31 research outputs found

    Deep Networks for Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Prior

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    Deep learning techniques have been successfully applied in many areas of computer vision, including low-level image restoration problems. For image super-resolution, several models based on deep neural networks have been recently proposed and attained superior performance that overshadows all previous handcrafted models. The question then arises whether large-capacity and data-driven models have become the dominant solution to the ill-posed super-resolution problem. In this paper, we argue that domain expertise represented by the conventional sparse coding model is still valuable, and it can be combined with the key ingredients of deep learning to achieve further improved results. We show that a sparse coding model particularly designed for super-resolution can be incarnated as a neural network, and trained in a cascaded structure from end to end. The interpretation of the network based on sparse coding leads to much more efficient and effective training, as well as a reduced model size. Our model is evaluated on a wide range of images, and shows clear advantage over existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of both restoration accuracy and human subjective quality

    Single Image Super-Resolution Using Lightweight CNN with Maxout Units

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    Rectified linear units (ReLU) are well-known to be helpful in obtaining faster convergence and thus higher performance for many deep-learning-based applications. However, networks with ReLU tend to perform poorly when the number of filter parameters is constrained to a small number. To overcome it, in this paper, we propose a novel network utilizing maxout units (MU), and show its effectiveness on super-resolution (SR) applications. In general, the MU has been known to make the filter sizes doubled in generating the feature maps of the same sizes in classification problems. In this paper, we first reveal that the MU can even make the filter sizes halved in restoration problems thus leading to compaction of the network sizes. To show this, our SR network is designed without increasing the filter sizes with MU, which outperforms the state of the art SR methods with a smaller number of filter parameters. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to incorporate MU into SR applications and show promising performance results. In MU, feature maps from a previous convolutional layer are divided into two parts along channels, which are then compared element-wise and only their max values are passed to a next layer. Along with some interesting properties of MU to be analyzed, we further investigate other variants of MU and their effects. In addition, while ReLU have a trouble for learning in networks with a very small number of convolutional filter parameters, MU do not. For SR applications, our MU-based network reconstructs high-resolution images with comparable quality compared to previous deep-learning-based SR methods, with lower filter parameters.Comment: ACCV201