418 research outputs found

    You Only Look Yourself: Unsupervised and Untrained Single Image Dehazing Neural Network

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    In this paper, we study two challenging and less-touched problems in single image dehazing, namely, how to make deep learning achieve image dehazing without training on the ground-truth clean image (unsupervised) and a image collection (untrained). An unsupervised neural network will avoid the intensive labor collection of hazy-clean image pairs, and an untrained model is a ``real'' single image dehazing approach which could remove haze based on only the observed hazy image itself and no extra images is used. Motivated by the layer disentanglement idea, we propose a novel method, called you only look yourself (\textbf{YOLY}) which could be one of the first unsupervised and untrained neural networks for image dehazing. In brief, YOLY employs three jointly subnetworks to separate the observed hazy image into several latent layers, \textit{i.e.}, scene radiance layer, transmission map layer, and atmospheric light layer. After that, these three layers are further composed to the hazy image in a self-supervised manner. Thanks to the unsupervised and untrained characteristics of YOLY, our method bypasses the conventional training paradigm of deep models on hazy-clean pairs or a large scale dataset, thus avoids the labor-intensive data collection and the domain shift issue. Besides, our method also provides an effective learning-based haze transfer solution thanks to its layer disentanglement mechanism. Extensive experiments show the promising performance of our method in image dehazing compared with 14 methods on four databases

    The Effectiveness of Instance Normalization: a Strong Baseline for Single Image Dehazing

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    We propose a novel deep neural network architecture for the challenging problem of single image dehazing, which aims to recover the clear image from a degraded hazy image. Instead of relying on hand-crafted image priors or explicitly estimating the components of the widely used atmospheric scattering model, our end-to-end system directly generates the clear image from an input hazy image. The proposed network has an encoder-decoder architecture with skip connections and instance normalization. We adopt the convolutional layers of the pre-trained VGG network as encoder to exploit the representation power of deep features, and demonstrate the effectiveness of instance normalization for image dehazing. Our simple yet effective network outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on the benchmark datasets

    Progressive Feature Fusion Network for Realistic Image Dehazing

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    Single image dehazing is a challenging ill-posed restoration problem. Various prior-based and learning-based methods have been proposed. Most of them follow a classic atmospheric scattering model which is an elegant simplified physical model based on the assumption of single-scattering and homogeneous atmospheric medium. The formulation of haze in realistic environment is more complicated. In this paper, we propose to take its essential mechanism as "black box", and focus on learning an input-adaptive trainable end-to-end dehazing model. An U-Net like encoder-decoder deep network via progressive feature fusions has been proposed to directly learn highly nonlinear transformation function from observed hazy image to haze-free ground-truth. The proposed network is evaluated on two public image dehazing benchmarks. The experiments demonstrate that it can achieve superior performance when compared with popular state-of-the-art methods. With efficient GPU memory usage, it can satisfactorily recover ultra high definition hazed image up to 4K resolution, which is unaffordable by many deep learning based dehazing algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 tables, accepted by ACCV201

    A Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network for Single Image Dehazing

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    Images captured under outdoor scenes usually suffer from low contrast and limited visibility due to suspended atmospheric particles, which directly affects the quality of photos. Despite numerous image dehazing methods have been proposed, effective hazy image restoration remains a challenging problem. Existing learning-based methods usually predict the medium transmission by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), but ignore the key global atmospheric light. Different from previous learning-based methods, we propose a flexible cascaded CNN for single hazy image restoration, which considers the medium transmission and global atmospheric light jointly by two task-driven subnetworks. Specifically, the medium transmission estimation subnetwork is inspired by the densely connected CNN while the global atmospheric light estimation subnetwork is a light-weight CNN. Besides, these two subnetworks are cascaded by sharing the common features. Finally, with the estimated model parameters, the haze-free image is obtained by the atmospheric scattering model inversion, which achieves more accurate and effective restoration performance. Qualitatively and quantitatively experimental results on the synthetic and real-world hazy images demonstrate that the proposed method effectively removes haze from such images, and outperforms several state-of-the-art dehazing methods.Comment: This manuscript is accepted by IEEE ACCES

    Does Haze Removal Help CNN-based Image Classification?

