Optimum Combining for Cooperative Relaying in a Poisson Field of Interferers / N. Suraweera N.C. Beaulieu 9. Cooperative Beamforming for Two-Hop Multi-Relay Decode-and-Forward Networks / H. Moharres, A. Olfat, N.C. Beaulieu 10. Energy-Efficient OFDMA-Based Two-Way Relay / C. Xiong, L. Lu, G.Y. Li 11. Power Allocation for Decode-and-Forward Relay in Gateway Channels / Y. Im, J. H. Lee, W. Choi 12. Energy-Efficient Subcarrier Assignment and Power Allocation in OFDMA Systems With Max-Min Fairness Guarantees / Y. Li, M. Sheng, C. W. Tan, Y. zhang, Y. Sun, X. Wang, Y.Shi, J. Li 13. On The Correlation Space of the Biproduct Coefficient Matrix Structure / N. C. Beaulieu and Y. Zhang 14. Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Turbo Equalization With Various Soft Interference Cancellation Schemes for MIMO Systems / J. Tao 15. Capacity of SIMO and MISO Phase-Noise Channels With Common/ Separate / M. Reza Khanzadi, Giuseppe Durisi, Thomas Eriksson 16. Rate Analysis of Two- Receiver MISO Broadcast Channel With Finite Rate Feedback : A Rate - Splitting Approach / Chenxi Hao, Yueping Wu, Bruno Clerckx. 17. Training-Based Antenna Selection for PER Minimization : A POMDP Approach / S. Padmanabhan, R.G. Stephen, C.R. Murthy, M. Coupechoux Etc