146,937 research outputs found

    Single-Agent and Game-Tree Search

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    Swarm intelligence in cooperative environments: n-step dynamic tree search algorithm overview

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    Reinforcement learning tree-based planning methods have been gaining popularity in the last few years due to their success in single-agent domains, where a perfect simulator model is available: for example, Go and chess strategic board games. This paper pretends to extend tree search algorithms to the multiagent setting in a decentralized structure, dealing with scalability issues and exponential growth of computational resources. The n-step dynamic tree search combines forward planning and direct temporal-difference updates, outperforming markedly conventional tabular algorithms such as Q learning and state-action-reward-state-action (SARSA). Future state transitions and rewards are predicted with a model built and learned from real interactions between agents and the environment. This paper analyzes the developed algorithm in the hunter–pursuit cooperative game against stochastic and intelligent evaders. The n-step dynamic tree search aims to adapt single-agent tree search learning methods to the multiagent boundaries and is demonstrated to be a remarkable advance as compared to conventional temporal-difference techniques

    Swarm intelligence in cooperative environments: N-step dynamic tree search algorithm extended analysis

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    Reinforcement learning tree-based planning methods have been gaining popularity in the last few years due to their success in single-agent domains, where a perfect simulator model is available, e.g., Go and chess strategic board games. This paper pretends to extend tree search algorithms to the multi-agent setting in a decentralized structure, dealing with scalability issues and exponential growth of computational resources. The N-Step Dynamic Tree Search combines forward planning and direct temporal-difference updates, outperforming markedly state-of-the-art algorithms such as Q-Learning and SARSA. Future state transitions and rewards are predicted with a model built and learned from real interactions between agents and the environment. As an extension of previous work, this paper analyses the developed algorithm in the Hunter-Pursuit cooperative game against intelligent evaders. The N-Step Dynamic Tree Search aims to adapt the most successful single-agent learning methods to the multi-agent boundaries and demonstrates to be a remarkable advance compared to conventional temporal-difference techniques.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC): 2454254. BAE System

    Self-adaptive MCTS for General Video Game Playing

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    Monte-carlo tree search (mcts) has shown particular success in general game playing (ggp) and general video game playing (gvgp) and many enhancements and variants have been developed. Recently, an on-line adaptive parameter tuning mechanism for mcts agents has been proposed that almost achieves the same performance as off-line tuning in ggp.in this paper we apply the same approach to gvgp and use the popular general video game ai (gvgai) framework, in which the time allowed to make a decision is only 40 ms. We design three self-adaptive mcts (sa-mcts) agents that optimize on-line the parameters of a standard non-self-adaptive mcts agent of gvgai. The three agents select the parameter values using naïve monte-carlo, an evolutionary algorithm and an n-tuple bandit evolutionary algorithm respectively, and are tested on 20 single-player games of gvgai.the sa-mcts agents achieve more robust results on the tested games. With the same time setting, they perform similarly to the baseline standard mcts agent in the games for which the baseline agent performs well, and significantly improve the win rate in the games for which the baseline agent performs poorly. As validation, we also test the performance of non-self-adaptive mcts instances that use the most sampled parameter settings during the on-line tuning of each of the three sa-mcts agents for each game. Results show that these parameter settings improve the win rate on the games wait for breakfast and escape by 4 times and 150 times, respectively

    The effect of simulation bias on action selection in Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. August 2016.Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a family of directed search algorithms that has gained widespread attention in recent years. It combines a traditional tree-search approach with Monte Carlo simulations, using the outcome of these simulations (also known as playouts or rollouts) to evaluate states in a look-ahead tree. That MCTS does not require an evaluation function makes it particularly well-suited to the game of Go — seen by many to be chess’s successor as a grand challenge of artificial intelligence — with MCTS-based agents recently able to achieve expert-level play on 19×19 boards. Furthermore, its domain-independent nature also makes it a focus in a variety of other fields, such as Bayesian reinforcement learning and general game-playing. Despite the vast amount of research into MCTS, the dynamics of the algorithm are still not yet fully understood. In particular, the effect of using knowledge-heavy or biased simulations in MCTS still remains unknown, with interesting results indicating that better-informed rollouts do not necessarily result in stronger agents. This research provides support for the notion that MCTS is well-suited to a class of domain possessing a smoothness property. In these domains, biased rollouts are more likely to produce strong agents. Conversely, any error due to incorrect bias is compounded in non-smooth domains, and in particular for low-variance simulations. This is demonstrated empirically in a number of single-agent domains.LG201

    Fast Approximate Max-n Monte Carlo Tree Search for Ms Pac-Man

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    We present an application of Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) for the game of Ms Pac-Man. Contrary to most applications of MCTS to date, Ms Pac-Man requires almost real-time decision making and does not have a natural end state. We approached the problem by performing Monte Carlo tree searches on a five player maxn tree representation of the game with limited tree search depth. We performed a number of experiments using both the MCTS game agents (for pacman and ghosts) and agents used in previous work (for ghosts). Performance-wise, our approach gets excellent scores, outperforming previous non-MCTS opponent approaches to the game by up to two orders of magnitude. © 2011 IEEE

    Shallow decision-making analysis in General Video Game Playing

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    The General Video Game AI competitions have been the testing ground for several techniques for game playing, such as evolutionary computation techniques, tree search algorithms, hyper heuristic based or knowledge based algorithms. So far the metrics used to evaluate the performance of agents have been win ratio, game score and length of games. In this paper we provide a wider set of metrics and a comparison method for evaluating and comparing agents. The metrics and the comparison method give shallow introspection into the agent's decision making process and they can be applied to any agent regardless of its algorithmic nature. In this work, the metrics and the comparison method are used to measure the impact of the terms that compose a tree policy of an MCTS based agent, comparing with several baseline agents. The results clearly show how promising such general approach is and how it can be useful to understand the behaviour of an AI agent, in particular, how the comparison with baseline agents can help understanding the shape of the agent decision landscape. The presented metrics and comparison method represent a step toward to more descriptive ways of logging and analysing agent's behaviours
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