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    Hazy images are common in real scenarios and many dehazing methods have been developed to automatically remove the haze from images. Typically, the goal of image dehazing is to produce clearer images from which human vision can better identify the object and structural details present in the images. When the ground-truth haze-free image is available for a hazy image, quantitative evaluation of image dehazing is usually based on objective metrics, such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM). However, in many applications, large-scale images are collected not for visual examination by human. Instead, they are used for many high-level vision tasks, such as automatic classification, recognition and categorization. One fundamental problem here is whether various dehazing methods can produce clearer images that can help improve the performance of the high-level tasks. In this paper, we empirically study this problem in the important task of image classification by using both synthetic and real hazy image datasets. From the experimental results, we find that the existing image-dehazing methods cannot improve much the image-classification performance and sometimes even reduce the image-classification performance

    DR-Net: Transmission Steered Single Image Dehazing Network with Weakly Supervised Refinement

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    Despite the recent progress in image dehazing, several problems remain largely unsolved such as robustness for varying scenes, the visual quality of reconstructed images, and effectiveness and flexibility for applications. To tackle these problems, we propose a new deep network architecture for single image dehazing called DR-Net. Our model consists of three main subnetworks: a transmission prediction network that predicts transmission map for the input image, a haze removal network that reconstructs latent image steered by the transmission map, and a refinement network that enhances the details and color properties of the dehazed result via weakly supervised learning. Compared to previous methods, our method advances in three aspects: (i) pure data-driven model; (ii) the end-to-end system; (iii) superior robustness, accuracy, and applicability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our DR-Net outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic and real images in qualitative and quantitative metrics. Additionally, the utility of DR-Net has been illustrated by its potential usage in several important computer vision tasks.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to CVPR 201

    Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing using Deep Networks

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    Single image haze removal is an extremely challenging problem due to its inherent ill-posed nature. Several prior-based and learning-based methods have been proposed in the literature to solve this problem and they have achieved superior results. However, most of the existing methods assume constant atmospheric light model and tend to follow a two-step procedure involving prior-based methods for estimating transmission map followed by calculation of dehazed image using the closed form solution. In this paper, we relax the constant atmospheric light assumption and propose a novel unified single image dehazing network that jointly estimates the transmission map and performs dehazing. In other words, our new approach provides an end-to-end learning framework, where the inherent transmission map and dehazed result are learned directly from the loss function. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real datasets with challenging hazy images demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: This paper has been accepted in IEEE-TCSV

    An All-in-One Network for Dehazing and Beyond

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    This paper proposes an image dehazing model built with a convolutional neural network (CNN), called All-in-One Dehazing Network (AOD-Net). It is designed based on a re-formulated atmospheric scattering model. Instead of estimating the transmission matrix and the atmospheric light separately as most previous models did, AOD-Net directly generates the clean image through a light-weight CNN. Such a novel end-to-end design makes it easy to embed AOD-Net into other deep models, e.g., Faster R-CNN, for improving high-level task performance on hazy images. Experimental results on both synthesized and natural hazy image datasets demonstrate our superior performance than the state-of-the-art in terms of PSNR, SSIM and the subjective visual quality. Furthermore, when concatenating AOD-Net with Faster R-CNN and training the joint pipeline from end to end, we witness a large improvement of the object detection performance on hazy images

    Single Image Haze Removal using a Generative Adversarial Network

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    Traditional methods to remove haze from images rely on estimating a transmission map. When dealing with single images, this becomes an ill-posed problem due to the lack of depth information. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end learning based approach which uses a modified conditional Generative Adversarial Network to directly remove haze from an image. We employ the usage of the Tiramisu model in place of the classic U-Net model as the generator owing to its higher parameter efficiency and performance. Moreover, a patch based discriminator was used to reduce artefacts in the output. To further improve the perceptual quality of the output, a hybrid weighted loss function was designed and used to train the model. Experiments on synthetic and real world hazy images demonstrates that our model performs competitively with the state of the art methods.Comment: Accepted for the WiSPNET 2020 conference. Please refer to the GitHub repository for information on updates to the paper: https://github.com/thatbrguy/Dehaze-GA

    Cycle-Dehaze: Enhanced CycleGAN for Single Image Dehazing

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    In this paper, we present an end-to-end network, called Cycle-Dehaze, for single image dehazing problem, which does not require pairs of hazy and corresponding ground truth images for training. That is, we train the network by feeding clean and hazy images in an unpaired manner. Moreover, the proposed approach does not rely on estimation of the atmospheric scattering model parameters. Our method enhances CycleGAN formulation by combining cycle-consistency and perceptual losses in order to improve the quality of textural information recovery and generate visually better haze-free images. Typically, deep learning models for dehazing take low resolution images as input and produce low resolution outputs. However, in the NTIRE 2018 challenge on single image dehazing, high resolution images were provided. Therefore, we apply bicubic downscaling. After obtaining low-resolution outputs from the network, we utilize the Laplacian pyramid to upscale the output images to the original resolution. We conduct experiments on NYU-Depth, I-HAZE, and O-HAZE datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach improves CycleGAN method both quantitatively and qualitatively.Comment: Accepted at CVPRW: NTIRE 201